Atheism , Religions , Holy Books Errors , Islam , Quran

  • 15 years ago
Hi to all people specially to people who don't beleive in God mainly there is God, i know that before you said there is no god you have searched lot in many religions and there Holy books and you find many errors in those holy books, my advice to you is to search at islam and quran you will not find any one error because it is the last true religion, mainly other religions are true sended from god but why there is errors in there books because they were corrupted by people and they altered what was inside it but quran is never corrupted , because god says inside it he will keep it safe so please rethink again you will find god but these time try to search at islam iam sure if you are serious you will know that these is the truth these is big chance don't lose it because once you died and you were not beleiving in god you will go to hell fire so please think again don't think that iam competing you we are not in a game or don't think iam your enemey iam not enemey to any person iam just trying to advice you because iam afraid about you because iam sure there is god 100% and there is hereafter so i know what will happen so trying to help you thanks
