October death toll in Iraq is highest in five years

  • 11 years ago
October has been Iraq’s deadliest month since April 2008 with 964 people killed.

A further 1,600 people were wounded after a wave of car bombs in mainly Shia areas.

The latest figures come as Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri Al-Maliki is in Washington to meet with US President Barack Obama.

Maliki used his visit to appeal for more help in dealing with the insurgents, telling an audience at Washington’s US Institute of Peace that “we don’t tell the world to stand by us and support us, rather, we are a part of the world so we have a right to ask the world for help.”

“If what happens in Iraq is not dealt with, it will spread, and if what happens in Syria, is not dealt with, it will also spread and what happens in any country where the virus of terrorism lives, this virus will spread. This is the responsibility of the international community,” added Maliki.

Outside the US Institute of Peace there were protests against the Iraqi prime minister.

Malikia has been criticised for not including Sunni and Kurdish minorities in his government.

Meanwhile a group of US senators has written an open letter to Obama accusing Maliki of taking Iraq back towards civil war and of being too close to the Iranian government.
