• 2 months ago
„Гајин свет“ је савремена романтична породична комедија са елементима крими филма. Прича се бави уобичајеним проблемима живота данашње деце: раздвајањем родитеља, отуђењем у породици и опасностима интернета. Овим се обраћамо и тинејџерима и њиховим родитељима. Међутим, не занемарујемо динамику, хумор, емоције или неизвесност.
„Gajin svet“ je savremena romantična porodična komedija sa elementima krimi filma. Priča se bavi uobičajenim problemima života današnje dece: razdvajanjem roditelja, otuđenjem u porodici i opasnostima interneta. Ovim se obraćamo i tinejdžerima i njihovim roditeljima. Međutim, ne zanemarujemo dinamiku, humor, emocije ili neizvesnost.
Peter Bratusa
Peter Bratusa, Spela Levicnik Oblak
Miha Brajnik, Sebastian Cavazza, Manca Dorrer

00:00:30Wait, wait, wait. One for each year, OK?
00:00:33We'll wait for it to be OK.
00:00:36I'm already drinking.
00:00:37I'm drinking, I'm drinking, I'm drinking, I'm drinking.
00:00:39So that I can live another 40 years.
00:00:42Let me have a bottle of wine, thanks.
00:00:46I'm already drinking.
00:00:51Cheers, cheers, cheers!
00:00:57Hi, I'm Gaja.
00:00:58No, this isn't me.
00:01:00This is Martin, a friend of my dad and mom.
00:01:02I think my older sister is a little bit in love with him.
00:01:06But that doesn't matter for this story.
00:01:08This is my older sister, Peter and Nina.
00:01:11I stayed at home today, because I'm old enough to be nice.
00:01:14This is Rojsen Dan for adults.
00:01:16And this is Grega, the best friend of my dad,
00:01:19who makes crazy cakes.
00:01:21Everything goes in the best order, right?
00:01:23But that will change in the next few minutes.
00:01:27Wait, let's get you drunk,
00:01:29because we won't sit here and do this.
00:01:31On the press that shows the glass,
00:01:34you must say your most secret desire.
00:01:41No, no, no, no.
00:01:42I just laughed.
00:01:46I always wanted to be a singer.
00:01:49I really wanted to.
00:01:50It's good that you didn't change.
00:01:52Yes, yes.
00:01:59No, no.
00:02:00Wait, no.
00:02:01I want to take a picture.
00:02:02No, no, no.
00:02:03Wait, no, no.
00:02:05Nina, what is your most secret desire?
00:02:14Health care without me.
00:02:30How? Where?
00:02:31Come on, tell me everything.
00:02:32Well, since I applied,
00:02:33and got the approval,
00:02:34and I'm going to Liberia in a month.
00:02:38In a month?
00:02:40In a month to Liberia.
00:02:41How long will you be there?
00:02:42One year.
00:02:43What is Liberia?
00:02:47You've changed a lot.
00:02:49Yes, yes.
00:02:58Did I tell you that everything will change?
00:03:55Are you all right?
00:04:05Not interested?
00:04:06What are you going to do?
00:04:08Look at my hand.
00:04:10Use the hand.
00:04:12Oh, look me.
00:04:13There you go.
00:04:15There you go.
00:04:17What are you looking at?
00:04:19A comment about a monkey.
00:04:21Give me one.
00:04:23You're my monkey.
00:04:25No, I'm not.
00:04:27You are.
00:04:31Mom is going to Africa.
00:04:33She's going to have a lot of kids.
00:04:37She's going to have a lot of kids.
00:04:43Go to sleep.
00:04:47Close your eyes.
00:04:49Good night.
00:04:51Good night.
00:04:53Let me open the door.
00:04:59Look at the time.
00:05:03Good night.
00:05:05Good night.
00:05:09I'm going to sleep.
00:05:13Good night.
00:05:15Good night.
00:05:27I can't believe it.
00:05:29You've already told the kids.
00:05:31I don't get it.
00:05:33Where did you get the idea?
00:05:35From Berlin, Lani.
00:05:37You're making a good start.
00:05:39I know I have to do it.
00:05:41I want to be a doctor.
00:05:43And a nurse.
00:05:45If you hadn't started playing games,
00:05:47when would you know?
00:05:49It's not about that.
00:05:51It's about you.
00:05:53I want to do something that makes sense.
00:05:55Something that's important.
00:05:57What you're doing right now makes sense.
00:05:59It's important.
00:06:01You don't have to worry about anything.
00:06:03You're doing your career.
00:06:05I don't need her.
00:06:07We need her.
00:06:09Leave her alone.
00:06:11I don't need a nurse.
00:06:13I need a husband.
00:06:15Girls need a father.
00:06:17I'm pregnant.
00:06:19You're pregnant.
00:06:21You'll die tomorrow.
00:06:23The day before we leave,
00:06:25you'll be at the post office or at the clinic.
00:06:27You're just infected.
00:06:29You're pregnant.
00:06:31I'm doing this for us.
00:06:33You don't know what you want.
00:06:35What did you say?
00:06:37I'm going to Liberia
00:06:39to work for a year.
00:06:43But you won't take her with you.
00:06:45No, I won't.
00:06:47I already told them you'll be with them.
00:06:49That way you'll finally meet your child.
00:06:51That's enough.
00:06:53I can't do it.
00:06:59She has to grow up.
00:07:01Why does it have to happen to me?
00:07:05Why does it have to be him?
00:07:31I'm sorry.
00:07:41If you don't have Internet,
00:07:43we'll be stuck at home.
00:07:47Listen to me.
00:07:49I'm pregnant.
00:07:51We already talked.
00:07:53But we can't live
00:07:55with each other.
00:07:59You're pregnant.
00:08:05I'm sorry.
00:08:09You're pregnant.
00:08:15I'll call you.
00:08:23See you.
00:08:25Excuse me.
00:08:31Good luck.
00:08:41I saw you on the terrace.
00:08:43I didn't see you.
00:08:45What are you talking about?
00:08:47Maybe he saw us.
00:08:49Let's go.
00:08:55Let's go.
00:09:11Dad, I'm hungry.
00:09:13What are we going to eat?
00:09:15I don't know.
00:09:17I don't know.
00:09:21Hot dog.
00:09:23Dad, that's not food.
00:09:25In my childhood,
00:09:27I used to eat three meals a day.
00:09:29Today, we'll have a healthy meal.
00:09:31Tomorrow, three meals.
00:09:33A full meal?
00:09:35A full meal.
00:09:37Do we have to eat something?
00:09:39Some people eat something else
00:09:41than what you eat.
00:09:43Some people eat
00:09:45what they look like.
00:09:47You don't understand.
00:09:49You're the boss.
00:09:53Let's go.
00:09:55That's not fair.
00:10:05We'll be late.
00:10:07Are you crazy?
00:10:09You're not crazy.
00:10:11What are you doing?
00:10:19Thea, wake up.
00:10:21I'm going to sleep.
00:10:23I don't care.
00:10:25Get up.
00:10:29Thea, wake up.
00:10:35What are we going to eat?
00:10:37You'll see.
00:10:39I didn't tell you yesterday
00:10:41that every child needs
00:10:43three full meals a day.
00:10:45I believe you,
00:10:47but you'll never go to school.
00:10:49You always say
00:10:51that health comes first.
00:10:53What are we going to eat?
00:10:55A soft-boiled egg,
00:10:57orange juice,
00:10:59croutons with butter,
00:11:01marmalade and cocoa.
00:11:03Will you stay long?
00:11:05Peter is back.
00:11:07I'm going to cook for Denis.
00:11:09And you?
00:11:11You're not mine,
00:11:13but you'll be mine.
00:11:15I'll kill you.
00:11:17It's running.
00:12:03Oh, my God.
00:12:07Is this what you think about school?
00:12:09Why not? Mom lets me go.
00:12:11And you have a lot to give her.
00:12:13Don't eat those waffles.
00:12:15It's pork.
00:12:17Go talk to your patient.
00:12:19Let me go.
00:12:27Let's go now.
00:12:33I finish school at one,
00:12:35and you have to pick me up.
00:12:37I have sex at 4 and 5.
00:12:39Okay, I'm sorry.
00:12:41I trust you.
00:12:43I'm going alone.
00:12:45Okay, I'll call you later.
00:12:49Why are you here?
00:12:51I told you to stop.
00:13:27I'm a doctor, you know.
00:13:29It's not the first time.
00:13:31What kind of doctor are you?
00:13:41When will you call me mom?
00:13:43That's easy.
00:13:45She's in Africa.
00:13:47What did you say?
00:13:51What does the gastro...
00:13:53Gastroenterologist do?
00:13:55I'm a fat, thin worm.
00:13:57Wait, wait.
00:13:59You look like a dressing gown.
00:14:01Me too.
00:14:03Come on.
00:14:07Be precise.
00:14:11Excuse me.
00:14:25Yes, Tanja.
00:14:27Inspector HCF is waiting for you.
00:14:29How long has he been waiting?
00:14:31He's been here for half an hour.
00:14:33Think of something.
00:14:35I need about 50 minutes.
00:14:37I will, doctor.
00:14:49You'll be happy here
00:14:51until you know where the iPhone is.
00:14:53I already told you.
00:14:55If you don't bring it by tomorrow...
00:14:57I won't.
00:14:59You're going to get in trouble.
00:15:01What's going on?
00:15:03Why are you so happy?
00:15:05You'll be real freaks
00:15:07if you don't know each other.
00:15:09You'll be like teachers.
00:15:11That won't be necessary.
00:15:13You can tell her yourself.
00:15:15Good morning, teacher.
00:15:17What are you doing?
00:15:19Who did this?
00:15:23Matica wants to be an astronaut.
00:15:25That's how astronauts train
00:15:27to stay in a space station.
00:15:29Don't you watch Discovery?
00:15:31What Discovery?
00:15:33Discovery Channel on TV.
00:15:35It's a show.
00:15:37I recommend it.
00:15:39You're not normal.
00:15:41You could hurt someone.
00:15:43But I'm not.
00:15:45Gaja, don't talk to me like that.
00:15:47I don't have to.
00:15:49I'm going home.
00:15:51Good night, teacher.
00:15:53She's dead.
00:16:01What's going on?
00:16:03I can't believe it.
00:16:07Can you help me tonight?
00:16:09You have an old card.
00:16:11You can't change it.
00:16:13I don't know how to fix it.
00:16:15I'll look for it today.
00:16:17I have to, sir.
00:16:19The rules are the rules.
00:16:21You know me.
00:16:23I'm here every day.
00:16:25Every day thousands of people
00:16:27go through this ramp.
00:16:29I'm really mad.
00:16:31Patients are waiting for me.
00:16:33I can't open it.
00:16:35I have a warning sign.
00:16:37Everyone can do this.
00:16:39I have a driver like that.
00:16:41Let's go.
00:16:43I saw everything.
00:16:45These aggressive drivers.
00:16:47I'll deal with them.
00:16:49I'm sorry.
00:16:51I didn't see you.
00:16:53It was Bobo.
00:16:55What did you want to say?
00:16:57Everything is fine.
00:16:59But now I have a new skill.
00:17:01Inside pocket.
00:17:03I don't care.
00:17:05What if I didn't come?
00:17:07What if something bad happened to you?
00:17:09You'll be able to stand up again.
00:17:13What is this?
00:17:15You'll see.
00:17:17Is this your allergy again?
00:17:19No, it's a powder.
00:17:23Good day.
00:17:25Did you hear everything?
00:17:29If you don't have time,
00:17:31can I come another day?
00:17:35One more question.
00:17:37Is it possible to do this
00:17:39under general anesthesia?
00:17:41We'll see, inspector.
00:17:43Don't worry.
00:17:45More, inspector.
00:17:53The representative was looking for you.
00:17:57She said you'd come
00:17:59at half past three.
00:18:03I don't know.
00:18:05Go to the right, please.
00:18:07I will.
00:18:11Mr. HT?
00:18:23Where did he go?
00:18:29He's not here now.
00:18:31What do you mean?
00:18:33I don't know what it is today.
00:18:35This is just the beginning.
00:18:37Don't panic.
00:18:45Good day, doctor.
00:18:47For those who don't know me yet,
00:18:49my name is Leopoldina.
00:18:51I write Schweiger.
00:18:53You can call me
00:18:55Mrs. Schweiger.
00:18:59People think that manicure
00:19:01is just wearing nice clothes,
00:19:03walking on fashionable streets.
00:19:05They think that
00:19:07you have to go inside,
00:19:09then out, head at the end,
00:19:11look at the future,
00:19:13hands at the side,
00:19:15feet in front, and let's go.
00:19:21But no, my dears,
00:19:23manicure is much more
00:19:25than that.
00:19:27We will learn
00:19:29from Tony.
00:19:31What the hell is that?
00:19:33I've never seen anything like it.
00:19:35It's a cow with a bell in the front.
00:19:37And that dress.
00:19:39It's so modern.
00:19:41Why do they teach us manicure?
00:19:43You have to know,
00:19:45manicure is
00:19:47a way of life.
00:19:49Yesterday, I received a message
00:19:51from a multi-agency from Milan.
00:19:53They are not from Milan,
00:19:55but they are their representatives
00:19:57in Slovenia.
00:19:59What do you mean?
00:20:01That's what I'm talking about.
00:20:03That's what I'm talking about.
00:20:05They talk to me
00:20:07in an inappropriate and inappropriate way.
00:20:09What's her name?
00:20:11Dasha? Teja?
00:20:13So, dear Teja and Dasha,
00:20:15if you are not interested
00:20:17in real manicure,
00:20:19you can leave.
00:20:23Then, they praised you.
00:20:27I didn't let you go.
00:20:29Well, I...
00:20:31I was alone at home.
00:20:33What the hell?
00:20:35Go to hell!
00:21:31Yes, Shival.
00:21:33I have a call from the primary.
00:21:35I'll be there in a minute.
00:21:37Okay. Thank you.
00:21:39You're welcome.
00:21:57It's very bad.
00:22:12Please tell the doctor
00:22:14that I don't have to wait.
00:22:16Don't worry.
00:22:18He's going to the bathroom.
00:22:20I'm sorry.
00:22:22I have another patient,
00:22:24so I'm in a hurry.
00:22:26We'll wait.
00:22:28It's not a matter of life and death.
00:22:30Are you always busy in the morning?
00:22:34Well, I'm here in the morning, so...
00:22:39I offered you
00:22:41to be a teacher
00:22:43at the International Symposium,
00:22:45which, as you know,
00:22:47is hosted by me in the fall.
00:22:49I just wanted to check
00:22:51if you're able
00:22:53to perform
00:22:55all your duties at home.
00:22:57I need proof
00:22:59that you'll be able to give everything you have.
00:23:01I mean, why should I give everything I have?
00:23:04What duties are you talking about?
00:23:06Family duties.
00:23:08I just wanted you to tell me
00:23:10that you can't.
00:23:12I don't understand.
00:23:14I've already told you.
00:23:18I just wanted to hear that from your mouth.
00:23:20Because you're in a special situation.
00:23:22I don't know why I can't.
00:23:24Excuse me.
00:23:28We're already
00:23:30getting rid of
00:23:32women of this size.
00:23:34We're controlling them.
00:23:36You're already adjusting,
00:23:38if you know what I mean.
00:23:40Is this a coincidence that you're going to Nini's
00:23:42trip to Africa?
00:23:44Let it go.
00:23:46It's a deal.
00:24:06Come on.
00:24:10Gaja, you can do it.
00:24:12Come on.
00:24:14You can do it.
00:24:16God bless you.
00:24:18Well done. Congratulations.
00:24:26I'm sorry. I didn't see you coming.
00:24:28I was going to tell you in advance.
00:24:30Don't worry. We still have time.
00:24:32We have a saxophone at 4 o'clock.
00:24:34Why are you in a hurry?
00:24:36I told you to come earlier.
00:24:38I thought you'd be bored.
00:24:40She'll be here soon.
00:24:42She'll be here soon.
00:24:44Don't worry. I have everything under control.
00:24:46Don't worry. I have everything under control.
00:24:48I don't have to worry.
00:24:52Do you have a saxophone?
00:24:54Wait, what? Saxophone?
00:24:56How can you call a saxophone without a saxophone?
00:24:58Gaja, this is your instrument.
00:25:00I didn't bring a saxophone to school.
00:25:04I'm sorry. I didn't know.
00:25:08Gaja, you're alive.
00:25:10But nothing helps.
00:25:12She forgot her saxophone here.
00:25:14I'm sorry. I didn't know I had to bring it.
00:25:28I'm sorry, Gaja's father.
00:25:30And you are?
00:25:32Peter. No, I'm Ema.
00:25:34Gaja's saxophone teacher.
00:25:36And you are Peter.
00:25:38Nice to meet you.
00:25:40I don't know.
00:25:42I'm going to look for it.
00:25:44No, it's okay.
00:25:46Gaja, you're going to marry me today.
00:25:48What do you say?
00:25:50Yes! I have a boyfriend.
00:25:52He's the best saxophone player in the world.
00:25:54Really? I don't know him.
00:25:56Are you going to wait here or go with us upstairs?
00:25:58I have a small balcony upstairs.
00:26:00You can sit down and wait.
00:26:02Okay. With pleasure.
00:26:06Do you have time?
00:26:10Great. Let's go.
00:26:20Hey, isn't it cool?
00:26:22First you work for catalogs,
00:26:24then you take photos for magazines.
00:26:26Oh, no.
00:26:28Denis will always say you're the best.
00:26:30That's why I'm here.
00:26:32Let's go.
00:26:34Okay, but what do we have to write?
00:26:36Age, height, weight,
00:26:38phone number, e-mail.
00:26:40I'm a little older.
00:26:4216 years old.
00:26:44You can't write that alone.
00:26:46Why not? Everyone would know.
00:26:48Documents, right?
00:26:50Oh, no. No one ever did that.
00:26:54I'm a little taller,
00:26:56so 175.
00:26:58I'm still growing.
00:27:00And now you.
00:27:24Yeah, bravo.
00:27:26Look, that's it.
00:27:28You did great.
00:27:32Tell me at the end,
00:27:34what music do you want?
00:27:42Good choice.
00:28:22It would be nice
00:28:24if Coltrane and Charlie Parker would buy it.
00:28:26Yeah, we have the best.
00:28:28Do you listen to jazz?
00:28:30Yes, sometimes.
00:28:32Come to our concert next week.
00:28:34We play in Blues Café every Tuesday.
00:28:36I don't know if you know it.
00:28:38It's a small club.
00:28:40I know it.
00:28:42Maybe it's true.
00:28:44Shall we go?
00:28:50Do you listen to jazz?
00:28:52I used to listen to it
00:28:54when you were a kid.
00:28:56We never listened to it at home.
00:28:58I don't know.
00:29:00My mom didn't like it.
00:29:02Is that why we have so much time at home?
00:29:04There are about
00:29:06150 records at home,
00:29:08mainly jazz.
00:29:10Will you listen to them?
00:29:12I have a gramophone.
00:29:16Why didn't you tell me before?
00:29:18Because you never asked me before.
00:29:26Will it fit?
00:29:30It's heavy.
00:29:32Let's close it as soon as possible.
00:29:34Do you think it will still work?
00:29:36I don't know.
00:29:38I packed it.
00:29:40Let's close it.
00:29:42Where have you been?
00:29:44At a party.
00:29:46I told you.
00:29:48How was school?
00:29:52Did you eat?
00:30:06Watch this.
00:30:16Watch this.
00:30:18Watch this.
00:30:20Watch this.
00:30:22Watch this.
00:30:24Watch this.
00:30:26Watch this.
00:30:28Watch this.
00:30:30Watch this.
00:30:32Watch this.
00:30:34Watch this.
00:30:36Watch this.
00:30:38Watch this.
00:30:40Watch this.
00:30:42Watch this.
00:30:44Watch this.
00:30:46It was great.
00:30:52I'm tired.
00:30:54Me too.
00:30:56I'm going to work.
00:30:58You're not a tooth.
00:31:00I know, doctor.
00:31:02Good night.
00:31:04Good night.
00:31:06Good night.
00:31:12What a nice day.
00:31:14I would not be so happy
00:31:16if everyone was like this.
00:31:18Look at my eyes.
00:31:20I feel great.
00:31:22Who would think that?
00:31:32My eyes are looking at me
00:31:34I feel like I'm five years old.
00:31:36Take care of him, honey.
00:31:38You have to take good care of him.
00:31:40I'm his everything.
00:31:42But he doesn't understand.
00:31:44I have a hard time with food.
00:31:46I can't wait for you to come.
00:31:48When are you coming?
00:31:52You have to tell me how you're doing with math.
00:31:56Okay? What does that mean?
00:31:58I got an A.
00:32:00Hey, is Gaja okay?
00:32:02I don't know.
00:32:04It depends on everything.
00:32:06I knew you'd say that.
00:32:08But don't call her.
00:32:12What is it?
00:32:16Mom, it's Jojo.
00:32:18Jojo, honey.
00:32:20How are you?
00:32:22I'm fine.
00:32:24I thought you were grown up.
00:32:26What are you talking about?
00:32:28Can't you see what she's doing?
00:33:02I'm coming home.
00:33:06Are you still working?
00:33:08Are you still working?
00:33:12You're so naive.
00:33:16Listen, Gaja.
00:33:18I'm coming home.
00:33:20I have endless work.
00:33:22That's important, okay?
00:33:24We need to talk about something.
00:33:26But look,
00:33:28these are things for grown-ups.
00:33:30These are things for grown-ups.
00:33:32I'm not a grown-up.
00:33:34You are.
00:33:36Why do you always have to fight?
00:33:38I'm not a kid.
00:33:40I'm 18.
00:33:42I know what's going on.
00:33:44Don't treat me like a kid.
00:34:02Gaja, are you okay?
00:34:04I'm fine.
00:34:10I'll make you something to eat.
00:34:12I don't have to.
00:34:16What is this?
00:34:18Why did Mom say that?
00:34:20You didn't fight that much.
00:34:22But what if you changed?
00:34:24What if I changed?
00:34:26What if Mom came back?
00:34:28She can't stay in Africa forever.
00:34:32What can I do?
00:34:34I'll do something.
00:34:48It's 8.30.
00:34:50We'll be late again.
00:34:52Come on.
00:35:00Get up.
00:35:02It's 8.30.
00:35:04Let me go.
00:35:06Get up.
00:35:08It's not fair.
00:35:10Get up.
00:35:16What are we going to eat today?
00:35:18What are we going to eat today?
00:35:20Today we'll have toast with butter.
00:35:22And jam.
00:35:24Hot cocoa.
00:35:26And soft boiled eggs.
00:35:28I thought you'd make eggs today.
00:35:42Do you want eggs?
00:35:46I'll do it.
00:35:48I'll do it.
00:35:50Who is it?
00:35:52Who is it?
00:35:54The postman.
00:36:00We have a package for you.
00:36:02Please sign here.
00:36:14Please sign here.
00:36:24Have a nice day.
00:36:26Have a nice day.
00:36:36Leave us alone!
00:36:38Get out!
00:36:56Now leave us alone!
00:36:58What are you doing there?
00:37:00I don't know.
00:37:02Who do you think you are?
00:37:04Let's go.
00:37:06We've got to go.
00:37:08We have to go.
00:37:10You don't have to go.
00:37:12I don't.
00:37:14I don't.
00:37:16You can't go.
00:37:18There's no point.
00:37:20We'll go anyway.
00:37:22We have to go.
00:37:24Don't worry about it.
00:37:28Look, it's in the fridge.
00:37:30Wait a minute.
00:37:31Do you think the pictures are in there?
00:37:33Yes, look.
00:37:34Look how cute they are.
00:37:36Look how cute she is.
00:37:37Look at those curls.
00:37:40And here's Mommy.
00:37:49What are you doing here?
00:37:51Nothing, just doing my job.
00:37:54Isn't this photo pretty?
00:37:59Do you think Mommy remembers the kids?
00:38:02I think she does.
00:38:05Are you ready?
00:38:06I'll be right there.
00:38:55I don't know if I've ever told you,
00:38:57but you're the best father in the world.
00:39:00Be a good boy at work.
00:39:24Hello, hello!
00:39:26What are you doing here?
00:39:28Don't you know this is a public place?
00:39:30This is a hospital.
00:39:32You know what?
00:39:33I wouldn't know,
00:39:34because I've been working here for 10 years.
00:39:36Go put this away.
00:39:37The card is not working again.
00:39:39Oh, sorry.
00:39:40Can you please turn off the lights?
00:39:42Oh, sorry, sorry.
00:39:43Okay, okay.
00:39:44You can only enter the parking lot
00:39:46with a valid card or a permit,
00:39:48and I don't see any other.
00:39:50I have a card,
00:39:51but it's definitely broken.
00:39:54Yes, really.
00:39:55Hey, where are you going?
00:39:57Sir, I'm an official organ,
00:39:58and you don't owe me anything for this tie.
00:40:01Listen, sir!
00:40:02The government will let me go
00:40:03if I don't fix this.
00:40:05Sir, I'm an official organ.
00:40:08Sir, I manage my own business.
00:40:10You have to understand.
00:40:12Well, that's your problem now.
00:40:15Sir, doctor!
00:40:18Sir, doctor!
00:40:21Call an ambulance!
00:40:23Call an ambulance!
00:40:50How did you do that?
00:40:52I had a really bad day today.
00:40:54Yes, yes.
00:40:55I can tell you about that.
00:40:57I knew you wouldn't be able to do it.
00:41:00Children, family, that's...
00:41:02That's too much for a man.
00:41:05I did everything I could.
00:41:07I really had a bad day today.
00:41:10I'm sorry.
00:41:11I'm sorry.
00:41:12I'm sorry.
00:41:13I'm sorry.
00:41:14I'm sorry.
00:41:15I'm sorry.
00:41:16I'm sorry.
00:41:17I'm sorry.
00:41:18I'm sorry.
00:41:19I'm sorry.
00:41:20I'm sorry.
00:41:21I'm sorry.
00:41:22I'm sorry.
00:41:23I'm sorry.
00:41:24I'm sorry.
00:41:25I'm sorry.
00:41:26I'm sorry.
00:41:27I'm sorry.
00:41:28I'm sorry.
00:41:29I'm sorry.
00:41:30It's OK.
00:41:31I'll explain everything tomorrow.
00:41:32OK, OK.
00:41:33I wanted to talk to you about your show on Wednesday the 10th.
00:41:36I'm really sorry to my colleagues from Slovenia.
00:41:40That's it.
00:41:44Look at this, doctor.
00:41:48We are in the middle of an important meeting.
00:41:50Please send us your photos.
00:41:52Take them in the way they are attached to the phone.
00:41:54Oh my God!
00:41:57What's wrong with you, Tamara?
00:41:59I have a bad feeling about this.
00:42:01Did you tell your father what's wrong?
00:42:03Did you tell him?
00:42:04No, I didn't.
00:42:06Don't worry about it.
00:42:11What is it?
00:42:14What's wrong with this coffee?
00:42:16What's wrong with you?
00:42:18When I want to get to the heart of the matter,
00:42:20I have to make a decision.
00:42:23You have a lot of projects to show.
00:42:25Don't you?
00:42:26Pick one and write it down.
00:42:29I'm not in the mood for anything.
00:42:34You're making a mistake.
00:42:36You're an African Samaritan.
00:42:38Wait a bit and you'll have enough of everything.
00:42:41Then you'll have to go to the toilet.
00:42:43I have a lot of papers to go through.
00:42:52Wait, I have to go.
00:42:54I have to go to the toilet.
00:42:56I have to write it down.
00:42:58No way.
00:42:59You haven't gone to the toilet in three months.
00:43:02Tonight at nine, okay?
00:43:11Give me your phone.
00:43:13What do you care?
00:43:15If you want to go to the toilet, take it.
00:43:18Oleg, thank you.
00:43:20You shut up.
00:43:24Twelve to seven.
00:43:26Now you'll see what I've prepared.
00:43:45Hey, let him have it.
00:43:47Here, here, here, here.
00:43:49You'll kill him.
00:43:51You won't believe it.
00:43:52Just watch out.
00:43:53What's going on?
00:43:54What's going on?
00:43:55We didn't...
00:43:56We didn't...
00:43:57I don't care.
00:43:58We'll clean up and then we'll go to the toilet.
00:44:00My head!
00:44:01I'm going to the market.
00:44:02You're not going to the market.
00:44:04Let's go.
00:44:05End of break.
00:44:06Let's go.
00:44:07This is a really good program.
00:44:10Good day, Mr. Spektor.
00:44:12How are you?
00:44:15Give me an instrument, please.
00:44:19You're going to give me...
00:44:21A colonoscopy, Mr. Spektor.
00:44:23Will it hurt?
00:44:25It won't hurt.
00:44:26It can be a little unpleasant at first,
00:44:29but I'll lower it a little,
00:44:31separate it from the water.
00:44:33Let's open it.
00:44:34And we're already inside.
00:44:36What are you doing with these poor criminals?
00:44:40This is top-secret information.
00:44:43Even if they tortured me, I wouldn't tell you.
00:44:46They wouldn't torture you, Mr. Spektor.
00:44:48Nobody can know that we're investigating a criminal organization
00:44:51that operates in our city.
00:44:54Press this button.
00:44:56What button?
00:44:58The big red one.
00:45:00And this?
00:45:01I've never heard of it.
00:45:03It's nothing.
00:45:05But do you know that this organization
00:45:07is looking for its victims over the Internet?
00:45:10But I didn't tell you that.
00:45:12I didn't hear anything.
00:45:14No, no, Mr. Spektor, I want to go to the grave.
00:45:17But do you know that their records are too young to be here?
00:45:20Mr. Spektor, we're going to focus on a small topic now.
00:45:24I'm sorry.
00:45:26Oh, I'm sorry.
00:45:28Lika, this is Lika now.
00:45:34Concentrate. You already knew that.
00:45:36Let's do it again.
00:45:42That's enough.
00:45:43Let's go outside, okay?
00:45:45Come on.
00:45:49Gaja, don't worry.
00:45:50It's not a big deal.
00:45:52I have a bad day too, so I'm not going.
00:45:54It's not that.
00:45:56It's just...
00:45:59What do you mean, nothing?
00:46:01If you want, you can tell me.
00:46:05It's just...
00:46:06I don't know if I can go.
00:46:08I'm really sorry.
00:46:11Why are you sorry?
00:46:13You two broke up.
00:46:14I don't think she'll come back.
00:46:16Of course she will.
00:46:17You know she won't leave you alone.
00:46:19That's true.
00:46:20I just don't think we'll live together anymore.
00:46:31What's wrong with her?
00:46:32Is she crazy?
00:46:33I don't know.
00:46:34She's acting so weird.
00:46:35She thinks she's grown up.
00:46:37She's just a spoiled brat.
00:46:39It's the years.
00:46:40Everything changes in puberty.
00:46:41You'll see when you're that old.
00:46:43Not anymore.
00:46:44I'll never act like that.
00:46:46Like what?
00:46:49You won't be surprised.
00:46:57Am I late?
00:46:58No, no.
00:46:59We just finished.
00:47:00Bye, Emma.
00:47:04You still didn't come to see us play.
00:47:06We're back in the club today, if you have time.
00:47:08I'd love to, but I have so much to do today.
00:47:11Yes, of course.
00:47:12Of course.
00:47:13We'll start at 11.
00:47:14If you change your mind.
00:47:16Great, thanks.
00:47:17I'll come the next day.
00:47:18Love you.
00:47:23Now I'm a real German.
00:47:24I have a spade.
00:47:26I think you should have taken the bus today.
00:47:28I'm starving.
00:47:29I don't think that's going to work.
00:47:31Why not?
00:47:32Adults can take the bus.
00:47:34Yes, but you have a bus ticket.
00:47:36But it doesn't matter.
00:47:37Adults can take the bus whenever they want.
00:47:41I'm applying for a temporary permit for this German hour.
00:47:44And I strongly hope that the Commission will approve it.
00:47:47The Commission for Temporary Permit for this German hour has approved the permit.
00:47:52Bravo to the Commission.
00:47:54Listen, I have to go to the clinic.
00:47:56I won't be long.
00:47:57Tell me, are you going with Mom or should I take you home?
00:48:00Home is fine.
00:48:11What, are you going to the sea?
00:48:13What are you doing?
00:48:14What do you care?
00:48:15I said out!
00:48:16Look, don't go to the mannequin circle anymore.
00:48:18Tell me what's going on.
00:48:19Or I'll tell everything to your father.
00:48:20You're the only one who has a brother.
00:48:21Mind your own business.
00:48:22I want to know what's going on.
00:48:23You know what?
00:48:24Go to hell.
00:48:25And if you write, I'll have to see you again.
00:49:09Are you leaving?
00:49:25What is it? I can't see anything.
00:49:28I think this is a worm.
00:49:30Matica, hurry up! I need you! It's urgent!
00:49:33Yeah, OK. I'll be right up.
00:49:37Something strange is going on. I think my sister is a real goat.
00:49:40She's taking pictures of herself in her shoes.
00:49:42And then she sends me those photos.
00:49:44But I don't know where she hid them.
00:49:46But I think she sent them via a chat app.
00:49:49Ah, chat.
00:49:50Ah, chat, chat.
00:49:51Do you know it?
00:49:53OK, don't change your friend's profile.
00:49:55You can do that.
00:49:56Do you know the email address?
00:49:58I know the email address, but I don't know what chat is.
00:50:01Eh, it's a small one.
00:50:10Date of birth?
00:50:15OK, horoscope?
00:50:23Ravnikar, you know everything!
00:50:25No, I'm back.
00:50:26Oh, yeah.
00:50:31And I'm in.
00:50:33Oh, wait, let me see who sent this.
00:50:35Are you going to type it?
00:50:37No, sorry.
00:50:42Can you see who this is?
00:50:44Yeah, no problem.
00:50:46Actually, there is a problem.
00:50:48Gabriela is a good teacher.
00:50:50I'll try to fix it.
00:50:51I just have to.
00:50:52Try everything.
00:50:53You have to know what's going on.
00:50:55You have to.
00:50:59Have you found anything yet?
00:51:00Yeah, I think it'll be easier if you go.
00:51:02You're annoying me with typing and stuff.
00:51:04No, I'll give you an example.
00:51:06I'll call you if something happens.
00:51:09Will you call me?
00:51:10I will.
00:51:42What are you having?
00:51:46And what are you having?
00:51:48What do you mean nothing?
00:51:49You have to eat something.
00:51:51I won't.
00:51:52Let me in.
00:51:53Come in.
00:52:04Come in.
00:52:05Five pages.
00:52:06I'm sorry.
00:52:07I'm sorry.
00:52:08I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
00:52:11I'm sorry.
00:52:16So, what's going on?
00:52:19How are you talking to me?
00:52:21I'm sorry.
00:52:22There are some rules that everybody obeys.
00:52:24When you go out, you come back home when you're ready.
00:52:27You never tell me where you go, who you go with and when you come back.
00:52:29You dress up.
00:52:30Why do I have to dress up?
00:52:32My mom never saw you.
00:52:34I'm surprised she did.
00:52:35You're to blame for her leaving.
00:52:38You don't even know what I'm doing.
00:52:40You just watch.
00:52:42I don't care about you.
00:52:44I'm sorry, how can you say you don't care about me?
00:52:47I care about what's going on with you.
00:52:49That's why I'm here.
00:52:50Mom didn't leave...
00:52:51Stop it, Michi.
00:52:52Do you think I'm blind or what?
00:52:54Just leave me alone.
00:52:56I'm going to make some pancakes.
00:52:58Wait for me in the fridge.
00:53:00I'll call you when it's ready.
00:53:22You know, in puberty,
00:53:24everything turns around.
00:53:26But not for me.
00:53:27Just once.
00:53:28Let's make pancakes.
00:53:30I'll have a double portion.
00:53:35If I don't move,
00:53:36you'll have pancakes,
00:53:38sweets and lemon.
00:53:40That's right.
00:53:42You know, pancakes in the air.
00:53:44Yeah, right.
00:53:54Let's go.
00:54:24You know, I'm so full.
00:54:36Don't worry.
00:54:37Those pancakes were much better than mom's.
00:54:42Do you know any pancakes in Africa?
00:54:45I don't think so.
00:54:49But when mom comes,
00:54:51she won't be with us anymore, right?
00:55:04I'll be there soon.
00:55:15We're almost there.
00:55:19Can we go one step higher?
00:55:22Let's go, let's go, let's go.
00:55:25Didn't we change the beer?
00:55:27Yeah, look.
00:55:29And because Mr. Doctor ignores his friends,
00:55:32the beer came to Mr. Doctor.
00:55:36What's so important
00:55:38that Mrs. Gaja doesn't kill her cousin Gregor?
00:55:43How is it?
00:55:44Is everything under control?
00:55:45Almost everything.
00:55:46Oh, God.
00:55:47I'm a little scared,
00:55:48but I'm going to screw it up.
00:55:50Hey, where's the mannequin?
00:55:52The mannequin in this apartment
00:55:54only uses his room and bathroom.
00:55:56He only says,
00:55:57yes, no, I'm going to screw it up.
00:55:59Oh, that's what our eyes are like lately.
00:56:02Yeah, but eyes, not screwing up.
00:56:05Mrs. Gaja,
00:56:06I'm going to have a little fun with Mr. Doctor today.
00:56:09I mean, I'm going to get rid of your father.
00:56:12You didn't have any special plans with him, did you?
00:56:17I know Mr. Doctor was invited to a jazz concert today.
00:56:21Oh, yeah?
00:56:23Who invited him?
00:56:24Ema, my saxophone teacher.
00:56:26Oh, Ema.
00:56:27Mr. Doctor.
00:56:30Is she nice?
00:56:31Very nice.
00:56:32Yeah, yeah.
00:56:33I'll change.
00:56:34Let's go.
00:56:35I have to write a thesis.
00:56:36Wait, if you don't sit down,
00:56:37come on, come on, come on,
00:56:38put on your clothes and let's go.
00:56:39I don't think such a pleasant conversation
00:56:41can be closed so soon.
00:56:42I have a class.
00:56:43I'll be more careful about that.
00:56:45Come on, Ema,
00:56:46you can't close a conversation like that.
00:56:48Put on your clothes and let's go.
00:56:49I'll be right up to the end.
00:56:50You go.
00:56:51Why are you so insistent?
00:56:52I mean, OK, I'm going.
00:56:53If you'll excuse me.
00:56:54Dio, don't go!
00:57:09Don't be afraid, I'm coming.
00:57:11Did you find anything?
00:57:13I switched to the IP address
00:57:14where the phone was.
00:57:15IP what?
00:57:16Doesn't matter.
00:57:17Great, and what did you find?
00:57:18I looked on Google.
00:57:19About 10-15 minutes from here,
00:57:20by the bridge.
00:57:21And yeah,
00:57:22there should be something
00:57:23in reality as well.
00:57:24Agency Reality.
00:57:26Wait a minute,
00:57:27do you really think
00:57:28that Dasha and Teja
00:57:29got the phone from
00:57:30a mannequin agency?
00:57:31I don't know, maybe.
00:57:32Let's go.
00:57:40That could be
00:57:41that house.
00:57:43Are you sure?
00:57:44Yeah, that was it.
00:57:48What are you doing?
00:57:49It's dark in here.
00:57:50You don't have to go that far.
00:57:52Come on.
00:57:54You can go somewhere else.
00:57:55Yeah, but the house is here,
00:57:57so come on.
00:57:58What, are you scared?
00:58:00Come on.
00:58:01Come on!
00:58:05Come on, let's go.
00:58:13Let's go.
00:58:20Do you want a beer?
00:58:23Two beers,
00:58:24small and large.
00:58:29What kind of
00:58:30sexophonist is she?
00:58:33She's the teacher here.
00:58:36we have a special guest
00:58:37with us and of course,
00:58:38you too,
00:58:39Ema Duh!
00:59:14why didn't you tell me
00:59:15we were going to have a party
00:59:16at your house?
00:59:32What the hell?
00:59:34It's not a party,
00:59:35but they're throwing a party.
00:59:36Let's see.
00:59:37Get the f*** out of here!
00:59:38Get the f*** out of here.
00:59:39I'm on it!
00:59:40Get the f*** out of here!
00:59:41I'm on it!
00:59:59Oreo, saxophone, mrs. contrabass, send a pleasure
01:00:07Oreo, saxophone, mrs. contrabass, send a pleasure
01:00:30Thank you very much!
01:00:36Thank you!
01:00:52Shh! Don't let them scream!
01:00:54I can't let them scream!
01:01:00What if he hears us?
01:01:02I don't think he has a gun. He's right behind us.
01:01:04Oh, you and your allergies!
01:01:11No, no, no, no, no, no!
01:01:14Come here!
01:01:28No, no, no, no, no!
01:01:30Where are you going?
01:01:34Why are you so late?
01:01:36Matica's dog ran away and she was looking for him.
01:01:39I think you saw the dog run away and he was looking for him.
01:01:42So you're Matica?
01:01:44And who are you?
01:01:46I'm Gaja, Gaja Ravnikar. And who are you?
01:01:48Higher Inspector HC.
01:01:50No offense, but anyone can say that.
01:01:52Can you please show me your badge?
01:01:58Do the elders know you're here?
01:02:02I see you won't let me take them home.
01:02:04But I'll never see them again in this house.
01:02:07Yes, sir Inspector.
01:02:09Higher Inspector.
01:02:11Higher Inspector.
01:02:13Let's go.
01:02:15It was fun, wasn't it?
01:02:17Yes, it was great. I have to thank you.
01:02:21That's why we're friends.
01:02:23Oh, I almost forgot.
01:02:25Say hello to your new friend.
01:02:27I'm not your friend.
01:02:29I'm Gaja's teacher.
01:02:31Oh, I'm sorry.
01:02:33Good evening.
01:02:37It's great to see you.
01:02:39You're here?
01:02:41Yes, thank you for the concert.
01:02:43This is my friend Grega.
01:02:45Hello, Grega.
01:02:47It's great to see you.
01:02:51I have to go.
01:02:53Yes, I'll see you soon.
01:02:55I almost forgot.
01:02:57I have to go.
01:02:59I'll call you later.
01:03:09I'm Tosme.
01:03:11Yes, I'm here.
01:03:13I'll see you later.
01:03:15Can I?
01:04:05That's it.
01:04:07I'm home.
01:04:11Thank you for accepting me.
01:04:13You're welcome.
01:04:25Good night.
01:04:27Yes, good night.
01:04:31Good night.
01:04:33Good night.
01:04:49Here you are.
01:04:51And if you remember anything,
01:04:53look at the house where you lost the dog.
01:04:55Call me and tell your friend.
01:04:59Yes, Inspector.
01:05:59Good night.
01:06:29Good night.
01:06:59Good night.
01:07:07Let's wash our eyes.
01:07:21Fried eggs, orange juice,
01:07:23bread and coffee.
01:07:25I know you have a hard day.
01:07:27Did you make this yourself?
01:07:33Where's Teja?
01:07:35Don't worry, he's in the basement.
01:07:37Good boy.
01:07:45Teja, you don't know what you're doing.
01:08:07Have a nice day.
01:08:15In the post office,
01:08:17pick up Greg,
01:08:19take him to Saks,
01:08:21and then to Germany.
01:08:23I'll be home by then.
01:08:25I'll show them who's in charge.
01:08:29Wait, wait.
01:08:31We forgot something.
01:08:45Hi, Mom.
01:08:47Hi, Gaja.
01:08:49Did you talk about Gabriel?
01:08:51No, nothing.
01:08:53What's wrong with you today?
01:08:55I bit the grass.
01:08:59Where's Denis?
01:09:01Here he is.
01:09:03Hi, Gaja.
01:09:05Hi, Denis.
01:09:13Tell me, doctor.
01:09:15Something's wrong, right?
01:09:19I have to admit,
01:09:21it's a bit unusual.
01:09:25I know.
01:09:27What is it?
01:09:29How old am I?
01:09:31Maybe two?
01:09:33I'd say
01:09:37fifty years.
01:09:39You're healthy,
01:09:41Mr. Spektor.
01:09:43Incredibly healthy for someone
01:09:45a hundred years older than you.
01:09:49I didn't know I was so
01:09:53Mr. Spektor.
01:09:55Can I hug you?
01:09:57No, thank you.
01:10:27I'm getting dressed,
01:10:29is this a mask?
01:10:31Don't worry.
01:10:33Just this.
01:10:37Hey, Mom,
01:10:39something's going on.
01:10:41Look, they're in love.
01:10:47She's a gross machine.
01:10:49She'll be home in half an hour.
01:10:56Good afternoon, kids.
01:10:57Everyone back to their seats, please.
01:10:59Stop sneezing.
01:11:00I can't sneeze.
01:11:01I hope you've rested and are ready for work.
01:11:04Today we'll be working on Matica.
01:11:07What is it?
01:11:08Matica is allergic to hyacinths.
01:11:10She's got it in March.
01:11:11We'll have to take her out now.
01:11:15Are you okay?
01:11:16Yeah, I'm just a little dizzy.
01:11:18What now?
01:11:19Call the inspector.
01:11:25Inspector, I think you have a phone call.
01:11:28Doctor, you need to take your time.
01:11:36Doctor, you really have to go now.
01:11:39It's okay, just call.
01:11:41What now?
01:11:43I'm going to call my dad.
01:11:59He didn't pick up.
01:12:00Where are you?
01:12:07Now you're going to get it.
01:12:11Hey, let go of him!
01:12:13What is this?
01:12:14Good afternoon, Mr. Renato.
01:12:18Run, Matica!
01:12:19What are you looking at?
01:12:40Don't stop!
01:13:10Don't stop!
01:13:16Did you tell him to come here?
01:13:18I think so, but he's upstairs.
01:13:22Let's go.
01:13:30Hey, I have a bad feeling about this.
01:13:33Me too.
01:13:35What are you doing?
01:13:36Let's go.
01:13:42Is this the Kincia Reality?
01:13:45Yes, yes, that's it.
01:13:48What now?
01:13:49Where is Mr. Gabriela?
01:13:51He's coming, he's coming.
01:13:53What do you want?
01:13:54What now?
01:13:55What do you want?
01:13:56Let's go.
01:13:57Let's go.
01:14:08Acute pancreatitis occurs due to the frequent activation of trypsins,
01:14:12neurotransmitters, which cause...
01:14:14...a large number of tumors in the leg and groin,
01:14:16due to the abundance of muscles...
01:14:23Yes, Grega, tell me.
01:14:24Hi, man.
01:14:25I'm waiting here in front of the school.
01:14:27Gaja is not here.
01:14:28Who's not here?
01:14:29I don't know.
01:14:30You said he should be here by now.
01:14:31It's almost 8 o'clock.
01:14:32But everyone's already here.
01:14:33I don't know what to do.
01:14:34I'll wait a little longer.
01:14:35I'll call you back.
01:14:45Yes, Gaja.
01:14:46Where are you?
01:14:47He wants to know who you are.
01:14:50Wait, where am I?
01:14:51I can't hear you.
01:14:53I can't hear you.
01:14:54Try to...
01:14:55What are you doing?
01:14:56Listen to me.
01:14:57Hide somewhere.
01:14:58My phone is in my pocket.
01:14:59I can't see anything.
01:15:00Yes, Ravnikar.
01:15:01Are you coming?
01:15:03We have a conference here.
01:15:04You can pick him up yourself.
01:15:06Excuse me?
01:15:07You're right.
01:15:08Men can't play everything.
01:15:16Inspector HC.
01:15:17This is Dr. Ravnikar.
01:15:18It's me.
01:15:20We've got him!
01:15:23Don't worry.
01:15:25Let's go, let's go, let's go.
01:15:31Hey, they're good.
01:15:33Come in, come in.
01:15:35Sit down, sit down.
01:15:36Sit down, sit down.
01:15:37Sit down.
01:15:41Did you buy anything?
01:15:45Something small?
01:15:54Where is Mrs. Gabriela?
01:15:56Mrs. Gabriela is coming.
01:16:02Excuse me.
01:16:07What is this?
01:16:09It's a drink.
01:16:10We'll get a little drunk.
01:16:14Drink, drink.
01:16:18We'll get a little drunk.
01:16:21Drink, drink.
01:16:23Wait, wait, wait.
01:16:25No, no.
01:16:26Sit down.
01:16:27Sit down.
01:16:28What, you didn't drink anything?
01:16:31If you don't drink, I'll be sorry, won't I?
01:16:35Come on, sit down.
01:16:36Sit down.
01:16:38When you're drunk, we'll go to the studio.
01:16:40We'll do a few test shots.
01:16:47Let's go.
01:16:53Come on, let's go.
01:16:59What? Are we going or not?
01:17:02Come on.
01:17:07We've got you now.
01:17:09Watch out, dog!
01:17:10Of course.
01:17:11That scream will get her today.
01:17:17Watch out!
01:17:27Who's there?
01:17:28You're not supposed to be here!
01:17:30Wait here.
01:18:06Who's there?
01:18:13Get back!
01:18:15Are you okay?
01:18:17Are you okay?
01:18:19I'm glad you're okay.
01:18:20I'm glad you're okay.
01:18:32What the fuck?
01:18:34Who would have thought that a child would help a criminal?
01:18:39There he is.
01:18:40Directly behind bars.
01:18:41I didn't go to the studio.
01:18:43I went out to get some sleep.
01:18:45And then he became violent.
01:18:48I wanted him to be proud of me.
01:18:50Thea, I've always been and always will be proud of you.
01:18:53I'm sorry I didn't give you more technology.
01:18:56I'm sorry.
01:18:59What about me?
01:19:00You too.
01:19:02You and Sherlock Holmes.
01:19:06Everything will be fine, my girls.
01:19:08Everything will be fine.
01:19:10Now I'll take you for a walk.
01:19:12Let's go.
01:19:20Guys, guys!
01:19:21Let's take a shower!
01:19:26But today is Saturday.
01:19:27So what?
01:19:28It's normal.
01:19:29What's this?
01:19:31Did you make this for us?
01:19:36Now eat up.
01:19:37I didn't bother you because we have a picnic today.
01:19:40A picnic?
01:19:47And Gaja Ravnikar.
01:19:48Without you, Gaja wouldn't have made it.
01:19:52One more group photo.
01:19:54This one will represent my work.
01:19:58I told you everything would change.
01:20:00Inspector HC.
01:20:01I'm sorry.
01:20:02Higher Inspector HC.
01:20:04You'll still be in jail.
01:20:06The criminals and him.
01:20:08Greg is great.
01:20:09I'm probably the only one who adores his cakes.
01:20:12The windows don't look the best, but they're ingenious.
01:20:15My dad learned how to cook.
01:20:17He listens to jazz again,
01:20:19but what's really important is that he's actually really cool.
01:20:22He's been laughing a lot lately.
01:20:27Teja and Daša are still together,
01:20:29but that's puberty.
01:20:32And now we're best friends.
01:20:36Matica will definitely one day conquer the world with his ideas.
01:20:40But mine is already very small,
01:20:42and he'll always be my best friend.
01:21:12Yes, Mom, I'm fine.
01:21:15Yes, I'm fine too.
01:21:17Everything is fine.
01:21:20I'm here for you, Rada.
01:21:24I'm here for you, too.
01:21:29Love you.
01:21:31Bye, Mom.
01:21:35See you.
01:21:42Never again.
01:21:43Never again.
01:22:14My world is spinning,
01:22:16your story is different,
01:22:18but it's the same in it,
01:22:20you're shining,
01:22:22we're not the same,
01:22:24you're dreamy.
01:22:29All those people,
01:22:31who don't have a paradise,
01:22:33at home, alone,
01:22:35I became them.
01:22:37You're just a woman,
01:22:39who shines in the green,
01:22:41in the blue streets.
01:22:44Stay where you are,
01:22:48everyone is looking at you,
01:22:53when you're walking on the street.
01:22:58Not just us,
01:23:02but everyone around you.
01:23:07And everyone is waiting for you,
01:23:09at the edge of the heart.
01:23:14The biggest smile,
01:23:16and the smallest pain,
01:23:18when you're holding me,
01:23:20and you're running with me,
01:23:22in the world,
01:23:23like this,
01:23:24the two meet.
01:23:29All those people,
01:23:30who don't have a paradise,
01:23:32at home, alone,
01:23:34I became them.
01:23:36You're just a woman,
01:23:38who shines in the green,
01:23:40in the blue streets.
01:23:44Stay where you are,
01:23:47everyone is looking at you,
01:23:53when you're walking on the street.
01:23:58Not just us,
01:24:02but everyone around you.
01:24:05And everyone is waiting for you,
01:24:07at the edge of the heart.
01:24:11Stay where you are,
01:24:14everyone is looking at you,
01:24:20when you're walking on the street.
01:24:25Not just us,
01:24:29but everyone around you.
01:24:35Stay where you are,
01:24:37everyone is looking at you,
01:24:43everyone is looking at you.