Hollyoaks 30th September 2024

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Hollyoaks 30th September 2024


00:00Have you taken something?
00:04You've got to keep it.
00:05I can't. I can't do it, not now.
00:07I'm going to have to drop the charges.
00:09Rose asking questions again.
00:10And we can't keep avoiding Tony, so what are we going to do?
00:12Uncle Robbie's going to ask Vicky to marry him today.
00:15Will you do me the honour?
00:16Robbie, no!
00:18She still wants Ethan.
00:53Robbie, stop it! What are you doing?
00:55Oi, please!
00:56For the last time, how many times do I have to tell you it was a mistake?
00:59Robbie, what are you doing?
01:01Don't you dare! Don't do it, don't do it, don't do it!
01:17I'm dreading how funky it's going to be
01:19once she finds out I've seen JJ's one today.
01:21Put you out of your misery then?
01:23Really badly.
01:28I can't believe you've made a show of me like this, Robbie.
01:30I thought you cared about me. Yeah, I did.
01:32Right up to the point when you made a play for Ethan
01:34when I was about to propose to you.
01:35Listen, can we just go upstairs and talk about this properly, please?
01:37You stupid.
01:38You will never step foot in that flat ever again, do you hear me?
01:41You two all right?
01:42Yeah, feeling a lot better, actually.
01:44Now I've learnt a valuable lesson.
01:45Which is?
01:46Next time I bring a dog home, I'll make sure it's loyal.
01:50Oh, and by the way, you're both fired.
01:55How can he talk about me like that?
01:57Vicky, I'm sorry about spinning the beans with Freddie.
02:00Shouldn't have done that.
02:01Yeah, why did you?
02:03You know me.
02:04I open my mouth before I start thinking about it, so...
02:07Is that what it was?
02:09Was it cos you didn't want Robbie to propose to me
02:11because you still like me?
02:13Sorry, what? No.
02:15Really, cos I can't stop thinking about you.
02:18Vicky, I'm getting married in a couple of days.
02:20Yeah, and you don't have to go through with it.
02:22I love Sienna, I'm marrying Sienna
02:24and it's going to make me the happiest man alive.
02:26Then why do I feel like this when we're around each other?
02:29OK, even when I shouldn't, when I don't want to.
02:32Just try and speak to her.
02:34We're not, Vicky. Right, we're not.
02:36We're just moments with us, OK? It's been years.
02:39And it's going to be a lifetime with Sienna.
02:41Look, I'm sorry, but I have a wedding to prepare for.
02:48I told you to go and see JJ yesterday if you felt that you needed to,
02:51but I didn't realise you were going to turn into his full-on cancer buddy,
02:54sitting at his bedside and holding his hand.
02:56It's not like that, OK? Is it not?
03:00When it came out and Mum took his side over mine,
03:05I never thought I'd feel this let down and betrayed again.
03:08Turns out I was wrong.
03:10Frankie, I know that you're upset,
03:13but Darren's in an impossible situation here.
03:16Look, the only reason I'm going is cos JJ needs an adult there
03:19when he's going through his treatment plan.
03:21And you always will be my priority, OK?
03:23But I've kind of got to do this.
03:25Do you know what? Do what you want. I don't care.
03:29Oh, and by the way, I wasn't 100% sure about this, but now I am.
03:34About what?
03:36I've arranged to meet the police officer I spoke to.
03:39What for?
03:41I'm going to tell her that I'm going to drop the charges against your precious JJ.
03:48Hey, do you think he looks like Charlie?
03:50I think he looks like Charlie.
03:52I think he just looks like a baby.
03:54Hey, tell her says he's Charlie's.
03:56Tony, will you stop betting on the father of Leah's baby, please?
03:59I wasn't. He was.
04:01Hey, you little grass.
04:03Maxine has messaged saying, yeah, she's still on for later.
04:06What's happening later? What's happening later?
04:09You're going to school. Oh, no, wait.
04:11That's right now. Go on, off you go.
04:13Good one. Yeah, and no skyping at the garage.
04:18You all right?
04:21Just thought I'd stop by and see how you were doing.
04:24Yeah? You sure you ain't come to rot me nose again?
04:28Look, I know there's been a bit of bad blood between us recently,
04:31but I just want to let you know the only reason I told you what Ethan has said
04:34was cos I was trying to look out for my little brother.
04:38Do you want a hand?
04:44Got to admit, though, you were punching without Vicky.
04:46I think I finished.
04:47She was lucky to even get a taste of what I could have given her.
04:50You're talking like you're me. Everyone knows I'm the hottest roscoe.
04:53Ziggy would have had something to say about that.
04:55Yeah, he probably would, though.
04:59I just can't believe Vicky would mug me off like that.
05:03I worshipped her, Freddie.
05:05And the old times she was over there looking at Ethan. Yeah.
05:08I just don't know why people think they can take advantage of me.
05:11Last year, right, I had nothing. Nothing.
05:14Now look at me.
05:16I own the club, I've got a nice place, people respect me.
05:19What do you mean, fear you?
05:21You've never taken me seriously, have you?
05:24I've always just been that little brother that's good for a laugh.
05:26Well, you, you need to have a long hard look at your own life, mate.
05:28What's wrong with my life?
05:29For starters, you're living on a sinking boat without a husband, Grace Black.
05:32All right, you need to watch your mouth.
05:34I won't give you a pass on everything you just said,
05:36cos I can tell that you're a little bit upset right now.
05:39I also wanted to thank you for playing ball with the social worker later.
05:43Right, before you go, I need to talk to you about Lex's replacement meds.
05:47We've already been over this.
05:49It's just a temporary measure until the hospital get a supplier,
05:51the official ones, again.
05:53I don't know why you're worried about it, they're exactly the same.
05:55They're not even from an official pharmacy, Freddie.
05:57You just get them off some random bloke in Germany.
05:59I had to do something, didn't I?
06:00The replacement ones the hospital cared for made her sick.
06:02I don't care, I don't like it.
06:03But it doesn't really matter what you think, does it? Cos I'm her dad.
06:07Did you listen to a word I said about taking me seriously?
06:10You might have this place and all the other things she just said,
06:13but Lex is my daughter, so I'm the one who says what goes.
06:16Not you.
06:20There you are.
06:22I'll get them coffees, all right?
06:23All right, Tom.
06:26So you made her Pastor Ethan?
06:29Oh, and then give me the lecture about faithfulness and loyalty.
06:33I thought you might want to miss out the part when you were necking Mizba while she was married.
06:40I made a mistake, Dad.
06:42Yeah, you did.
06:43I'll bring the drinks over.
06:48Thanks, Tom.
06:49You're welcome.
06:56Hi, Max.
06:58Yeah, and we're still on for later if you are.
07:14You look like a man that doesn't know where he's coming or going.
07:18Bit of decorating, are you?
07:20Oh, no, not me.
07:21It's our John Paul and T.
07:23They're doing up the hallway from the reno we started last year.
07:27I just think it's their lame attempt at distracting me from my cancer.
07:32I heard about JJ.
07:34Is that why you're here to see him?
07:37Yeah, but, um...
07:41..I don't know if I can.
07:44Frankie's already angry at me for being here, but...
07:47..he's got leukaemia.
07:52..he's all on his own, so...
07:55I had a little chat with Frankie yesterday.
07:58She's got a wise head on her shoulders there.
08:01She might come round.
08:04She won't.
08:06I mean, why should she?
08:08Me, would you?
08:11Look, I, um...
08:13..like, I didn't begin to get my head around what JJ did to her, but...
08:19..he is your son.
08:22I get that.
08:23And with Suzanne passing, you're the only...
08:26Person he's got.
08:31Yeah, I've gone through a lot of bad things in my life.
08:36This, it's...
08:38..oh, it's something else.
08:41You know, it's like a train's driven through my life.
08:45It's my mind, my...
08:49And if it weren't for my friends and family literally dragging me through it...
08:56..I wouldn't be stood talking to you right now.
08:59Hey. Come here.
09:02You having a hug, whether you like it or not?
09:06But I'll tell you...
09:08..them silk pillowcases are mint when you're losing hair from the chemo.
09:13Grace researched that for me, so...
09:15..I'll send you some tips in case JJ needs them.
09:20Cos I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy.
09:23On my worst enemy.
09:39I thought that went really well. You think?
09:41Oh, come on, that woman from social services was all over you like a rash.
09:45I mean, all that stuff she was saying about your relationship with Lexi,
09:48she wouldn't bother saying if it wasn't true.
09:50You smashed it, babe.
09:51All right, sweetheart, you ready?
09:52I just need to get a couple more things for her bag.
09:56Right, well, you know what time I was collecting her for a sleepover, didn't you?
09:59She should have been ready.
10:00What's with the tone?
10:01Well, you, Freddie, before, just banging on about how you're her dad.
10:04Well, that's the truth.
10:05It's also the truth that you're the reason that she's got epilepsy.
10:08Well, that's a low blow.
10:09I just can't deal with this perfect dad act, Freddie.
10:11Thinking you've only got your daughter's best interest at heart.
10:14Well, I do.
10:15The only reason that she had that thought
10:16was cos you left her alone with Curtis while you was off doing God knows what.
10:19And I've been beating myself up about that every single day since.
10:22Yeah, and you should.
10:23You should, cos you're as far away from the perfect father as you can get.
10:27I mean, look.
10:29Take these, for instance.
10:30You don't even know what's in them, do you?
10:33Yeah, which is why she ain't taking them anymore.
10:39What have you just done?
10:40No, Freddie, what have you done?
10:42You risked her life giving her those.
10:44No, she deserves better than a waste of space for a dad like you.
10:46In fact, she'd be better off if you were still inside and she'd live with me.
10:52Freddie, no!
10:55What have you done?
11:09Sorry I'm late.
11:10It's fine. It's still just us.
11:12So how are you and Diane?
11:15What have you done?
11:17I saw Ro in the village on the way over.
11:20He seemed happy.
11:21Well, that's cos he should be at school.
11:25He saw your message earlier.
11:27Next I didn't know what to say.
11:30Tony, are you sure about this?
11:35Thanks for asking.
11:39Hey, sorry about the afternoon.
11:42No, it's fine. I know you're both busy.
11:44Yeah, I'm rushed off my feet.
11:45Actually, I've got a delivery I need signing for soon.
11:47So, will this take long?
11:49No, we can get started now if you'd like.
11:56Well, as we spoke about on the phone, I have brought over the final order.
12:01So if you both just sign it here, then we can start the divorce proceedings immediately.
12:11Now the tests have confirmed you're fit enough, we can begin intensive treatment immediately.
12:18And, um, what does that entail?
12:20Induction is the first stage.
12:23Repeated infusions of chemotherapy, spread across the next week and a bit,
12:28will aim to kill as many leukaemia cells in blood and bone marrow as possible.
12:34It'll take approximately three weeks for healthy blood cells to grow back again.
12:39At that point, we'll take blood and bone marrow samples and check for leukaemia cells.
12:47Obviously, JJ will need to stay in hospital while he's having his treatment,
12:51and for a number of weeks after.
12:54I understand it's a lot to take in.
12:57Would you like me to give you ten minutes?
12:59Yeah, please, thank you.
13:02Well, it'll be a rough couple of weeks, eh?
13:08Well, that's good news, right?
13:10There's nothing good about this.
13:15Are they going to make you better?
13:17Don't know that for certain, though, do we?
13:19Being negative isn't going to help anything.
13:21You think I should be jumping for joy?
13:23Are they going to fill my body with all that horrible stuff?
13:26You think I should be jumping for joy?
13:28Are they going to fill my body with all that horrible stuff?
13:34Corsten, erm...
13:38I've, erm...
13:40I've got to be somewhere.
13:42Fine. Walk away.
13:45You don't want to be with me after what Frankie said.
13:49So why even bother to be here for this?
13:52I'm sorry.
13:53Save it.
13:55I'm probably better off for you and everyone else
13:57if this treatment doesn't work.
14:00Don't say that.
14:01Don't even think that, OK?
14:03Why not?
14:05Everybody hates me so much.
14:09I am probably better off dead.
14:22I tried to keep out of it this morning,
14:24but are you sure you want to do this?
14:27Well, I'm not sure of anything anymore.
14:30When I told Darren what was happening last year,
14:33I thought that was the end of it,
14:35that the nightmare was over,
14:37but in reality it was just the beginning.
14:39And you've been through too much.
14:42When JJ was charged,
14:44I was like, it's almost done.
14:47I've just got to get through the trial
14:49and then I can try and put all of this behind me
14:51and get back to the life that he snatched away from me.
14:55But then he got sick.
14:58And now Darren's back on his side.
15:00No. Darren is caught between a rock and a hard place.
15:04So what do you think I should do?
15:06I think JJ having leukaemia
15:09doesn't take away from what he did.
15:11You need closure and a trial would give you that.
15:15But it doesn't matter what my opinion is,
15:17or anyone else's.
15:18This is about what you want.
15:20So if you want to go in there and withdraw your statement, or not,
15:24I will respect your decision 100%.
15:29JJ still hasn't admitted what he did.
15:33That's what I need the most.
15:37So I do need to go to court.
15:39One day.
15:46Oh, I'm proud of you.
15:50Sorry I'm late. I got caught up with A...
15:52Oh, yeah, sorry, we don't mention him.
15:54Yeah, sorry, it's been a...
15:56Long day. Yeah.
15:58You said today was the day you signed the papers, right?
16:00Yeah. Divorced again. Yay!
16:02Welcome to the club.
16:04Hey, I thought you said it was better this way.
16:07That you and Tony weren't happy together.
16:09I know. But now it's done.
16:11I'm not sorry. I'm happy.
16:13Come here. Come here. It's all right.
16:19What's up?
16:25What's this?
16:26Ruth, that's private.
16:28You and Daddy getting a divorce?
16:31What happened?
16:33You guys have been through so much together.
16:35Yeah, cos we're a great team. We always have been.
16:38One day I woke up and I realised...
16:40the light went out, I guess.
16:42I don't know when exactly, but it did.
16:45Fair enough.
16:52How's the baby?
16:53Yeah, doing really well.
16:55Everyone's pitching in to look after him.
16:57He's looking forward to hanging out with his granddad, though.
17:03It won't be long.
17:06Cos I'm feeling much stronger.
17:09Less all over the place.
17:12It's going to be weird, though.
17:17..going back to the house alone.
17:19Well, Lucas is being released soon, right?
17:21And Leah will be back to visit before you know it.
17:24You know what I mean?
17:29It still doesn't feel real.
17:34And I'm worried that when I walk through that door,
17:39it's all going to hit me all at once.
17:42And I don't think I'm ready for that.
17:45Hey, come on. You're not alone.
17:47I'm there for a coffee, anything, any time.
17:51Hey, I'm serious.
17:53I'm a divorcee now. You're never going to get rid of me.
17:56You've been a divorcee since 2005, then, mate?
18:00Oh, your memory coming back now, is it?
18:08What's that? Is that JJ's treatment plan?
18:11No, it's a list of things I should get for him.
18:14I said he'd sense it through, you know?
18:16It's going to be chemo, it's going to be rough.
18:19Are you OK?
18:22JJ's not. Frankie's not. No-one is.
18:25Yeah, but how are you?
18:27I need you to keep talking about your feelings.
18:30To me, or your dad, or Tony, yeah?
18:33I wanted to see Frankie again before she went to the police, but...
18:38I just couldn't leave JJ. It's horrible.
18:41Don't worry about Frankie. She's decided to go ahead with the trial.
18:45I'll leave you two to it.
18:53Look, I'm glad to hear you've changed your mind.
18:55Why, you care?
18:57Frankie, of course I care.
18:59But JJ is my son, OK? And he...
19:04..he raped you.
19:06And I hate him for that, OK?
19:10But I want him to die.
19:14So what if he doesn't die? What happens then?
19:21I don't know.
19:23Then I'll just find me and you.
19:26We're done.
19:32Is Etsy OK?
19:33I don't know.
19:35She won't even look at me.
19:38I don't know why he stood over there looking so smug.
19:40I told him he's not having Lexi tonight.
19:42Or ever again, for that matter.
19:44Freddie Roscoe?
19:46Yeah, that's right.
19:47I'm arresting you on suspicion of assault.
19:49What? No, wait, you made a mistake.
19:51Oh, calling the old bill on your own brother?
19:53This ain't over!
19:55Actually, mate, I think it is.
19:56Not to say anything, but it may harm your defence
19:58if you do not mention when questioned something which you later rely on in court.