Boycott Israel , Never Purchase any Israeli Product

  • 15 years ago
Hi Every Body i hope all of you will be fair and justice and you will respond to these Apeal By Real Boycott ISrael, Boycotting ISrael by never purchasing any israel Products or Services, the Bar code of Israel always begins with 729 , also Boycott any company or person or product or services which supports israel also when you come to Boycott those products which supports israel if you can you can do your best to show them that you boycott them because they are supporting israel and that you will never stop Boycotting them except after they Stop supporting israel, Why we boycott Israel Israel is killing children , killing womens ,normal civilians , they Attack all the religion all around the world even they attacked juses last week or month on their T.v which makes me and all world are angry they also Attacks Muslims and even the people who don't beleive in God like Atheism they attack them they think that all world should be zionism , By Boycotting them you are helping to stop more crimes and Stop killing young Children, even only Real Jews around the world who refuses to go to israel is saying that israel is zionism country and zionism is opposit to juaidism, and that juaidism is against zionism and any jews who will go to israel is against god and Torah , and jews say that Torah Forbbides land of israel, so it is 100% clear who is right and who is Wrong Boycott BOycott Be Fair Dont forget that we need to live in Peace and the only way to live in peace is to stop their crimes and Boycotting them will help lot thanks
