
  • 2 years ago
As we all know family of Capsicum frutescens chilies are very hot with having nice sri lanka these chilies are commonly use in daily foods..specially when preparing dishes should have some hot taste such as frying a fish,dry fish curry..etc.'kochchi sambolaya' is one of the most delicious dish that can be made by using capsicum while eating cassava and boiled jack fruit.
Plant of these chilies doesn't require any special grows very easily..and economically it has a good value in the market..not only the economic value but also it has got lots of nutritional value.capsicum contains vitamin C and A,Calcium,magnesium and iron.also it helps to rebuild of tissues,helps to digestion,good for respiratory system,good for healthy skin,controls blood pressure and more..
So here you have lots of valuable from the nature.finally as i always say get closed to the this small life as a great human until death.May tripple gems bless you.
