• l’année dernière
00:00Wittington's cat in the school play. Ben was helping her to rehearse.
00:04Thank you, your majesty, for this gift of gold and diamonds.
00:07Why did you choose to be the cat?
00:09I prefer to be Dick Whittington.
00:11Well, the cat's a better part. He travels the world and he's rewarded by an emperor.
00:15Then he comes home and they make him Lord Mayor of London.
00:19No, they don't. That was Dick Whittington.
00:21Well, the cat deserved it more.
00:25We regret the delays. All departing aircraft should now stand by for take-off.
00:30Hey, you! Move up!
00:32I can't. And there's no need to push. Who do you think you are?
00:35I'm Jasper Georgette. Hey, I know you.
00:38You're that dopey little helicopter from that dopey little airfield.
00:41Airfield's not dopey, and neither am I.
00:43Oh, yeah? Well, bet you can't answer this one.
00:46What's wobbly with a fan on top?
00:49I've no idea.
00:50A jelly-copter! A jelly-copter! Get it?
00:54Both of you, stop the silly chatter and move!
00:56Control to Budgie. You're clear for take-off.
00:58Thank goodness!
01:01Bye, little helicopter. I'll be seeing you.
01:08Oh, snowy! I hope I don't have to meet that Jasper too often.
01:12Lionel to Budgie. Are you reading me?
01:13Loud and clear, Lionel. I'm halfway home from Wealdon.
01:16Good. Fergus went astray, and he's turned up at Oakford Station.
01:20Go over there and collect him from the stationmaster.
01:22Went astray? That isn't like Fergus.
01:25Okay, Lionel. I'm on my way.
01:29It's all your fault, Lucy.
01:30Fergus must have heard you talking about Dick Whittington's cat.
01:33Come on, it's a story. Cats don't understand things like that.
01:36He listens to every word. He's smarter than you think.
01:40Hey, Fergus is home!
01:42Budgie picked him up at Oakford.
01:47Fergus, you bad cat! I'm so glad you're back.
01:50Now listen, Fergus. You're not to run away again. Understand?
01:55Oh, I hope he doesn't run off again.
01:57Fergus wants to travel just like Dick Whittington's cat.
02:00Yeah, but maybe we can keep track of him.
02:03Like I saw some guys do with cars on TV.
02:05Gosh, could we?
02:06Yeah. I can make it so wherever he goes, we'll find him.
02:11Lionel to Budgie. We've had an emergency call.
02:14Difficult to hear properly, but it sounds serious.
02:17A number of flyers are down in the sea, three miles north of Black Rock Lighthouse.
02:22Rocketing roaches, Lionel. That does sound serious.
02:25Get there afloat, but get there quickly and meet up with Chuck.
02:28I'm on my way, Lionel. Over and out.
02:37This has to be the place. We couldn't both be wrong.
02:40Where are they? Where are the missing flyers? There's only gulls in the water.
02:44Good of you to come, me old jelly-copters.
02:47But it's okay.
02:51The gulls have no problem with flying and swimming.
02:54Well, don't you get it? The gulls are the flyers. It's a joke.
02:59Well, I don't think so, Jasper.
03:02Come on, Chuck. Let's go before we waste any more time.
03:05Okay, Budgie.
03:07Come on, Ferguson. See what Mike has made for you.
03:12Caught him at last, Mike.
03:15Now show his nice new collar.
03:17This beeper sends a radio signal.
03:20It's a radio signal.
03:22It's a radio signal.
03:24It's a radio signal.
03:26It's a radio signal.
03:28It's a radio signal.
03:30It's a radio signal.
03:32It's a radio signal.
03:34This beeper sends a radio signal.
03:39And I pick it up on this radar screen.
03:41Oh, isn't radar what's used to see where planes are?
03:44Yeah. Look, that's Fergus.
03:47Doesn't look like Fergus. Where is he now?
03:49He's, uh, yeah, going past the canteen.
03:52No, he's stopped right at the door of the canteen.
03:56I know where he's going.
03:58Wait, wait, Mr. Tompkins.
04:00You've got a passenger.
04:04It's Fergus. He wants to travel the world like Dick Whittington's cat.
04:07Thanks, Mr. Tompkins. Bye.
04:12Careful. There's a really huge fire right here in Potterton.
04:15Another of your tricks, Mr. Jasper Jet?
04:18No, honestly. Help.
04:20We can't ignore it. You'd better go, Chuck.
04:23I'll call Budgie. He's over that way already.
04:25Lionel to Budgie. Lionel to Budgie.
04:27Budgie to Lionel. I'm approaching Potterton now.
04:29Oh, maybe he was telling the truth this time.
04:32But where's the fire?
04:37There is a fire, Budgie. They've just reopened the old potteries.
04:41Lionel to Budgie. Everything all right there, Budgie?
04:44No, it's not, Lionel. Another false alarm.
04:47I was afraid of that. Got a real emergency, too.
04:50Go to Greyshale Quarry. There's been a landslide.
04:53We're on our way, Lionel.
04:55Hey, I'm really having fun with those Harefield chaps.
04:59I think I'll drop in there, liven up the atmosphere.
05:04So, Master Jasper, you do not, I repeat, not interfere with the emergency services.
05:10You may think it's funny, but you wouldn't laugh if you were the one waiting for Budgie to take you to a doctor.
05:15And there's another thing. You are going to have to...
05:29Lionel to Budgie. Control says a bad storm's coming your way. Don't try to fly back here. Land and take cover.
05:35I can shelter at the old mine below Bleak Valley.
05:37That's the idea, Budgie. Chuck is waiting at the quarry till the storm passes. Over and out.
05:42No one ever spoke to me like that before. That Lionel really is a grouch.
05:46He's not, Jasper. He's right. It is dangerous to cause confusion by telling lies.
05:50But I didn't tell lies. Not once. No one around here can take a joke.
05:55I'm sorry I came here. I'm going back to my friends at Wealdon.
05:58Jasper, don't be silly. There's a storm warning.
06:01I don't bother about storms. My radar lets me fly anywhere, anytime.
06:09Oh, my. Fergus is gone again. I've looked for him everywhere.
06:13Be cool, Lucy. We switch on the radar and... Sensational!
06:20There he is. Eight degrees north, six degrees west at 7,000 feet.
06:24Travelling at 400 miles an hour.
06:27Mike, Fergus is a cat, not a jet plane.
06:30Oh, right. Yeah. But isn't everything grounded in the storm?
06:34Except I saw that visiting jeer-jet take off.
06:37Well, that's it. Fergus is in the jet.
06:43Maybe this wasn't such a good idea either.
06:53Mayday! Mayday! Jasper to Harefield.
06:56Radar not working. I'm lost. Position unknown.
07:00Mayday! Mayday! Help! Help! Help!
07:04Mayday! Mayday! Where am I?
07:07Seat control can track Jasper through the radar device in Fergus's collar.
07:11They're about six miles from Bleak Valley.
07:13Losing altitude. Heading straight for the ridge.
07:17Poor, poor Fergus. He must be frightened out of his wits.
07:20Budgie is sheltering near Bleak Valley. I'm going to see if he can help.
07:24You don't have to go, Budgie.
07:26You know, Jasper, it might be just another hoax.
07:29And we said we wouldn't respond to him again.
07:31Oh, but it might not be a hoax, Lionel. I'd better go and see.
07:36He's coming your way. Be careful.
07:47Budgie to Jasper. Budgie to Jasper.
07:49If you can hear me, waggle your wings.
07:51Budgie, I'm here. Help.
07:53Now, Jasper, we've got to get out of here.
07:55You must fly in a circle around me because you're so fast.
08:00Now, follow my directions and be careful.
08:04There are cliffs and mountains all over the place.
08:08Wow! Outstanding! Budgie saved them!
08:12Yeah! Brilliant! Great!
08:24Well done, Budgie.
08:25Thanks, Lionel.
08:29Well, you were right, Lionel. And I was...
08:33Well, you were right, Lionel. And I was wrong.
08:36You can't laugh at everything.
08:38Thanks, Budgie. I'll never play silly tricks again.
08:48Look, there's buggers.
09:03Well, Fergus, it's great to have you back.
09:05Even if you haven't brought us diamonds and gold.
09:07Shh, Ben. Don't ever say anything again about Dick Whittington.
