Five-year-old Palestinian detained in West Bank

  • 11 years ago
Video shot by an Israeli human rights group shows a Palestinian boy weeping as he is taken away by the Israeli army in the West Bank city of Hebron.

Five-year-old Wadi Maswadeh was detained on Tuesday for throwing stones, which Israeli officials said endangered bystanders.

On Friday, the boy said he had been aiming a stone at a dog.

His father, Karam, who was questioned over the incident by Israeli authorities, said he was blindfolded and bound before the two were handed over to Palestinian police, who later released them.

B'Tselem said the boy's detention by the military was illegal, as the age of criminal responsibility in the West Bank and Israel is 12.

The United Nations released a report in June, accusing Israel of mistreating and even torturing Palestinian children.

The divided city of Hebron is home to around 800 Jewish settlers and 200,000 Palestinians, and is a frequent flashpoint.
