Emmerdale 9th October 2024

  • 2 days ago
Emmerdale 9th October 2024


00:30I see you finally caved and went for the whisky, instead of just a quiet moment.
00:39Well, a person can only take so much.
00:42You took my advice. You spoke to Will.
00:45That was the plan. Till he showed up with company. Female company.
00:52He's got someone up there?
00:55Right now?
00:56Since yesterday.
00:57Do you know her?
01:01I mean, they did look pretty cosy when I saw them together in the pub, but I never thought anything of it.
01:14I guess I should probably just...
01:16Maybe you should.
01:34You alright?
01:35Yeah, I'm good. You?
01:37Yeah, just been to pick a few things up for Samson. Going up to see him tomorrow.
01:41That's nice.
01:43Me and Lydia missed you yesterday. We're looking forward to spending a bit of time with you and Esther.
01:48Yeah, something came up.
01:55Already telling you what to do, is he?
02:00Samson's gonna be away for a while. Esther's the closest thing we've got to him. He can't keep her from us.
02:06Yeah, I don't want to do that.
02:08Then don't let him poison you against us.
02:10This has got nothing to do with Tom, OK?
02:12This is all me, and I'm not really comfortable bringing my child around violent people.
02:16People? This is Belle we're talking about, not some random off the streets. She's family.
02:21Yeah, and Esther's mine. I have to keep her safe.
02:43If you're here to tell me you sorted me a hiker, I might just kiss you.
02:47I can do one better than that. I've got one for sale. It's in good nick, and it's within budget.
02:52All right. You're a lifesaver.
02:54Well, then, where's this amazing car, then?
02:57Bradford. We could pick up the hire car and drive up there, if you like.
03:00What, now?
03:01Yeah, have you got something better to do?
03:02I've got a session with a regular client. I can't just drop it last minute. Tomorrow?
03:07Well, it might be gone by tomorrow, mate. It's a really good deal.
03:11Hey, you still out here?
03:13We've got tons to do before we pick up Evan from hospital. We've got to get the place spotless.
03:17I don't want him getting an infection on the first day.
03:19I was just saying hi to Mac.
03:23Great news about Evan.
03:24Yeah, thanks. He coming? Please, I just really want to get this all done.
03:29Actually, Mac was just telling me about a deal he's got on a really good car, so I was thinking about checking it out.
03:36It's only in Bradford.
03:37Today? Not happening?
03:39Look, it's a quick in and out, back before you know it.
03:41Oh, why can't I wait till tomorrow?
03:43Because it's in really good nick, and it's a decent price, it might be gone by tomorrow. Right, Mac?
03:48Sure. Yep.
03:52In and out?
03:59I thought you had a PT client?
04:01Yeah, I do.
04:02Okay, so we're not going to Bradford, then?
04:04No, no. Look, it's complicated, alright? I'll catch you later, yeah?
04:12Lovely, thank you. Oh, I can't remember the last time we did this.
04:17Just you and me, having a cheeky sandwich, coffee.
04:22Are you going to make this weird?
04:24What's weird about spending quality time with your mum?
04:27You said you wanted to talk, so talk.
04:30Well, I just wanted to apologise for being a bit full on in the last few days.
04:36A bit?
04:37A bit like a mad woman, really.
04:39But it's just, I know you're a grown-up, and you're going to be doing, you know, grown-up things, and I'm okay with that.
04:47So, shall we start over again?
04:49Yeah, yeah, I'd like that.
04:54Hello, hello, hello.
04:56Someone's got it all this morning, guilty as charged.
04:59Waking up in the same house as Kim today was not the worst thing in the world.
05:03Wait, you two are back together?
05:06What? No, no, no.
05:08Then why?
05:09Remember when she had a gentleman call her the other day?
05:12Well, two can play at that game.
05:14You didn't.
05:15Oh, I absolutely did.
05:17But where did you even find a woman brave enough to venture into Kim's den?
05:22Who is this creature who doesn't value her own existence?
05:27You slept with Kerry?
05:28Why don't you just shout it from rooftops?
05:31Look, I've done note that she hadn't done.
05:34Except Kim is acting out of anger because of your betrayal.
05:40What's your excuse?
05:57You're out and about, no visible signs of blood on your clothes.
06:00I take it Will's still alive, then?
06:02For now.
06:04You know, this is all Gabby's fault.
06:07If she'd just agreed to have lunch at the house instead of this place,
06:10then I wouldn't have to deal with...
06:15Hey, Will.
06:16Oh, just when I thought it couldn't get any worse.
06:18Right, well, what is taking you so long?
06:20Because, you know, it's not a good look to keep a girl waiting.
06:25OK, I'll see you then.
06:27Oh, finally I could use a drink now.
06:30Oh, not the bloody Mary, please.
06:32This is the only thing that's keeping the pounding from my head.
06:36Well, it serves you right for getting so drunk.
06:39Just a sec.
06:42You see that?
06:44Nobody respects me any more.
06:46They just think they can say and do whatever they like.
06:49And you know why?
06:52Because Will's doing it and I'm letting him.
06:54Oh, sorry about that. What can I get you?
06:57Besides the terrible service?
07:00We're a little short-staffed today. Sorry about the wait.
07:03Yeah, well, don't be sorry. It'd be better.
07:05And, no, I won't be having anything. I've lost my appetite.
07:08I'll have another coffee, thanks.
07:12I know you're upset, but you're taking it out on the wrong person.
07:17No, we don't have to stay.
07:19We can just leave.
07:21And give her the satisfaction.
07:23No, I'm not going to waste my time or anger on her.
07:26This is between me and Will.
07:48You OK?
07:49Yeah, sorry. I thought you were Billy in a hire car.
07:52We're supposed to be picking up Evan from the hospital today.
07:55He's coming home.
08:01Dawn, that's amazing news!
08:04Although we've not got off to the best start.
08:06We were meant to be on the road half an hour ago.
08:08Billy's gone to get this car with Mac and he's not come back yet.
08:11Oh. Well, is there anything I can do?
08:13I mean, I'm meant to be meeting Kim for lunch,
08:15but I'm not really in the mood for her 101 suggestions
08:18as to how I can run my business any better.
08:20Can your magic Billy back, please?
08:22All out of magic. I'm sorry.
08:24I can't believe he's done this.
08:26Today of all days.
08:27Well, have you tried to phone him?
08:29Yeah. It's just going straight to voicemail.
08:33This is just not how I imagined it would be.
08:36We're already late. The house isn't clean enough.
08:39Hey, hey, look.
08:40I'm sure Billy's got some excuses why he's not here yet.
08:43He wouldn't miss this for the world.
08:45I just want it to go smoothly, you know?
08:47We've only got three weeks before he goes back
08:49for his consolidation phase.
08:51Consolidation phase?
08:54I'm spending so much time around doctors,
08:56I'm starting to sound like one.
08:58It's basically another round of chemo.
09:01But more harsh.
09:03And these little breaks are the only time we have as a normal family.
09:07We won't have another one for a while.
09:09Why don't I give you a lift?
09:11What about Kim?
09:12Her constructive criticism can wait.
09:15Her constructive criticism can wait.
09:17This is far more important.
09:19All right, I'll get his car seat.
09:21And thank you.
09:23And wherever Billy is, he should thank you too.
09:25I could murder him.
09:40What happened to you?
09:42I need a drop, mate.
09:43No, you need a doctor.
09:44No, no doctor, no hospital.
09:46Just get me inside.
10:07Sorry, I took so long.
10:09Just checking his breathing was OK.
10:14Can't stop worrying about him.
10:16You don't have to explain.
10:18I get it.
10:19I made you a brew.
10:21Can't guarantee it's still hot though.
10:23Anything I don't have to make myself is highly welcome.
10:29I don't know why he's sleeping so soundly here.
10:32Maybe it's your driving.
10:35Maybe he's happy to be in his own bed.
10:40What's with that face?
10:44I just don't want to mess up.
10:47At the hospital, everything is so organised.
10:51There's someone looking after him 24-7.
10:54They know exactly what meds to give, when.
10:59They know when he's sleeping right, when he's not.
11:05I don't want to drop the ball.
11:07Look, just one day at a time.
11:09All right, that's all you can do.
11:12Well, it would be nice to know that I could count on Billy.
11:21Are you going to tell me what the hell happened?
11:23It's nothing.
11:25Right, let's try it again.
11:27It's just a little boxing.
11:29Underground boxing, that's all.
11:33The guy I was fighting was just a little enthusiastic
11:36and I fell on something sharp when he tried to hit me.
11:39Right, you fell on something?
11:41Yeah, it's no big deal.
11:43Oh, it's not a big deal.
11:45It's not like you've got a gaping hole in your side.
11:47How could you let this happen?
11:49Maybe I like living on the edge.
11:51Billy, this isn't a joke, man.
11:53You've got a sick kid at home.
11:55What if something happened to you?
11:57What am I saying? Of course something happened to you.
11:59Do you think I like doing this?
12:01Do you think I like taking risks like this?
12:03I am the only one who's working,
12:05so it's down to me to make sure that everyone is taking risks.
12:08It's down to me to make sure that everyone is taken care of.
12:14Right, OK, fine.
12:18Did you at least win?
12:22Not enough to solve all our problems.
12:26It's a start.
12:28Right, just tell me this isn't going to happen again.
12:31OK, it's not always like this.
12:33This was an accident.
12:35Whoa, whoa, whoa.
12:37You're not OK.
12:39We need to get that stetched up, man.
12:43Let me drive you to the hospital.
12:45Do you know what? I'll call Liam.
12:47No, no, no, cos you'll just be opening a huge can of worms.
12:50Look, these people, they're dangerous.
12:52OK, well, then I'll call someone else, then.
12:56Oh, thank you, Amy. Dotty's going to love you.
12:59Oh, a pleasure.
13:01Do you want a slice? If I eat anything else, I'll literally burst.
13:04OK? Yeah, you used to.
13:06Well, I have got something for you, love,
13:09that might be a little bit more practical.
13:12What's this?
13:19Oh, my God!
13:21You get it. I know that nobody wants their mum buying stuff like this.
13:24Yeah, yeah, do you think?
13:26Yeah, that I just worry about you, you know, with older men.
13:29That didn't happen. You know that.
13:31Yeah, but you thought about it.
13:33I don't want you, you know, exploring.
13:35I just want you to be safe, love.
13:37No, I'm not doing this. Oh, Arthur, don't be silly.
13:40Arthur! Arthur!
13:44Everything all right? I just can't get through to him at the moment.
13:47Ashley would have been so much better at this than me.
13:50Sorry, won't stop ringing.
13:56Sam? I'm off to Clausbank. I'll be back in a bit.
14:01Can we come in?
14:03Yeah, of course.
14:04Oh, you sweetheart.
14:08Hey, I've missed you.
14:10It's all right. She's not here.
14:13You can relax. Belle's not here.
14:15Sam, we've got company.
14:17What are you making all this noise for? Have a talk.
14:20Look who decided to pay us a visit.
14:25You've changed your tone, then.
14:27Sam, it's OK.
14:28It's OK. Apologise, immediately.
14:30If anyone needs to be apologising, it's me.
14:32You were right.
14:34It doesn't matter what I think about Belle.
14:36I shouldn't let that interfere with Esther's relationship with her grandparents.
14:39I'm glad to hear it.
14:41Me too.
14:42You said you were going to visit Samson tomorrow?
14:47Could you give him this? From Esther.
14:50I mean, she grows so much every day, I just think he might like to see it.
14:53Of course I will.
15:03What, you said he'd been boxing?
15:07If I'm going to treat you, I need to know everything.
15:13He was underground boxing for money.
15:16So much for keeping things quiet.
15:18Well, it was a pretty critical detail.
15:25Well, that's pretty deep.
15:27Massive chance of infection if it's not properly cleaned and suited with the right equipment.
15:32In the right environment.
15:34I told you already.
15:36No hospitals.
15:38Are you going to help me, or what?
15:43Give me your belt.
15:53Back down on this.
15:57It's going to hurt.
16:01Oh, it's so lovely that Esther's able to feed the chickens with her grandad.
16:06And that you've changed your mind about her spending time with Esther.
16:10Sam really needed that.
16:12So did I.
16:14Oh, she's already lost her father and her grandfather to prison.
16:17It felt too cruel keeping her from you.
16:20And does Tom agree?
16:23Look, this has got nothing to do with him, Lydia.
16:26Well, you are a couple.
16:28Couples usually discuss big decisions.
16:31You're wrong about him, you know.
16:33He's not some manipulative control freak.
16:37He's thoughtful, he's kind.
16:40Until he gets what he wants.
16:43What, so someone like him could never love someone like me, is that it?
16:47That's not what I said.
16:49No, it's what you're thinking, though, isn't it?
16:51It's what everyone's thinking in this village.
16:53I'm just some single mother that has note to offer.
16:56You know what, you're right.
16:58Don't bring notes at table.
17:00And Tom's fine with that.
17:02He adores me, and we're planning our future together.
17:05Are things already that serious?
17:08I ain't slept with him, if that's what you're thinking.
17:11He's never put me under any pressure at all.
17:13He's been the perfect gentleman.
17:15For now, until the mask slips and the real Tom comes out.
17:19And then you realise you've just been a part of his nasty games.
17:23And I worry that you and Esther will be in too deep by then.
17:35Is he gonna be all right?
17:37He'll live.
17:39Wouldn't rush back into the ring if I were you, though.
17:41One misplaced punch.
17:44Not even a hospital would be able to save you.
17:49Keep an eye on it.
17:51Call me if anything changes.
17:53Yep, thank you.
18:01Thought you were a goner there, mate.
18:04Well, can't get rid of me that easy.
18:08Look, I respect why you're doing what you're doing.
18:11Well, is there any chance you can just leave it at that, then?
18:15Because you heard what John said.
18:17One wrong punch and no one can save you.
18:19I can handle myself.
18:20Okay, and what about Evan?
18:22These places aren't the cleanest, are they?
18:25You pick something up, you bring it home.
18:27Are you gonna be able to live with yourself?
18:31Not going home anytime soon, then?
18:33Nah, much more fun here.
18:36Ooh, aren't you a sight for sore eyes.
18:39I'll bet you say that all the girls.
18:41Oh, I've got something for you.
18:44Here you go.
18:47It's all there.
18:49A girl can never be too careful when it comes to a man.
18:52Pleasure doing business with you.
18:57Why is Will giving you cash, or do I even want to ask?
19:00Oh, it was just a little thank you for last night.
19:03Why what happened last night?
19:06You slept with him?
19:07Well, technically, I...
19:08You slept with him for cash?
19:09Just hang on a minute.
19:10Ma'am, I knew you were struggling, but if things were this bad,
19:12why didn't you talk to us?
19:13So Kerry's a prostitute now?
19:15Whoa, whoa, whoa.
19:17No, I'm not a prostitute.
19:19I never slept with him.
19:21If I did, I'd be paying a lot more than this.
19:23I just needed someone to pretend to sleep with me.
19:26Kerry needed some cash, so it was like a win-win.
19:30Yeah, a little consensual non-sex never hurt anyone, did it?
19:34Worth every penny and all.
19:36Kim will still be boiling about it.
19:39Don't look at me like that.
19:41She started this whole mess.
19:44Like I've already said,
19:47you can end this.
19:49It's not too late to save your marriage,
19:52if you still want it.
20:05Look, before you ask, I know I messed up,
20:08but I do have a good reason.
20:10What's happened to your face?
20:12Have you been jumped?
20:17What happened to Bradford?
20:19In and out, back before I know it?
20:21Yeah, it was all a big faff.
20:23The guy said that someone had taken a car for a test drive
20:26and it would just take him forever to bring it back, so...
20:29Why didn't you call me?
20:30Because my phone had died and I didn't have my charger on me.
20:34Look, I didn't want to just come home with some bad news,
20:37so I thought I'd use the time
20:39to make a bit of money with the training.
20:43What, is this meant to make it all better?
20:50Hey, little man.
20:52Hey, welcome home.
20:54Missed you.
20:58Did you get a taxi back?
21:00No, Gabby took us.
21:02Go on.
21:03Billy, I asked you to do one thing.
21:05Come home early so we could pick up our son from hospital
21:08and you couldn't even do that?
21:09Look, I messed up and I'm sorry,
21:11but you were already worried about Evan and the kids.
21:14I didn't want you to have to worry about money as well.
21:18I get it.
21:20We need every penny.
21:22But our son is home now
21:24and it's just you and me.
21:26We don't have any hospital staff on standby.
21:29I need to know I can count on you, Billy.
21:40Hey, Billy, double pair next week.
21:44You in?
21:53With days making the decision to save Emma and Lily,
21:56Dean, Nathan, Ryan and Baked Potato
21:58will all face the first public vote this Friday
22:00on You Big Brothers, tonight at 9 on ITV2.
22:03Next year, Coronation Street.