• 2 days ago
(Adnkronos) - “Sostanzialmente gli italiani sono ancora soddisfatti del servizio sanitario nazionale e auspicano ulteriori investimenti. Tuttavia segnalano criticità in merito a lunghe liste d’attesa e carenza di personale medico e sanitario”. Questo il quadro che Chiara Ferrari, Lead of Public Affairs di Ipsos, ha illustrato in occasione dell’evento “Inventing for Life Health Summit - Investing for Life: la salute conta!” organizzato a Roma da Msd Italia e giunto alla sua settima edizione.


00:00The main results give us a picture of some interesting changes, some elements of stability
00:12and some small criticism.
00:16So let's say that Italians are substantially still satisfied with the national health service
00:22and are looking forward to further investments, especially in the public sector.
00:27However, there are some elements of criticism to be pointed out,
00:32and these are in particular the long waiting lists, which the Minister has also mentioned,
00:39as well as the focus of some solutions already in place,
00:43and the lack of medical and sanitary staff.
00:49This, however, is not an obstacle to the improvement of some elements,
00:57including greater benevolence towards vaccines,
01:05greater awareness of the usefulness of preventive practices,
01:11therefore of all exams, especially in the oncological field,
01:15and also an adherence to the digitization of medicine,
01:22which facilitates interactions between doctor and patient.
01:30On this, if I may make a small point, it is obvious that there is no total adherence,
01:36as the digital literacy of the Italian population is not yet complete,
01:42and therefore the risk is to see some inequalities increase,
01:46both territorial, as has been seen very well in the survey,
01:51but also of gender, because unfortunately in terms of literacy
01:56women are still a step behind
02:00among the popular groups and among the elderly population.
