• last year
Venezuelan President, Nicolas Maduro, addressed the people in commemoration of the international workers' day and announced a raise in the minimum income amount. VP Delcy Rodriguez commented on the benefits. teleSUR

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00:00Thank you, Mr. President.
00:01This emotional act of social justice to recognize our heroes that come carrying the criminal
00:09blockade against Venezuela.
00:11This is the whole national worker organism.
00:17It's the thing that we've been discussing with the Central Union of Workers and also
00:24with the companies.
00:28We've been open to move forward to that direction because it's a justice for our pensioners
00:35and that social income will be the expression of all the wealthy that is generating this
00:41economical growth that progressively the Venezuelan people have been retrieving.
00:47It signifies one more step for the social justice to distribute alongside and from every
00:56point the social justice.
01:00Our grandfathers and grandmothers, that's the spirit of this law, to have justice and
01:07us to have this law as an instrument and as a tool for the social equality.
01:12We've moved forward, President.
01:14We're ready to go on Tuesday.
01:16Join the National Assembly with your instructions to the Parliament of Venezuela that is not
01:23under the service of the last but is in the service of the Venezuelan people.
01:28Move forward that direction.
01:31A correction.
01:33Well, this is a thing that we've been thinking a long time ago because it is true that we
01:41need to increase the income and when every economical sector is growing, like by example
01:51the exporting system that we're already developing, the export system can be added of an adder
02:04of income to the national and to the workers' income, into the missions, and to the health
02:18I like to discuss everything with you so everyone knows where we're standing and where we're
02:25going and what we're doing, the achievements and the step forward that we're making, and
02:31how we're going to win in every front, how are we conquering and how we're going to be
02:36conquering in every front, in the moral and the spiritual, in economy and politics.
02:42It's an integral battle.
02:44That's why we need so much the blessings from God and I ask so much from God.
02:50In the hardest time, I say that's my mother, in the hardest time, in 2017, in 2020, in
02:56the middle of the pandemic, in the economical war, in the invasion attempt, and I always
03:00say God will provide, God will provide, God will provide, and God continues to give us
03:12blessings and strength to move forward to the path of integral recovery.
03:20And I say a small correction.
03:22First of all, today is Wednesday.
03:25We don't have to wait for next Tuesday.
03:29Tomorrow, Thursday, I'm going to ask to the working class to go with the vice president
03:34in a march to stick into this tax justice project that is going to be the funds for
03:41the big mission of the elderly.
03:44Are you agreeing?
03:45It's been approved.
03:47And second of all, I ask to the Dr. Jorge Rodriguez and the deputies that are present
03:54of the working class here, and I ask of you to give a fast track to this law
04:04so I can into the distance in the next hours, in the next days, to be making a big march
04:14for the elderly to sign this law, to have this law working, and income goes quicker,
04:24and to improve the lives of our pensioners.
04:28Are you agreeing?
04:29Dulce, please.
04:31Yes, president.
04:32I was saying that this law is going to capture all the taxes of the employers, so have the
04:41big mission funds for the elderly of the homeland as a mechanism to distribute the wealthy in
04:51this economical growth process where not only the productive sectors are participating,
04:58but directly and mainly the workers of Venezuela.
05:02It is the justice, and this is where you've been demanding of us, and through the dialogue
05:10mechanism that we maintain with the company sectors of our country, and it's something
05:20that had a warm greeting to move forward.
05:24I think, president, that the construction of this new economical model, diversified,
05:30has been getting to the country with a warm greeting, and the first national consensus
05:38is the building of a new economical model to the just redistribution of the wealthy
05:44where the working class are the beneficiaries through the happiness, social happiness directly
05:52from that, and we're on the right path.
05:55The Venezuelan people have come here conquering with the strength and the resistance, and
06:01with this personal sacrifice has been conquering the criminal blockade, and I think in the
06:09time where these new hours of hope for the development, national development and growth
06:16economy, we can enjoy the good times, and us with this law, president, we're going to
06:25move forward in a certain step for the growth and the social justice.
