Gallbladder Surgery (Glytamins)

  • 11 years ago

We know of a man who complained of severe indigestion. In desperation, he visited his local medical doctor. Upon examining the patient, the doctor found gallstones were causing the pain.

The doctor lost no time in taking care of the problem. He told the patient that his gallbladder must be removed immediately. He was sent directly to the hospital and scheduled for gallbladder surgery. The patient was so weakened by pain that he readily accepted the doctor's advice. Everything happened so quickly that he had no time to go back home and consider alternative solutions.

The patient is now at home recovering from major surgery. It will take many months of rehabilitation for his body to function normally again, if it ever does. He also has a large scar across his abdomen that will be tender for a long time. What are the results of his surgery? He now has no gallbladder and no appendix, which they also took out in the bargain. The operation cost thousands of dollars and weeks of lost work. And that is not the worst of it. Unless this man changes to a more natural diet, his body will continue forming gallstones. They will lodge in the small pocket left from the surgery. All of this pain, suffering and expense might have been avoided if this man had known about the Gallbladder Cleanse. Even when he was in his crisis situation just prior to the surgery, he could have still tried the cleanse.

Removal of the gallbladder is a common operation. If you elect to have this surgery, prices start at $10,000 for the surgery alone. Doctors can go in and remove just the gallstones, but the stones will return. Their solution is to take out the gallbladder. They have been taught that the gallbladder is an unnecessary organ, so why not remove it. Unfortunately, gallbladder surgery does not always solve the problem since stones can still form. Many people who no longer have a gallbladder do this cleanse and pass gallstones.

Incidentally, when doctors take out the gallbladder, which is major surgery, they usually take out the appendix as part of the package deal and you lose two vital organs. Some doctors know about this Gallbladder Cleanse and that it effectively removes gallstones, but doing surgery is just too profitable for them.
