• 2 years ago
Amesite builds artificial intelligence software products designed to improve learning. With Amesite, learning is more affordable, accessible, and engaging. Our team helps educational institutions, and businesses improve learning as their technology partner, delivering a disruptive technology driven by AI.
00:00 (upbeat music)
00:02 - Welcome, it's Michael Marooth-Benziga,
00:03 joined today by Dr. Anne-Marie Sastry,
00:05 CEO and founder at Amisight.
00:07 Dr. Sastry, always a pleasure to have you with us.
00:09 Go ahead and kick us off by telling us a little bit
00:11 about Amisight and giving us a brief overview of the company.
00:14 - Michael, great to be here again, as always with you.
00:16 Amisight is an artificial intelligence software company.
00:19 We build learning systems for universities,
00:22 for businesses, for museums, and for government agencies.
00:26 Our mission is to improve the way the world learns,
00:28 and we do that on a SaaS model that offers services
00:31 and content generation as well.
00:32 So these organizations can deliver on their own brand
00:35 to their learners.
00:36 - Terrific, and how does AI allow you
00:38 to build better educational tools at Amisight?
00:41 - If you think about the very best internet experiences,
00:44 the stickiest internet experiences,
00:46 the ones you go back to again and again,
00:49 they're all driven by AI.
00:50 And the reason that they're driven by AI
00:52 is because artificial intelligence has the capacity
00:55 to mass customize, to deliver you information
00:58 that's relevant, interesting, germane, topical,
01:01 and fascinating.
01:02 Education has been left behind in this revolution,
01:06 no longer.
01:07 The reality is that the educational experience online
01:10 has been one of content management rather than engagement.
01:13 At Amisight, we founded our company
01:15 to build engagement in learning,
01:18 to improve learning outcomes.
01:20 That's been palpably the case.
01:22 We've had over 99% retention
01:24 across all of our professional paid learning programs.
01:27 So AI works, and we wanna make sure
01:29 that people delivering education can use AI to the good.
01:33 - Excellent, and talk us through the updates
01:35 in the latest v6.3 version of the platform.
01:37 What's new there?
01:39 - As, thank you very much for asking.
01:40 As people who've been following the company know,
01:43 we've integrated not only new AI features
01:46 that we've built in-house,
01:47 but also commercially available AI features.
01:50 The reason is we were built to do that.
01:52 We built our backbone, the spine of the code, as you will,
01:55 to be able to integrate new innovations.
01:56 And we believe we were the first ed tech company
01:58 to integrate GPT-4.
02:00 That technology enables our customers and our learners
02:04 to be able to get questions answered 24/7,
02:06 and also be able to get help in generating content.
02:09 v6.3 is a major, major infrastructure update
02:13 that we're very excited about.
02:15 It gives our customers efficiency and scale
02:18 and greater security, greater visibility,
02:21 and greater access to data.
02:23 Additionally, it gives our customers greater integrability.
02:26 As more and more of our organizations
02:28 want to integrate more and more software solutions,
02:31 the reality is that almost all of these
02:34 will have some element of AI in order to be relevant.
02:38 Amiscience Learning Platform enables our customers
02:40 to be able to integrate these solutions
02:42 with version 6.3 without any friction.
02:46 - Wonderful, and Dr. Sassary,
02:47 you recently spoke at the keynote speaker
02:49 at CSO's Future of Cybersecurity Summit.
02:52 Can you talk a little bit about some of the insights
02:54 that you shared while you were the keynote speaker
02:56 at this event?
02:56 - It was really exciting and a great honor
02:58 to be able to talk to this audience.
03:00 This audience is comprised of executives and thought leaders
03:03 who are working very valiantly to improve cybersecurity
03:07 in the age of generative AI.
03:09 Now that generative AI is available to the public,
03:11 cyber attacks are easier to launch at scale
03:15 and can be launched with startling efficiency.
03:18 Amiscience's role in this is not only to provide insight
03:22 and hopefully some thought leadership,
03:24 and I'm very proud of the team
03:25 for putting together materials, including white papers
03:27 that you can find on our website,
03:29 to help the communities understand these changes
03:32 as they're occurring,
03:33 but also to be able to provide learning solutions.
03:37 And it's not just learning solutions
03:39 for cybersecurity professionals.
03:40 The reality is generative AI and the advent
03:44 of the production of startlingly, startlingly
03:46 realistic deepfakes means that everyone
03:49 in the organization has to be trained
03:51 in order to mitigate threats.
03:53 The reality is that every organization will need to use AI
03:58 in order to be effective in its business
04:01 and business operations.
04:02 So there's no turning back.
04:04 Rather, what we need to do is make sure
04:06 that everybody gets trained on the technology
04:09 and also trained to keep secure organizations.
04:12 - Outstanding.
04:13 And how is AI being utilized
04:15 in different educational sectors?
04:16 Can you talk a little bit about the major differences
04:18 in different regions or markets?
04:20 Is it the same across the board
04:21 or do we see some differences here,
04:22 depending on where you're at and what markets you're in?
04:24 - It's a great question, Michael.
04:26 When we look at our markets, we have universities,
04:29 there are about 3,300 of those,
04:31 and they all have different objectives
04:32 and strategies for driving revenue.
04:35 We have businesses who need to make sure
04:37 that their employees learn efficiently and effectively.
04:40 We have government who needs to be able
04:42 to upscale for workforce training.
04:44 And we have museums who need to be able to drive engagement.
04:48 So when you look at all of those segments,
04:50 each one does have a different use case.
04:52 Universities particularly need to be able
04:54 to train professionals.
04:56 We have a situation where we expect decreasing enrollments
04:59 in universities and in order for them to stay viable,
05:02 they need to be able to create programs
05:04 for lifelong learners that are consumable,
05:06 mainly online and affordable.
05:09 Amisite helps with that by creating ecosystems quickly
05:12 and efficiently.
05:13 Example, Central Michigan University,
05:15 we recently announced their successful launch
05:17 of their entire professional learning program cohort,
05:20 which Amisite supports.
05:22 And that's very exciting because they have a really set
05:25 of diverse offerings that enable their alumni
05:28 and other members of the community come in
05:30 and consume something affordable
05:32 and stay professionally current.
05:34 When you look at businesses,
05:35 they need to be able to upscale their employees efficiently,
05:38 sometimes all over the world.
05:40 Our customer EGC has scaled to 10 countries.
05:43 Amisite supports their entire learning cohort
05:45 and they've received very, very good results from that,
05:49 actually greatly exceeding their targets
05:51 in terms of employee performance and engagement.
05:54 If you look at government, workforce training is essential.
05:57 And what we're seeing now is that with the predominance
06:01 of interest in cleantech, in chips,
06:04 in artificial intelligence itself,
06:06 people are going to need to be able to execute career pivots
06:09 or adaptations in order to stay economically relevant.
06:12 Amisite provides learning programs that does that.
06:15 And then finally, in museums and K-12,
06:17 'cause these sectors are really linked.
06:19 Museums, every museum needs a digitalization strategy.
06:22 They need a front door and their main mission is learning.
06:25 So they need to be able to provide programs,
06:27 particularly to K-12 learners that are engaging
06:29 and take learners beyond just an on-ground experience.
06:33 The on-ground experience is very important,
06:35 but there needs to be a before and after.
06:37 K-12 schools are interesting
06:38 because what they need principally right now
06:41 is professional development for teachers.
06:43 During the pandemic,
06:44 teachers were horsed onto digital platforms
06:47 that really didn't serve their needs.
06:48 Nobody really expected them to.
06:50 It was an emergency.
06:51 It was an urgent situation.
06:52 But now post-pandemic, we're a bit wiser.
06:55 And with the advent of generative AI,
06:58 teachers very critically need upscaling in generative AI,
07:01 and Amisite has programs in that area.
07:03 So we're excited to be able to help there.
07:05 - Amazing.
07:06 Dr. Sastry, a final question for you.
07:08 On the industry side of things,
07:09 and a bigger take here to close this out,
07:11 AI will have the biggest impact
07:13 on what aspect of our daily lives as we move forward here?
07:16 - All of the above.
07:18 There's essentially no part of our daily lives
07:21 that will be unaffected by generative AI.
07:23 The reason that we've seen this massive toggle
07:26 in understanding of AI
07:28 is that generative AI is now available to the public.
07:31 And people have seen the power of this
07:33 in everything from transforming web search
07:35 to planning their day to interacting with others.
07:38 The prior thinking was that AI wouldn't affect
07:42 the highest paying jobs, the highest wage jobs.
07:45 The current understanding is of course it will,
07:48 and probably in more profound ways.
07:50 The ability to generate texts, to interact with others,
07:53 even to help write an email is transformative.
07:56 Some have said that there'll be a massive firing
07:59 and economic loss.
08:01 Most experts, and we are in this camp,
08:03 believe that greater numbers of jobs
08:06 will be created of higher quality.
08:08 The reality is the barrier to entry to an office job
08:12 was being able to have business skills
08:13 that included writing an email,
08:15 showing the correct tenor, showing the correct temperament.
08:18 AI can help with all of that.
08:20 There's a real opportunity for AI
08:22 to make us all better professionals.
08:24 And we're excited to be able to offer tools on our platform
08:27 that drive us along that journey.
08:29 - Amazing.
08:30 Well, there is certainly a much bigger conversation
08:31 to be had here and a lot more to watch,
08:33 but we really appreciate your insights
08:35 diving into the AI industry,
08:36 specifically what you and Ambicyte are doing about it.
08:39 Dr. Ann-Marie Sassery, founder and CEO of Ambicyte,
08:42 thank you so much for joining us here this morning.
08:44 - Thank you very much, Michael, for the interview.
08:46 We really appreciate it.
08:47 And I want to thank the team for all their hard work
08:49 in all these sectors as well.
08:50 Thanks so much.
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