Emmerdale 1st October 2024

  • 2 weeks ago
Emmerdale 1st October 2024


00:30Who's that?
00:39Just Chas asking how I am.
00:41Is it not Sam and Lydia? I think they're making plans. I heard Sam on the phone last night.
00:46Plans for me?
00:47I guess. I just think everyone's really worried about you.
00:54Please just tell me what's happening.
00:57I just mentioned that I could hear you on the phone last night.
01:01I called our mystic. He remembers you from when you were a nippy.
01:06And he's happy to do what's usual.
01:08What, so you want me to run off to Ireland to Mystic Dingles?
01:12We don't want you to.
01:13You have to. As soon as Tom gives his statement to police, they're going to be round here.
01:19Tell me where we can protect you.
01:29I've been texting you.
01:32Well, I left my phone here.
01:34Great. Really useful.
01:38Okay, I'm sorry I sneaked out. I just wanted to check the sheep made it through their first night.
01:43Moira, you need to be with someone at all times. That's what we discussed yesterday.
01:49Sorry, should I knock? Never sure of the family protocol.
01:53Ruby, you are desperate.
01:56I thought we were friends.
01:58I never asked her to come.
01:59Oh, so I need an invite now. I thought we were past that stage.
02:03But since you're here, can you stay a while while I go and do some deliveries?
02:07To babysit, just to clarify. Stick me in front of the telly while you drink coffee and eat biscuits.
02:13As long as you don't start waving a shotgun around, I'm sold.
02:15Well, there's your excuse to say no right there.
02:17I am offering, woman, your friendly neighborhood sister-in-law.
02:21God, having a brain tumour hasn't made you any less hard work, has it?
02:25Are you still here?
02:30Right, how vile is this coffee?
02:34How's Tom doing?
02:36My chest drain's still in and he's on medication for the pain, but okay, according to the nurses when we phoned.
02:42Well, that's amazing. Send in my best when you see him.
02:46We will.
02:48Oh, and I wanted to have a word about Laurel.
02:52That news about her stepping back from the parish council, it took me by surprise if I'm honest.
02:57Really? I thought you dismissed most of her ideas because you're scared of your mum.
03:02No. Did Laurel tell you that?
03:06Hardly a state secret.
03:08Did she give you any more explanation? That's all I'm asking.
03:11She said she was too busy. Isn't that good enough of a reason?
03:14Unless your council business is blurring into some kind of extracurricular activity.
03:22I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about.
03:26Well, you're a vicar and they can't lie.
03:41They're expecting you tomorrow.
03:43I can't go that soon.
03:45Well, we're getting there tomorrow. We're leaving tonight.
03:48So, we've not even got a full day.
03:50You best get packing. Lydia will help you when she's got Mystic's parking.
03:54I need to go out, actually.
03:56Aye, that's not in the plan.
03:58Yeah, just to Mandy's. I'm going to borrow a suitcase. I won't be long.
04:01I'll come with you.
04:02No, no, you need to work on the van. Make sure it doesn't break down. I'm not going to be long.
04:05Okay. Pre-flight checks it is, then.
04:10Thank you, both of you, for everything.
04:18Sorry, didn't know he was staying over.
04:21That's because it's none of your business.
04:24What's up with you?
04:27What? No.
04:28Matty's supposed to be looking after Moira, but clearly he missed something in the assignment
04:33because she has gone ahead and bought a random flock of sheep because Isaac misses Minty.
04:38That's exciting. Well, I can swap your sheep for a load of smartwatches.
04:43Swirling's onto me. I got caught speeding where I got them from, and now I can't use my car.
04:48But you could lend me one.
04:50Maybe your boyfriend might have one. In fact, do you know what he does?
04:54He's got a cute wee van you could use.
04:56Oh, yeah, he's going to love me dealing in stolen goods, isn't he?
04:58Who says you need to tell him?
05:03Hey, where did all these domestic skills come from?
05:05Because I swear I have never seen you cook.
05:08Apart from your dinner party and the less said about that.
05:12I used to help my mum.
05:14She put on these parties for her golf club mates.
05:19I was in charge of carving the tomatoes into flowers,
05:25boiling the melon.
05:31You miss her?
05:38miss the melon baller.
05:40I've never been able to find one quite the same.
05:46I've set a date for her cremation, though, so that's all good.
05:51Caleb never mentioned it.
05:53Enough about that.
05:54Tell me about this brain tumour.
05:58Yep, I live for dingle ailments.
06:01I have nailed the brachygene and now I want a meningioma.
06:07Is Tom OK?
06:09He's going to be fine.
06:10I was just telling Charles.
06:14Good of him to ask, seeing as how he seemed majorly distracted.
06:18Yeah, him and Mum pretty much got back together.
06:20Ha! Gotcha!
06:22I saw that good little face.
06:23No, you didn't.
06:24You've got the hearts for the vicar.
06:26Oh, shut up, don't be ridiculous.
06:28What's ridiculous is you haven't told me.
06:30I had to work it out from Charles' pathetic attempts to be subtle.
06:33So what, him and Mum pretty much got back together then?
06:35No, that was my cunning trap, which you totally fell for.
06:38I really hate you sometimes, Nicola.
06:40So, details, and don't try and fob me off because I'm in desperate need of light relief.
06:44There is nothing to tell.
06:46Pathetic, zero out of ten.
06:47OK, whatever there was...
06:50Which you're going to elaborate?
06:51It's over now, OK? It's a mistake.
06:53So, we're talking mistake territory. This is probably juicy.
06:59I slept with him. There you go. I said it.
07:02Laurel? Thomas?
07:04You ruined your little sauce manga.
07:06You look really shocked. Are you shocked?
07:08Is it awful?
07:09Only if you threw it on the altar.
07:11No, we did it in the bedroom, but I can't remember much,
07:13so don't ask me to describe it!
07:15One question.
07:16You're single, he's single, why is it over?
07:20I have finished my patient list.
07:25And you texted there's a problem?
07:27I was just in the car.
07:29Gearbox is seizing up, so I need to have a look at it.
07:33Thanks for sharing.
07:35I've got a job on tomorrow, so I wondered if I could maybe borrow your van.
07:41You drive my van?
07:42Yeah. I'll pay for the fuel, obviously.
07:48It's van to you, home to me.
07:51Sorry, it's just a rule I've got.
07:54Don't worry, it's fine.
07:58Did you eat the leftover pizza?
08:01She only want me for my crusts.
08:05I'll be in the fridge.
08:09Grab us a few beers while you're there.
08:12Grab us a few beers while you're there.
08:26I'm sorry about being snarky when you got here.
08:29I really thought Mackenzie was ambushing me.
08:31It wasn't a set-up, I promise.
08:33Well, we should definitely do this again.
08:36The sheep have escaped. They're all over the place.
08:38Where are the quad bike keys?
08:39Behind the door, as always.
08:40Escaped how?
08:42Through the gate. I must have learnt to fly.
08:45What, me?
08:46Well, you were the last person who was up there.
09:04One minute to spare.
09:06Living dangerously, Bill.
09:09What do you want?
09:11A cup of tea and then a wash.
09:13Because I keep finding these clumps of dried blood in my...
09:16You told me that I had to come.
09:19Did I?
09:21Oh, yeah.
09:23I phoned you.
09:28It's time to make a deal.
09:45What sort of deal?
09:47Why haven't you told the police what's happened yet?
09:49How do you know I haven't already?
10:02You've not done a statement or else I'd know about it.
10:04I didn't say I had, Bill.
10:06You're not listening again.
10:09When I do,
10:13I tell the police that my memory's crystal clear,
10:17I'm going to relive the whole trauma.
10:20Amelia's already told them that it was you.
10:23You locked me in.
10:25You beat me.
10:26You stuck an axe in my back.
10:30You were going to kill me.
10:34And here you go again.
10:35And here you go again.
10:36Round and round, the same old loop.
10:42Here's the thing, Bill.
10:45I'm not actually going to tell the police that it was you
10:48who attacked me
10:49in your most psychotic act yet
10:52if you drop
10:54your ludicrous, unsubstantiated
11:03Stop lying that I'm an abuser and you're in the clear.
11:15Yeah, they're sorted.
11:18Well, at least they got a good run.
11:20Do sheep need that, like dogs?
11:22No, no.
11:24My bad.
11:26Thank you so much.
11:28But could you go now?
11:29Could you go now?
11:32Ruby, thanks for lunch and everything and for staying.
11:41Be kind.
11:51You still blaming me?
11:55Maria, the gate was wide open.
11:57I'd never do that.
11:58I'd go through the gate and I'd close it behind me.
12:00It's second nature.
12:01Used to be second nature.
12:03It's tough to face,
12:04but you've got your limitations now.
12:07You can't do the stuff that you did before.
12:09And the sooner that you realise that...
12:11I do.
12:12Properly realise...
12:13Stop fighting me on everything, Moira.
12:15Not going out on your own.
12:17And absolutely not trying to work without me or Matty present.
12:22I was just checking the sheep.
12:23Moira, they could have got out onto the road.
12:25They could have caused an accident and killed someone.
12:27Alright, alright, I'm sorry.
12:29I'm not trying to make this harder for you.
12:31This is helping me too.
12:33I know, I know, I know.
12:37But I will try.
12:40And I'll stay inside and...
12:42And I'll be good.
12:45I understand what you're doing for me.
12:59I wasn't going to come,
13:00but I thought we were both adults and...
13:02Your emergency biscuit supplies are woeful
13:04and we definitely need biscuits.
13:06Nicola, Charles is just, um...
13:08Yeah, um...
13:10You're raising the nation from the parish council.
13:12I need a letter for the files.
13:14Yeah, I'll drop it off later.
13:16Oh, I can wait.
13:22Right, I've just remembered I need to relieve Jimmy
13:24so he can get to the hospital.
13:26Enjoy your loose ends.
13:32I'm sorry, I didn't want you to hear from Rodney
13:34that I was leaving.
13:35That was just me being cowardly.
13:38Can't you change your mind?
13:41You being a part of the church is way bigger
13:43and much more important than...
13:45Yeah, I know I'm letting people down.
13:47I feel really guilty about that.
13:48We said we'd forget about it.
13:49We agreed to that.
13:50Yeah, but that's easier said than done.
13:52I mean, I work alongside you
13:53and you set me up for this.
13:55I need you and you set me off.
13:57You bring out this side in me.
14:00I like that side.
14:03It's pretty irresistible.
14:04This is why I've resigned!
14:07No, no, no.
14:08This is a weird reaction to us both being single.
14:11It's total madness.
14:13And I feel really awkward with Manpreet.
14:15What if Jay finds out?
14:17There's a million reasons why it's a bad idea, but...
14:20Yeah, which is why I'm stepping away.
14:22I'm being responsible.
14:24So who do I make the letter out to?
14:29I'll do.
14:31And you're right.
14:34We're responsible, respectable.
14:36Not rampant teens who jump into bed with who we like
14:39and blow the consequences.
14:40Where are the pens?
14:41I can never find any pens.
14:43Dotty hoards them all.
14:44So it's for the best.
14:45I get it.
14:47Well, the door's always open.
14:52To the parish council, I mean.
14:55Yeah, right.
14:56Well, I will drop this off later at the church and...
15:00And the pen.
15:19I've said I need to think.
15:23Because it's a lie, Tom.
15:26Yes, I attacked you, but...
15:29It was self-defence, and that's all I need to tell the police.
15:34The axe was in my bag.
15:36How does that work?
15:38And just look at your history.
15:40One murder conviction already.
15:42Gemma was manslaughter.
15:44Gemma was manslaughter.
15:51You've been sectioned.
15:53How many times?
15:55You relapsed when you're stressed.
15:58You forget to take your meds.
15:59You hear voices.
16:00I can manage my mental health. I've got it under control.
16:03It's been the bane of our entire marriage, Belle.
16:07Your family are well aware of how I've struggled.
16:10No, that's what you told them.
16:11They know that that's not true.
16:13They'd be called as witnesses.
16:15My witnesses to court, Belle, not yours.
16:18And then we've also got Marlon, Rona and Vanessa
16:22all taking the stand to describe
16:24how you viciously assaulted me in the street.
16:29Are you sure you're ready for that?
16:31Or we do as I suggest.
16:34I want you to be happy, Belle.
16:37Go and get some treatment,
16:39and you could have a whole future ahead of you.
16:44It makes sense.
16:46It'll be the last thing I ever ask of you.
16:57I'll do what you want.
17:05To seal the deal?
17:31Just doing the feege order.
17:32Trying to be useful.
17:34You are useful.
17:36I'm sorry for knocking your confidence earlier.
17:39Just being honest.
17:44Hey, you.
17:45Did you thank Vanessa for dropping you off?
17:48Good man.
17:50Well, don't you want to go and see a sheep?
17:52Are they okay?
17:55Of course. Why wouldn't they be?
17:59Isaac, what?
18:01I think I left the gate open.
18:06I went to the field before school,
18:09and then Matty was calling me.
18:11So, I forgot to close it.
18:13I'm sorry, Mum.
18:15It's okay. Come here.
18:16You did the right thing telling me.
18:19It's very brave.
18:21All right, go upstairs and get changed quickly.
18:23I'll take your bag.
18:24There you go.
18:25Good man.
18:31Moira, I'm sorry.
18:33It wasn't me.
18:34I told you it wasn't me.
18:38I was right.
18:46I called DS4.
18:47I told him that my memory's a lot clearer now,
18:49and I'm ready to talk properly.
18:51We've just arrived, Mr King.
18:53We'll take things nice and slowly.
19:01So, in your own words,
19:03just tell me what you can remember about the alleged attack.
19:09Okay, um...
19:11I was walking,
19:13leaving the village,
19:15and then these two men just...
19:17just appeared.
19:21They were trying to rob me.
19:22They were asking for my money.
19:24What men? Did you recognise them?
19:26Mr King.
19:28I'd never seen them before.
19:30One was in his 30s.
19:32He had...
19:35He had a tattoo on his neck and...
19:39a Leeds accent.
19:40And the other?
19:44He was thin.
19:46And he had these really dark eyes,
19:49just staring back at me.
19:51They were right up in my face.
19:53I couldn't get past them, so I told them to get back.
19:55I shouted.
19:57I was so scared.
19:59And then...
20:01the older one, he opened up his jacket and...
20:04there was this axe.
20:07The axe.
20:09Oh, God.
20:11I ran.
20:12But they grabbed me. I broke free.
20:17And then there was this pain.
20:20red-hot agony just...
20:23spreading across my shoulders.
20:25This is horrific.
20:26He needs a rest.
20:28Have you got enough to go on?
20:30For now.
20:32If you can think of any more details,
20:34however small,
20:35I'll call you.
20:37I don't want anyone else to go through what I have.
20:46I thought it was Belle.
20:48She might not be her best self right now, but...
20:52to put an axe in my back.
21:00All right, miss.
21:02Are you waiting for someone?
21:22What's this?
21:32I've attacked my husband...
21:34in self-defence.
21:36He wanted to kill me.
21:40I'm a victim of domestic abuse.
22:04After the break.