Israeli Goods & Cancer , Israel Goods exposes people with ca

  • 15 years ago
many people were exposed to cancer it has shown recenly that those people who were exposed to cancer was because they were using israelian Goods from food and Drinks, even some children were exposed to cancer because they were using toys which were made in Israel , they have made their researches they found that israel is Exposed to Radiation of ammunition all time i mean exposed to bombs and rockets radiation most of time which effects their agriculture land industries and every thing there , even it has shown that israel is building their Nuclear power plants next to their inhabitant places which affects their products since the doctors and sceintists have approved that most of israeli goods were full of radiation which leads to cancer, also they shown that very big portion who are living inside israel are having cancer and die from cancer that's all because of radiation of their nuclear power plants which next to them and Weapons, since they have found that cancer was expanding since 1951 and no person knows the reason behind these expansion but recently they found that more than 60% of people who were using israli goods were exposed cancer we are trying to make people aware of these that we can limit cancer many people are dying yearly from cancer which the sceintists thinks these cancer comes from using israeli goods which is full of radiation thanks
