Kidney Gallbladder Cleanse (Glytamins)

  • 11 years ago

Americans are probably the most squeaky clean people on earth with their daily showers and deodorants. But inside, they are full of all uncleanness from unhealthy diets. It is estimated that 16 million Americans are afflicted with gallstones. These stones are deposits of cholesterol or calcium combined with bile. Bile or gall is a secretion produced by the liver to emulsify fats so that they can be digested. One possible cause of gallstones is the body's lack of ability to digest certain fatty or processed foods. Sometimes these gallstones pass harmlessly into the intestine, but they can also block up the ducts of the gallbladder. When this happens, the duct contracts in an effort to dislodge the blockage and the result is excruciating pain. To make matters worse, the pain is frequently accompanied by vomiting.

Gallstones is the fifth cause of hospital admission and the third most common surgical procedure. But surgery is not the only answer. Imagine being able to remove these gallstones painlessly, without a knife and without a doctor. If you do the Gallbladder Cleanse, you won't bear the marks of surgery on your body, but you will have the proof that this cleanse works when you see the gallstones released into the toilet.

Common symptoms include chronic gas, belching, pain, bloating, jaundice, headache, bad temper, sluggishness, nerves, or severe pain in right abdomen under rib cage. You may have gallstones even though you have none of these symptoms.

Hydrogenated fats and oils are thought to cause gallstones because they are difficult to digest. Hydrogenated fats and oils are preferred by fast food restaurants and other processed food companies because they can be stored on the shelf for years without going rancid. This lack of spoilage on the shelf is a real advantage for food preparers, but is devastating for those who eat the food. While hydrogenated fats and oils don't easily spoil outside the body, once you ingest them, they turn rancid. And rancid fats are toxic to the body.

The following items also contribute toward gallstone formation:

cola drinks
red meat
artificial sweeteners
