• 2 months ago
00:00:30Because everyone is obsessed with political power
00:00:33It doesn't matter who we talk about the rich, the poor, the young, the old
00:00:39Everyone has a political agenda
00:00:42I used to be interested in money, but nowadays it is also politics
00:00:49Climate change, politics, with whom you have the right to marry, homosexual or heterosexual is political
00:00:57And what is the highest level of political power?
00:01:01The presidency, right? The leader
00:01:06Now, I'm not a politician, I never wanted to be
00:01:11But you can imagine, just for a minute, that someone who controls the most powerful of all
00:01:18The leader of the free world
00:01:21I'm not talking about cheap fiction, a book or a movie
00:01:24I'm talking about real life
00:01:27But, on the other hand, there are realistic movies
00:01:37Take What The Dog, for example
00:01:48Yes, of course, Boston Hobman is great in it
00:01:51Black humor is first class, but it's not my point
00:01:59There are ideas, lies and manipulation of the media
00:02:03Which will push the current leader to the relationship
00:02:07And that's the end of the story
00:02:13And if the near future was different
00:02:16And if I wanted to eventually control the re-elected president
00:02:20He is rude
00:02:22He killed Hoffman as soon as he saw the danger, right?
00:02:26With a guy like that, you could be interested in a real power
00:02:31But again, everything is fiction, a Hollywood movie
00:02:37Back to reality
00:02:39There are only two superpowers in the world
00:02:43There are only two superpowers in the world
00:02:46United States of America and Russia
00:02:50Everyone else just looks at them
00:02:53It has been like this
00:02:55Since the good times of the USSR
00:03:00Gorbachev and Reagan stopped the Cold War
00:03:03Well, something like that
00:03:05But not forever, as we can see
00:03:07Now, what would you do
00:03:10If you could control a superpower like that?
00:03:15Would you turn this crazy world into a better place?
00:03:18I don't think so
00:03:20Excuse my cynicism
00:03:22Why did you mention Russia, Mr. Morgan?
00:03:29I would tell you a story, Miss Smith
00:03:32But don't be fooled by a happy ending
00:03:34What do you mean?
00:03:37Do you believe in happy endings?
00:03:40I don't
00:03:42But what the hell
00:03:44Covid-19 taught us all
00:03:47That the world can live without even a real life hope
00:03:50And much less with a happy ending
00:03:52And I don't believe in prophecies either
00:04:00Something is going to happen
00:04:03Something is going to happen here in the United States, Miss Smith
00:04:06Someone, I already tested it in Russia
00:04:33What's up?
00:04:35I'm sorry to see you here
00:04:38There may be repercussions
00:04:41Maybe I'm becoming paranoid
00:04:44Don't worry about that
00:04:46Paranoia is the new common sense
00:04:49The country needs these elections
00:04:52That's true, that's true
00:04:55They want to interrupt them
00:05:03Do you know Richard Tyler?
00:05:06He is a representative of the UN Department of State
00:05:09An expert in the color revolution
00:05:13Any evidence?
00:05:16Wherever he has been lately
00:05:26In an hour
00:05:28Prepare the material
00:05:30We will get Tyler out of here
00:06:29We hope these elections are carried out according to democratic principles
00:06:34And international law
00:06:37Mr. Dadir is here
00:06:40Just to emphasize
00:06:42Ladies and gentlemen, we just received sad news
00:06:47As a result of a provocation, the car with Mr. Dadir exploded
00:06:52You killed Dadir
00:06:54He knew things about you
00:06:56You just killed him
00:06:59And I'm going to prove it
00:07:04According to the world media
00:07:06The famous John Payne lost his head in the information session about the attack on Payne
00:07:11The special representative of the United States before the United Nations, Richard Tyler
00:07:15There was a coup in the Balkan Republic
00:07:18The election was declared invalid
00:07:47Moscow, 9 months later
00:07:50I'm tired and tired of doing all that charity
00:07:55All that charity
00:07:57Is good for your career, honey
00:08:00But it doesn't help people
00:08:02I'm really tired
00:08:04Russian National Security Service
00:08:15Excuse me
00:08:17Excuse me
00:08:20I'm sorry I interrupted your vacation
00:08:23You'll have them later
00:08:25Take a seat
00:08:29Our old friend Richard Tyler visited Moscow for a day
00:08:34And he met with the opposition leaders
00:08:37Why isn't there any news about that?
00:08:40I ordered it
00:08:42As our reports say
00:08:43They are preparing for a large-scale provocation
00:08:47If they succeed, they could compromise our special services
00:08:52Like in Moldavia
00:08:55I'm sure something new happened to him
00:09:00We'll bring your team, Sergey
00:09:02I'll bring all my agents available
00:09:07Our task is to avoid Tyler's provocation
00:09:10And identify all his participants
00:09:14One more thing
00:09:16I'll assign you a student
00:09:18He's a computer genius
00:09:28Here comes John
00:09:35I'm sorry
00:09:37Thanks for seeing me at the airport
00:09:39I was writing about the elections
00:09:41Let's visit the boss
00:09:48Wait here
00:09:50I want to help everyone who needs my help
00:09:53You look very pretty
00:09:55From what I know, you're a public relations specialist
00:09:59And that's exactly what I need
00:10:02Do you ever rest?
00:10:04That's all, I said enough
00:10:06I'm sorry, thank God, excuse me
00:10:13Excuse me
00:10:20Thank you, I'm coming
00:10:25There you have it
00:10:27Wake up
00:10:29Thank you
00:10:34Come on, let's go
00:10:53Newspaper office
00:11:03Come in
00:11:11Meet Tom Mellner
00:11:13Take off your shoes
00:11:16Do it
00:11:19Gas with your column should have been delivered an hour ago
00:11:23And you must show that it's worth hiring you
00:11:25Give me your keys
00:11:35Get ready
00:11:38Sorry, sorry for the surprise
00:11:40They need a picture
00:11:41They want to identify you
00:11:45People tell me
00:11:47How do you say it correctly?
00:11:49The thousand uses
00:11:53It's a pleasure
00:11:55Likewise, I'm Gil
00:11:57Yes, John
00:11:58Come in
00:12:01Maybe it's not what you're used to in the United States
00:12:04But John, don't worry
00:12:06Don't worry, John
00:12:08But when you see your apartment
00:12:09You'll realize this is paradise
00:12:40It feels like my grandmother's old closet
00:12:43But I've been worse
00:12:45I can't complain
00:12:47They gave me an office
00:12:49They rented me an apartment
00:12:51Now I have to live up to their trust
00:13:03Chief's residence
00:13:10Good morning, Mr. Tyler
00:13:16The house looks good
00:13:19Because Commissioner Off is the right person
00:13:23What's the objective?
00:13:27Improve Commissioner Off's rating in a short time
00:13:32What's the problem?
00:13:38He's a monster
00:13:40A fascist demagogue
00:13:43His image was created by the media
00:13:46Do you have any idea how to solve this?
00:13:52He's asking me for a miracle
00:13:58Do it for me
00:14:00The reward will exceed all your expectations
00:14:02Our agents say that Richard Tyler
00:14:05Known as the organizer of color revolutions
00:14:08Had a secret meeting with Negorni
00:14:10And then with Commissioner Off
00:14:12Tyler had already left
00:14:14And Commissioner Off changed teams
00:14:18He hired another expert in public relations
00:14:20Anton Zatsepin
00:14:22Born in 1981
00:14:24And the public relations expert
00:14:28Nikolai Zatsepin
00:14:29Born in 1981
00:14:31And the public relations expert
00:14:33Alina Covertizaba
00:14:35Born in 1976
00:14:37Tyler talked to her in person
00:14:39Start with them
00:14:41We need to know what Tyler wants
00:14:43The head of Covertizaba
00:14:45On his website says
00:14:47That he was an apprentice in the United States
00:14:49That's interesting
00:14:51Ok guys, I need everything we have on her
00:14:54Home parents
00:14:57Credit cards
00:14:59Can you track him?
00:15:01Sure, but his phone is off
00:15:04Find out where he lives
00:15:06And keep an eye on him
00:15:08Two days later
00:15:13We should introduce him as a politician
00:15:15From the town
00:15:17And hide the data about his income
00:15:19I already sold my luxurious house
00:15:21And I bought this terrible and old ruin
00:15:23Full of garbage
00:15:25Please listen
00:15:27Alina, she is an expert
00:15:32Ok, fine
00:15:36As a result, she has a low score
00:15:40If you meet all the requirements
00:15:43You will become the most popular politician in Russia
00:15:51Well, let's see Alina
00:15:53Do you guarantee that?
00:15:55I can only promise a better score
00:15:58It's up to you to become president
00:16:04Two weeks later
00:16:08This will be a real bomb
00:16:10At least give us a clue
00:16:12I don't want to salt it
00:16:16You'll see, my article will fly to the internet
00:16:20Ok guys, I'll see you all tomorrow
00:16:22Hello Vikovsky
00:16:24Did you miss something?
00:16:26Your inspiration?
00:16:28Look, yesterday I went to the Robert McBrook exhibition
00:16:31And I was impressed
00:16:34I would love to talk about art
00:16:36But I have an important meeting with my informant
00:16:39See you tomorrow
00:16:41Tyler, the murder of Hercules Dadier
00:16:44Of which only the experts know
00:16:46Nobody needs them here
00:16:48Russia has its own problems
00:16:50What should I do?
00:16:52What should I write?
00:16:54About the preparation of the Olympic Games in Sochi?
00:16:57Why did you accept Sean's proposal?
00:17:05Get ready
00:17:07We're going to...
00:17:09A party
00:17:11How is that going to help me with my article?
00:17:14I haven't written a single word
00:17:16You don't know Russia, Sean
00:17:18At this party
00:17:20You'll meet the right people
00:17:33I'm writing about the Oligarch Absalom
00:17:36He organized this party
00:17:43I'm very badly dressed for this
00:17:45Look at us and them
00:17:50What's interesting about Absalom?
00:17:52Except for his money
00:17:57There he is, the one in the middle
00:17:59He builds Olympic facilities
00:18:01The FSB knows he supports the opposition
00:18:04But without them
00:18:06For an anonymous source
00:18:08He wants to meet here in private
00:18:10With discretion
00:18:18The Oligarch Absalom
00:18:29All the guests here deserve an article
00:18:34Excuse me
00:18:37Everyone here has a tail that stings
00:18:40Look at the host of the party
00:18:42The Oligarch Absalom
00:18:50I didn't expect to see you again
00:18:55But I'm sure you didn't lose hope
00:18:58We haven't been introduced yet
00:19:01I'm John, I guess you're Alina
00:19:04What else do you know about me?
00:19:07That you're beautiful
00:19:10The most beautiful
00:19:12Now come, my dear Alina
00:19:14My public relationship
00:19:16You work only for me
00:19:18I'm very busy now
00:19:20I want you to work with me
00:19:23Not tonight, friend
00:19:25You stay out of it
00:19:45Nushi, what happened here?
00:19:47John is in a coma
00:19:49They found him in the hall severely beaten
00:19:52Wasn't he with you?
00:19:56Look at you
00:19:58Tell me what happened
00:20:00Aren't you friends?
00:20:04I don't know
00:20:06I don't know
00:20:08I don't know
00:20:10I don't know
00:20:11I don't know
00:20:41Hello, John
00:20:43I had to meet with John at yesterday's party
00:20:46To give him information
00:20:48For a new article, but they didn't follow
00:20:53The same harmful material is in this cartel
00:20:57Publish it or not depends on you, Oracle
00:21:01What a strange nickname
00:21:03The secret service wrote about the money theft of the budget in Absalom
00:21:08In the construction of Xochitl
00:21:10It is planning to go to the place
00:21:14How do you know?
00:21:16By an anonymous account
00:21:22Why not?
00:21:27I don't know
00:21:29I don't know
00:21:30I don't know
00:21:36What happened to John?
00:21:38I saw that an ambulance was taking him
00:21:41He is in emergency
00:21:44No one is allowed to visit him or talk to him
00:21:48If I don't get the column by five in the afternoon, I'm screwed
00:21:55I can write it
00:22:00Will you write about Russian politics?
00:22:02That's right
00:22:04You will have the column in half an hour
00:22:29You must leave Russia in ten hours
00:22:32There is an arrest warrant against you
00:22:36I see
00:22:38Thanks for the information
00:22:52Mr. Payne
00:22:57What do you want, officer?
00:22:59Why do you think I work for the police?
00:23:02Are you afraid?
00:23:04It could be, but only the officers call me, sir
00:23:09Then I'll call you
00:23:14What happened to your face?
00:23:17I move a lot when I sleep
00:23:23Didn't you fight with your friend?
00:23:26Because there are many witnesses of your fight at yesterday's party
00:23:30It's weird
00:23:31Inspector or whatever you are
00:23:33You are looking in the wrong place
00:23:36I want Sean as my brother
00:23:41Now you stay with your brother's job
00:23:44And no one can talk to him
00:23:46But when he talks
00:23:50He will send you to jail, I'm sure
00:23:53Do you think so?
00:23:55I think so
00:23:57I'm Amelia Morozova
00:24:00Live today we will talk about what worries us all
00:24:04The oligarch Absalov fled from Russia unexpectedly
00:24:08He supported the opposition economically
00:24:11Everyone wants to know who is so afraid of Absalov
00:24:27Hello Mr. Payne
00:24:29I want to thank you for helping me yesterday
00:24:33I help you and you escape
00:24:36As an image creator, I can't be in the middle of a scandal
00:24:46It's not as bad as it looks
00:24:50I'm sorry
00:24:53Tell me
00:24:55Excuse me, I have to go, thank you
00:25:04And how do I find you?
00:25:08I will find you
00:25:14There is no way I could know what would really happen
00:25:18I was lucky boss
00:25:20The old lady will be done when Sean returns
00:25:24Sean died today Payne
00:25:32I know, it's not the right time
00:25:36But I still want to know
00:25:38Who leaked it?
00:25:41It was just a guess
00:25:49That's amazing
00:25:51But I want you to continue like this
00:25:54It was a good start
00:26:25Don't hit yourself idiot
00:26:28Keep pushing, jump
00:26:32Get up, don't lie down
00:26:35Keep working Junior
00:26:37What's wrong Junior?
00:26:38My shoulder hurts
00:26:40Look, your shoulder hurts
00:26:42Do you want to complain to your mom?
00:26:45The police don't care if it hurts
00:26:49What do you think boy, that we're playing here?
00:26:55What's wrong, are you dreaming?
00:26:59Come on, relax
00:27:00Don't do this
00:27:02Calm down
00:27:04Is someone looking for a beating?
00:27:06I see how you look at it
00:27:08They will hit you in the head with this stick, understood?
00:27:13Leave me alone
00:27:17Ready? Let's go
00:27:18Come on
00:27:27Let's try
00:27:49Be careful son
00:27:51It's ok
00:27:59What is this?
00:28:01Military training?
00:28:03Practice, it's just practice
00:28:06I have a job for you Felix
00:28:09Tell me
00:28:10I couldn't tell you over the phone
00:28:12Let's go somewhere
00:28:18I'm going to urinate
00:28:19Grab this
00:28:31We can get football fans if it's not enough
00:28:34What is it about?
00:28:38There is a planned mass for June 12th
00:28:41You have to be organized
00:28:44And use your physical strength
00:28:46To hit policemen in the face?
00:28:48That's what we do
00:28:50Then, for the end of the month
00:28:53You have to prepare 100 old tires
00:28:57100 Molotov cocktails
00:28:59Iron reinforcement bars
00:29:01And pavement slabs
00:29:04Can you do it?
00:29:07Of course you will be paid
00:29:09This is an advance
00:29:12If you do everything right
00:29:15You will have the second half
00:29:18We need it to be a quality event
00:29:25We will do it
00:29:37Be careful, please
00:29:38Keep the pace
00:29:39Be careful, please
00:29:40Keep the pace
00:29:45Hey, are you leaving?
00:29:48Do you have a second?
00:29:49I have important information
00:29:53Russian National Security Service
00:30:01June 12th?
00:30:03Our agent in the nationalist gang
00:30:06Says a man visited them
00:30:09He couldn't see his face
00:30:12But he pointed to the car plates
00:30:14We are checking them
00:30:19What about the public relations agent of Komissarov?
00:30:22We checked everything
00:30:24His emails, phone, family
00:30:27She's not involved
00:30:29She just wants to make some money
00:30:32She stays in Tsepin
00:30:34She stays in Tsepin
00:30:37It's a waste of time
00:30:44Our analysis found a guy named John Payne
00:30:49He just arrived to Russia
00:30:52Of all the reporters
00:30:54He was the first to write that Absalov would be arrested
00:30:58Who is leaked?
00:30:59Who is leaked?
00:31:02Only the investigative commission and the prosecution knew
00:31:06Apparently Payne is also involved in Tyler's case
00:31:10Focus on him
00:31:30June 12th
00:31:41Payne is dating the public relations agent of Komissarov
00:31:45Tyler hired him personally
00:31:47Which means Payne could be related to Tyler
00:32:00June 12th
00:32:05The leader of the opposition, Anatoly Nagorny, will be arrested
00:32:10The police have charges against him
00:32:12The case is fabricated
00:32:14Then at the party, Sean would meet with Nagorny
00:32:18Is he the oracle?
00:32:20Wait, there's more?
00:32:22Thanks to Russia, a peaceful solution will be achieved
00:32:25What does it mean?
00:32:27The US forces will not bomb Syrian cities
00:32:31How do you know all this?
00:32:34You must serve in the FSB and you must know who ordered Sean's death
00:32:37Is that ok?
00:32:41I'm going to publish it
00:32:56June 12th
00:33:09John Payne
00:33:14Accused Tyler
00:33:16Of killing Hercules Dadier
00:33:20He left the US
00:33:21For what?
00:33:24To move to Russia?
00:33:33Just when Tyler tries to organize a provocation here
00:33:42Which means Payne works undercover
00:33:52June 12th
00:33:58Hello, Yuri Ivanovich?
00:34:01We need to talk seriously
00:34:02June 12th
00:34:19John! John!
00:34:21This way! Let's go!
00:34:23This way! Come this way! Let's go!
00:34:25Get in the car!
00:34:33Get in the car!
00:34:57Katya, what happened?
00:35:00Why are you crying?
00:35:02I'm not going to participate, I can't sing anything
00:35:07Honey, you sing beautifully
00:35:10I believe in you
00:35:12There are too many people, I'm scared
00:35:17Do you remember when we practiced canoeing in the river?
00:35:21And we went straight to that whirlpool
00:35:26You didn't get scared
00:35:28Good, that's better
00:35:31Are we going camping after the contest?
00:35:34Of course we are
00:35:36Dad, I miss you so much
00:35:39Me too
00:35:42Thank you, dad
00:35:44Mom would be proud of you
00:35:49Katya, it's time to go on stage
00:35:52I'm coming
00:35:53That's all, dad, I have to go, I love you
00:35:56Me too
00:35:58Good luck
00:36:09Mr. Borkova, avoid the virus
00:36:13The one that filters pain is the oracle
00:36:18Apparently pain doesn't know it
00:36:19And who is it?
00:36:21I'm on it, his account is registered with the name of a deceased
00:36:25Keep me informed
00:36:30Are we watching pain?
00:36:32Our companion lover is in a restaurant
00:36:35He buried his friend last week and now he's having fun
00:37:20What is the oracle?
00:37:38The European Union cannot convince the President of Ukraine to sign the association agreement
00:37:45I'm not surprised
00:37:47I'm not surprised
00:37:52A free Ukraine will never betray Russia
00:37:56Well, what else do we have here?
00:38:01The polls show that more than half of the opposition supporters trust Komissarov
00:38:10His rating is going up
00:38:16It's the oracle
00:38:19A special agent
00:38:22Why promote Komissarov?
00:38:26It's none of my business
00:38:34Let's go
00:38:35Let's go
00:38:44Mr. Borkova, I found the oracle
00:38:52Have you checked all the cameras?
00:38:54There's only one, we'll send you the video
00:38:57You can only see his back
00:39:06Apparently he threw something in the trash
00:39:29I think it's this one
00:39:35Let's go
00:39:56Here, I have it
00:39:58There's a phone in the coffee cup
00:40:02Now we'll find it
00:40:04Don't be so happy
00:40:06Do you know why he did that?
00:40:09To get rid of the evidence
00:40:11It's the perfect ending
00:40:13Check the phone and its serial number
00:40:16He probably bought it on the street
00:40:18He's a professional
00:40:20Shouldn't we check the parked cars?
00:40:23I was just thinking about that
00:40:25The oracle could have been using it
00:40:28Do you hear me?
00:40:30Yes, in the vehicle cameras
00:40:31Yes, check everything there
00:40:45What do you want?
00:40:47Calm down
00:40:49Is this your car?
00:41:06Can we see the oracle's face?
00:41:08The big screen is better
00:41:15Who's that?
00:41:17I don't know yet
00:41:19Let me know when you have results, okay?
00:41:32Please, tell us
00:41:34How do you do that, John?
00:41:36Did you suddenly get the gift of premonition?
00:41:42You know, I didn't expect that from me
00:41:46Some even call you
00:41:48The prophet of our days
00:41:50Any comment on that?
00:41:55If my readers believe me
00:41:57I won't discourage them
00:41:58John, what do you think about living in Russia?
00:42:04Of course
00:42:10Now I feel at home
00:42:17How can that be?
00:42:19I've checked it twice
00:42:21But the system doesn't recognize it
00:42:23It's impossible
00:42:25Check again
00:42:26Excuse me
00:42:28What do you have?
00:42:30I've checked the plates of the car of the guy who visited the Nazis
00:42:33We can't track them
00:42:35He has changed many registered cars in the name of random people
00:42:39He knows how to cover his tracks
00:42:41Could he be a spy?
00:42:43Or a CIA agent?
00:42:45Or worse
00:42:47An infiltrator
00:42:52Do you think we have a snitch here?
00:42:59You will know who ordered John's death
00:43:02Now we have to publish this
00:43:05The Attorney General will have the charges
00:43:08For the former Minister of Finance, Banker Ganin
00:43:10Banker Ganin
00:43:25Who the hell is that?
00:43:32Why did you wake me up?
00:43:34Two thugs are following Fein
00:43:36To pressure him, obviously
00:43:38Are they your people?
00:43:43Of course not
00:43:45I need to save him
00:43:47Take care of him
00:43:49I will try
00:44:11Excuse me, Mr. Fein
00:44:14My people won't hurt you
00:44:17I just wanted to talk to you alone
00:44:20This seems to be the right place
00:44:22The Odin Ganin
00:44:25The same
00:44:27I thought I could help you with your next case
00:44:30I'm sorry
00:44:32I'm sorry
00:44:34I'm sorry
00:44:36I'm sorry
00:44:38I'm sorry
00:44:40I'm sorry
00:44:42I'm sorry
00:44:44I'm sorry
00:44:46I'm sorry
00:44:48I'm sorry
00:44:50I'm sorry
00:44:52I'm sorry
00:44:54I'm sorry
00:44:56I'm sorry
00:44:58I'm sorry
00:45:00I'm sorry
00:45:02I'm sorry
00:45:04I'm sorry
00:45:06I'm sorry
00:45:08I'm sorry
00:45:11Now I have to find a sticky title
00:45:15Let's try this one
00:45:18That's it
00:45:30Our fears will be correct
00:45:32This is the biggest counterintelligence bragging
00:45:36General, the important thing here is
00:45:38that we find out in time
00:45:41I think it's too late
00:45:43I knew it last week
00:45:46One of my infiltrators informed me
00:45:49Since we don't know all the participants of the incident
00:45:53I had to get involved personally
00:45:57If I had contacted your agent
00:46:00we could have combined our actions
00:46:06You have ten days
00:46:08Ten days
00:46:28What the hell?
00:46:30What is a weapon doing here?
00:46:51Mr. Payne
00:46:53You knew Mr. Gunning
00:46:55They found him an hour ago with a bullet in his head
00:46:58But it wasn't a suicide
00:47:01How do you know it wasn't a suicide?
00:47:04Well, they didn't find the weapon
00:47:07Oh, I see
00:47:09I didn't know Gunning
00:47:12You didn't know Gunning?
00:47:14Strangely, I have witnesses who saw you a day before the murder
00:47:20Besides, you are the last person I saw alive
00:47:23According to the witnesses
00:47:25Gunning's security in particular
00:47:30Also, he is suspected of murder
00:47:37Just eat
00:47:39It's ridiculous
00:47:41Why would he have to kill them?
00:47:43It's correct
00:47:45They said he's a fool
00:47:47He's not a fool
00:47:49Braggin is smart
00:47:51He did everything possible to blame Payne
00:47:54They will sentence him
00:47:57Why did they name him prophet?
00:48:00They could just plant evidence
00:48:03Without all the mail
00:48:06It doesn't make sense
00:48:08Maybe Braggin needs him to blackmail Payne
00:48:12But why?
00:48:14Why did Braggin record his conversation?
00:48:20See you later, Mr. Payne
00:48:33Son of a bitch
00:48:36Son of a bitch
00:48:47Here goes my client
00:48:49I have to go
00:48:53Watch over Payne
00:48:55Have you given the orders?
00:48:57You know I know
00:48:59I know
00:49:00Have you given the orders?
00:49:02You know I know
00:49:25It's all Oracle's fault
00:49:27First he eliminated Sean
00:49:29And now he wants to set me up
00:49:32There are no new messages
00:49:34Go to hell
00:49:36But what about Litvinov?
00:49:38He will lock me up at any moment
00:49:40What should I do?
00:49:42Zatsepin told me about his influential friend
00:49:45What was he talking about?
00:49:57Now you will meet my boss
00:49:59He is the most influential person I have ever met
00:50:05I like that
00:50:07He works for the Kremlin administration
00:50:10I told him about your problem
00:50:12Vikovsky is the only person who can solve it
00:50:20Mr. Payne
00:50:22I hope I'm not confused with all this
00:50:25Not at all
00:50:27You are a free man
00:50:29You grow flowers
00:50:31What are your hobbies?
00:50:33For now I only have one concern
00:50:36I'm trying to avoid jail
00:50:38I see
00:50:40I understand and apologize
00:50:42For our police force and your exaggerated staff
00:50:47I think
00:50:49You are innocent
00:50:53Mr. Payne
00:50:57That's why I'm going to help you
00:51:02I will use all my contacts
00:51:04To get rid of investigator Litvinov
00:51:09On one condition
00:51:11I will do my best
00:51:14You have already done it
00:51:17Print your forecasts
00:51:20I don't know how the future is predicted but
00:51:23People trust you
00:51:25Don't let them down
00:51:28Keep going
00:51:33Your future is in your hands
00:51:37Then we have a deal
00:51:43I heard your girlfriend is very beautiful
00:51:47This is for her
00:51:49These are the most beautiful flowers of the night
00:51:55Thank you
00:51:57You're welcome
00:52:02Vikosky knew about the oracle
00:52:04Both acted in the interest of another person
00:52:07First they got rid of Navorny
00:52:10And then they started to raise Comissarov
00:52:13Comissarov is also involved
00:52:15Zatsepin knows or is being used like me
00:52:21Russian National Security Service
00:52:24We found another
00:52:28The Kremlin administration employs Bokivsky
00:52:31Payne took us to him
00:52:33Zatsepin introduced them and Bokivsky began to make requests and was exposed
00:52:40Everything in Judas
00:52:42We have revealed all the participants of the incitement
00:52:46And its meaning is unknown but I think Tyler follows a pattern
00:52:49On June 12
00:52:51Who is the victim?
00:52:55Well, I don't see another option
00:52:59I agree
00:53:05Get out of jail
00:53:07And become president
00:53:09With Prime Minister Vikosky
00:53:11We must find out the time and exact place of the murder
00:53:14We must find out the time and exact place of the murder
00:53:19Bragin killed Ganin like a professional
00:53:22And he planted the gun to Payne
00:53:24I think Payne had nothing to do with this
00:53:29Well, neither do I
00:53:31Now Litvinov wants Payne arrested
00:53:33He could spoil things
00:53:38Yes, John?
00:53:40I need Comissarov's summaries
00:53:42You will have it in 10 minutes
00:53:49Zatsepin is Comissarov's spy doctor
00:53:52It means that he is certainly inside, but how did Alina get there?
00:53:59Hi honey
00:54:01Hi honey, I miss you
00:54:03I miss you too
00:54:05I have an early rest
00:54:06Let's meet
00:54:08Okay, I'll pick you up in an hour
00:54:14Major Litvinov?
00:54:15It's me, who is speaking?
00:54:17Lieutenant Colonel Volkov, do you work for John Payne?
00:54:23Well, not anymore, the case was transferred to the FSB
00:54:26Talk to your boss
00:54:39Hey, is your boss Tyler?
00:54:43I can't believe you're so calm, Zatsepin
00:54:47How did you organize your revolutions, Zatsepin?
00:54:51You sponsored all the dirty business of Comissarov
00:54:54I swear
00:54:56I didn't know any of that
00:54:59So what did you know?
00:55:02That I was Comissarov's partner and I wanted him ready to help him get into politics
00:55:09Didn't you check it?
00:55:12I only do my job for money
00:55:16I hope so
00:55:19I want to believe you
00:55:25If you change, miss
00:55:27What an idiot
00:55:38Now everything makes sense
00:55:41Tyler is behind Comissarov
00:55:44They are planning a color revolution in Russia
00:55:47Vikovsky, Zatsepin and the Oracle are involved
00:55:51Thank God Alina is not
00:55:55What should I do?
00:55:57I should call a press conference and reveal Tyler's plan
00:56:01But I have no proof again
00:56:04I'll follow Tyler's game so he doesn't suspect
00:56:09I have to stop him on time
00:56:17What? I'm hungry
00:56:20I see
00:56:39Mr. Tyler?
00:56:41How are you?
00:56:42I'll be done soon
00:56:44I think 200 grams will be enough
00:56:47I'm sure it will
00:56:48We don't need one more corpse
00:56:51Just one
00:56:52Let Anton know when you're done
00:56:55Is this TNT?
00:57:00Is it a bomb?
00:57:02Do you want to kill Comissarov?
00:57:04You're right
00:57:05They are soldering cables
00:57:09Call the boss
00:57:14Kaye plans to return to Russia
00:57:17And help organize protests
00:57:20Fearing this, the Kremlin began the bankruptcy process
00:57:25Not even in his dreams
00:57:27He will only sink with lawsuits
00:57:33What's going on now?
00:57:34Where is your forecast?
00:57:36Kaye may go bankrupt
00:57:41Explain to me, Khajiit
00:57:43In bankruptcy?
00:57:45He makes money out of nowhere to give it to the opposition
00:57:49He has been financing our newspaper for 10 years
00:57:53We don't need negative opinions
00:57:55About Khajiit
00:58:00The Oracle wants me to write exactly this article
00:58:03Then Tyler needs it
00:58:06How do I stop them?
00:58:08What if I change the forecast?
00:58:10Or put another title?
00:58:12Let's say...
00:58:14Boris Khajiit will defend his principles until the end
00:58:36Boris Khajiit was found dead in his house in London
00:58:40The preliminary version is suicide
00:58:42Alina, come quick!
00:58:44Is it another political murder or a tragic accident?
00:58:47Listen to her
00:58:50The death of Khajiit has changed the morale of the opposition
00:58:56Do you think Tyler organized everything?
00:59:03Who else would benefit from Khajiit's death?
00:59:06I tried to change the forecast, but it didn't work
00:59:09The famous writer and right-wing defender
00:59:12Daniel Boslersensky, who has lived in France since the early 70s
00:59:16He already responded to the tragedy
00:59:18I've known Boris for a long time
00:59:20He's an old friend
00:59:23I don't think he would be able to commit suicide
00:59:27I don't think so
00:59:28I think he was murdered
00:59:30I'm sure he was murdered by the Russian special services
00:59:35After much thought
00:59:37I finally decided to return to Russia
00:59:42Mr. Commissar, I invite you
00:59:44In this case
00:59:45To try to come and influence all the authorities
00:59:50We must not continue to live like this
00:59:56So everything was planned?
00:59:59I must stop Tyler
01:00:02Think about yourself and us
01:00:04It could be dangerous
01:00:08It will get worse for him
01:00:12You must leave Commissar Oak tomorrow
01:00:19You understand me, right?
01:00:22I want to meet with the press
01:00:24We should invite the Russian and Western media
01:00:28Look, I need you
01:00:33Later, I'm busy
01:00:38Do you have a call on line 2?
01:00:40Please take care of the arrangements for the press conference
01:00:48I have too much to worry about
01:00:55The press only writes half-truths about him
01:00:59Officially, Tyler
01:01:03He is a representative of the UN
01:01:04Who actually organizes color revolutions
01:01:07How do you know?
01:01:09I saw it in Serbia
01:01:10Personally, I am against those orange revolutions
01:01:15I am in favor of free and honest elections
01:01:19It's not about politics
01:01:20Something is wrong here
01:01:22You are right
01:01:25Tyler and I have history
01:01:27My friend died because of him
01:01:30I wanted the same as you
01:01:31Honest and transparent elections
01:01:36You have to call a press conference
01:01:43That's right
01:01:53Pick up the phone
01:01:58Please, John
01:01:59Oh my God
01:02:07Damn you, John
01:02:10What are you doing?
01:02:11Get your hands off me
01:02:14Let's go
01:02:22What are you going to tell us, John?
01:02:24You will know very soon
01:02:25Can you lift the curtain?
01:02:28Sorry, no comment for the moment
01:02:30Excuse me
01:02:37Can we go faster?
01:02:38What's the rush?
01:02:41Alina's phone is off
01:02:44I'll take care of it
01:02:51What are you doing here, Anton?
01:02:54Alina sent me to take you to her office
01:02:57Get in the car
01:03:00Why isn't she answering?
01:03:02She ran out of battery
01:03:13Alina told you that she left Commissaro
01:03:16I told her to do it
01:03:18It turns out that the famous Richard Tyler is behind him
01:03:22The one who organized the Colombian revolutions
01:03:24And now he wants to triumph in Rome without Commissaro
01:03:28Do you understand?
01:03:34What do you need from me, John?
01:03:37Apparently, you and your friend Bikovsky have a deal with Tyler
01:03:43The idea came to me in the greenhouse
01:03:46You are also with Tyler
01:03:50You published what you needed
01:03:52I was the one who sent you the messages
01:03:56It was you
01:03:57I was collecting information
01:03:59And I was sending it to you
01:04:02You were lucky to use it in your prognosis
01:04:07You are as Tyler's accomplice as I am
01:04:10Do you want to tell the press? Go ahead
01:04:12Okay, do you want to scare me?
01:04:14You're not doing it, you know?
01:04:16Why don't you explain it?
01:04:17Oh, I don't need your consent
01:04:20The conference will happen anyway, you know?
01:04:25We'll see
01:04:27Driver, stop now!
01:04:29And what about Alina?
01:04:32Do you think she's waiting for you in her office?
01:04:39Go ahead
01:04:47Go ahead
01:04:54No press conference
01:04:58Not to mention Tyler
01:05:03Or me
01:05:06Is it clear, Mr. Payne?
01:05:09Besides, he will have to come
01:05:12To see Boss Keremsky on June 12th
01:05:14Who will give a speech to support the opposition
01:05:18And besides
01:05:20He will demand the authorities to dissolve the Duma
01:05:25And to celebrate early elections
01:05:28Unless he doesn't want to see Alina alive
01:05:32Where is she? What did they do to her?
01:05:34Nothing yet
01:05:35But if you want, we can do it in front of your eyes
01:05:40If you reject my conditions
01:05:43Is that why you made me...
01:05:46A prophet?
01:05:48Now people will follow you through fire and ice
01:05:52Take him to the barricades
01:05:54And Alina will be safe
01:05:58Well, prophet
01:05:59Will there be...
01:06:01A revolution?
01:06:05A revolution?
01:06:08A revolution?
01:06:11A revolution?
01:06:12How are you? How are you?
01:06:13Thank you
01:06:14Excuse me
01:06:15Excuse me
01:06:16I am Andrei Valentinovich Brakin
01:06:20Major of Special Services of Russia
01:06:24I am heading to the West
01:06:26And to the whole democratic world
01:06:29This morning I was ordered to remove
01:06:33What means to kill
01:06:35The famous writer
01:06:37And defender of rights
01:06:39World famous
01:06:40Danil Voskherensky
01:06:44I was ordered to blow up Voskherensky
01:06:47Right in his meeting with his Russian readers
01:06:53With a bomb
01:06:54Obviously homemade
01:06:57It can happen as a terrorist attack
01:07:01I must follow orders
01:07:03Or otherwise I will be killed
01:07:06I hope the West and the civilized world
01:07:08Listen to my words
01:07:11And with the wave of indignation
01:07:15Prevent other murders
01:07:17When the Russian people rise
01:07:19To fight against corrupt authorities
01:07:30Knock, knock, knock
01:07:34Who is it?
01:07:36Pizza delivery
01:07:38Hurry up guys
01:07:40Are you sleeping?
01:07:41Move fast
01:07:43We must get to the stadium
01:07:44Before they block the roads
01:07:48Where is Junior?
01:07:50Is he peeing again?
01:07:59You idiot
01:08:00You idiot
01:08:02You idiot
01:08:05You idiot
01:08:10You idiot
01:08:12You idiot
01:08:14You idiot
01:08:16You idiot
01:08:18You idiot
01:08:19You idiot
01:08:20You idiot
01:08:22Mayor Bragin
01:08:24Does he allow to work for Tyler
01:08:25To help him to prepare the provocation?
01:08:29I want guarantees that my family will be safe.
01:08:36I guarantee the safety of your family.
01:08:41Then I admit that I worked for Tyler.
01:08:49Who is the oracle?
01:08:51It's me.
01:09:00Why are you covering for Vikovsky?
01:09:03Who gave the order to eliminate Ganin?
01:09:10Through Commissarov.
01:09:12But I had nothing to do with the death of Kayev.
01:09:17If Tyler calls you, what are you going to tell him?
01:09:21That everything goes according to plan.
01:09:29But I have to be in the apartment rented.
01:09:34If my phone is located anywhere else ...
01:09:39Tyler ...
01:09:42He will know everything.
01:09:44A few hours later.
01:09:49All right, Anton?
01:09:54You see how everything was planned.
01:09:59I appreciate your work.
01:10:07Have you seen Alina?
01:10:11I think they took her to the stadium.
01:10:15Maybe you're right.
01:10:17Is it far?
01:10:19It's close to the center, 15 minutes by car.
01:10:28Daniel Boskarensky is visiting us.
01:10:32Behind me you can see the people who are going to see him.
01:10:36Sit in that chair, honey.
01:10:45Thank you.
01:10:53Why are we going to the meeting with Boskarensky?
01:10:56With due respect, I would rather be asleep or something like that.
01:11:01We stopped the incitement. Boskarensky is protected, we can take a break.
01:11:05The police can handle it.
01:11:08First, we will arrest Commissarov Izatsepin after the meeting.
01:11:12Second, I'm confused.
01:11:15Instead of making a protest demonstration, the opposition meets with Boskarensky.
01:11:20They knew that the authorities would not sanction a demonstration.
01:11:24Such a meeting will not arouse suspicion, it will be clear.
01:11:28Tyler has a lot of experience, he always has a plan B.
01:11:32Think as I think.
01:11:34Before that, he was at the party with his friend Sean Castigan.
01:11:38Later, those Nazis beat Sean.
01:11:42Then he died in the hospital.
01:11:45Look what I found.
01:11:47This SIA file was on Bregging's laptop.
01:11:51Sean Castigan served in the United States Navy before becoming a reporter.
01:11:56He was in Afghanistan and Iraq.
01:11:58Look here.
01:12:01We have to go to the hospital.
01:12:07It means that ...
01:12:09It can not be.
01:12:11Check it.
01:12:19Here is my confession.
01:12:21The truth about Tyler's plan.
01:12:24People should listen to me.
01:12:25I will do my best.
01:12:27They will not listen.
01:12:31I will try to rescue Alina.
01:12:33Good luck, John.
01:12:40Calm down, guys.
01:12:42I'm John Payne.
01:12:44Tell Zazepin or Commissarov that I'm here.
01:12:49I'm here.
01:12:51I'm here.
01:12:53I'm here.
01:12:56Should I let a certain John Payne in?
01:12:59Sure. Bring him here.
01:13:01Keep someone behind him.
01:13:11We're here.
01:13:13Go ahead. You can explore the area.
01:13:25Do you have to follow me so close?
01:13:28That's right.
01:13:30People must think I'm your bodyguard.
01:13:33And you too.
01:13:39Can I ask you something?
01:13:41What is the pleasure of seeing the prophet in person?
01:13:45If there is a winner, I will tell you something.
01:13:47I would like to spend all day with him.
01:13:49Come here.
01:14:10May I?
01:14:12Come in.
01:14:16I'm Nicolai Alicia from the FSB.
01:14:21Have a seat.
01:14:23How can I help you?
01:14:25John Castigan was killed.
01:14:27An Irish reporter?
01:14:29That's right. He died without regaining consciousness.
01:14:32We did what we could.
01:14:55What happened?
01:14:57I remember that...
01:14:59A nurse came running in and said that Castigan's heart had stopped.
01:15:04Then people from the embassy came.
01:15:07What embassy?
01:15:11Or maybe American?
01:15:26What happened next?
01:15:29They said they didn't trust Russian medicine.
01:15:33So they took the body.
01:15:35Does that mean they haven't seen Castigan dead?
01:15:40I don't know.
01:15:42I don't know.
01:15:44I don't know.
01:15:46I don't know.
01:15:48I don't know.
01:15:50I don't know.
01:15:52I don't know.
01:15:53Has Castigan died?
01:15:55Here you are.
01:15:57You can take it.
01:15:59It's okay.
01:16:09Serge, answer me.
01:16:24They are being manipulated to give him a coup d'etat.
01:16:32The country is under attack by an alliance.
01:16:35This is the government's decision.
01:16:40Don't move!
01:16:54We have news from the stadium where Boskerensky met with his readers.
01:16:59A survey of Boskerensky's life has just been carried out.
01:17:03Now the press is paying attention.
01:17:06The meeting with Boskerensky was broadcast on social media.
01:17:10Different sources say there were between 10,000 and 30,000 people.
01:17:18Are you satisfied?
01:17:20Did you pay them?
01:17:21Are you satisfied?
01:17:23I'll pay you all later.
01:17:31I knew this would happen, Tyler.
01:17:35I'm not guilty.
01:17:37I believe in God.
01:17:39I'll be out soon.
01:17:41Security service.
01:17:46Excuse me.
01:17:54Thank you.
01:17:56All participants in the incitement were arrested except for Zatsepin.
01:18:00The R.P. simply disappeared.
01:18:02He told me.
01:18:04You see, Grandpa?
01:18:06You didn't think I could do it.
01:18:08Grandpa, I'll do the best I can.
01:18:10I won't let you down.
01:18:12So it's yours?
01:18:14My oldest grandson.
01:18:16He messaged me about punishment.
01:18:18I admit he arrived on time.
01:18:19I'm drafting the execution order.
01:18:22Take a look.
01:18:24I forgot someone.
01:18:28He's your agent?
01:18:30So he controlled everything.
01:18:32The main merit is yours.
01:18:34You were the one who did the operation well.
01:18:37So you deserve the title of colonel.
01:18:40Thank you very much, colonel.
01:18:42Permission to withdraw.
01:18:44Granted, colonel.
01:18:46You deserve a vacation.
01:18:50Yuri Ilanovich.
01:18:52What about Payne?
01:18:55Yes, I understand.
01:18:57Your friend Sean Castigan.
01:18:59He's safe and sound.
01:19:02He was slightly injured.
01:19:04It turns out he worked for Tyler from the beginning.
01:19:07It can't be.
01:19:09He suspected me of his murderer.
01:19:13The official response of the secret service.
01:19:16Sean invited you to Russia because Tyler asked him.
01:19:21What about Ganin and Kayev?
01:19:23Was it also arranged?
01:19:27Unfortunately, Ganin and Kayev are dead.
01:19:30But the investigation is underway.
01:19:33We thank you.
01:19:35For all your help.
01:19:38Throughout our investigation.
01:19:41Auditory anesthesia.
01:20:03That's the story, miss Smith.
01:20:09And now we are in 2020.
01:20:11We're almost in November.
01:20:13I have a feeling that you will start receiving interesting information.
01:20:18No, delete that. Sensationalist information soon.
01:20:23Well, do you know that it is the anniversary of our national newspaper, Mr. Morgan?
01:20:28I am a patriot. Why would I work for you?
01:20:32Because it is you, right?
01:20:35You were not successful in Russia at that time.
01:20:39And now you want to get involved with the presidential elections here?
01:20:43She is a great journalist, Miss Smith.
01:20:46A little old-fashioned, perhaps, but good at what she does.
01:20:51Anyway, she has no choice.
01:20:53The truth is that maybe she can use a prophecy or two.
01:20:58And as I told you, there are no happy endings.
01:22:42To be continued...
01:23:12To be continued...
01:23:42To be continued...
