The 'Gaza metro': The mysterious subterranean tunnel network used by Hamas

  • 8 months ago
The 'Gaza metro': The mysterious subterranean tunnel network used by Hamas
Did you know that beneath the streets of Gaza lies a vast underground network of tunnels?
Known as the "Gaza metro," these tunnels are used by Hamas for various purposes.
They transport people and goods, store rockets and ammunition, and even house command and control centers.
The tunnels provide Hamas with a strategic advantage, allowing them to operate away from the prying eyes of the Israel Defense Forces.
According to Hamas, they have built around 500 kilometers of tunnels under Gaza.
That's almost half the length of the New York City subway system!
Constructing such an extensive network would have required significant manpower and capital.
It's believed that basic tools were used to dig the tunnels, which are wired with electricity and reinforced with concrete.
Israel has accused Hamas of diverting concrete meant for civilian purposes towards tunnel construction.
Critics argue that the funds spent on tunnels could have been used for civilian bomb shelters or early warning networks.
However, the dense population of Gaza makes it difficult for Israel to target the tunnels without risking harm to civilians.
Dealing with tunnels is always challenging, but the urban environment of Gaza City adds another layer of complexity.
The IDF has alleged that Hamas is using civilians as human shields by hiding inside the tunnels.
In response, Israel has launched ground incursions to eliminate the tunnels in the past.
However, technology alone is not enough to stop the subterranean threat.
A holistic approach that combines visual intelligence, border monitoring, and civilian cooperation is necessary.
The "Gaza metro" is a mysterious and strategic network of tunnels used by Hamas.
While the IDF continues its efforts to eliminate these tunnels, there is no foolproof solution.
The complex nature of the tunnels and the urban environment make it a challenging task.
As the conflict in Gaza continues, the underground tunnels remain a significant factor in the ongoing conflict between Hamas and Israel.
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