• 3 years ago
If I asked you which artist wasn't scared to tackle social concerns, sexual identity, political action, and nonconformity, you'd say a contemporary artist, right? Incorrect! Frida Kahlo. I'll convince you! Look! Frida Kahlo was born in a modest blue house in Coyoacan, Mexico in 1907. Frida was bedridden for nine months after contracting polio at age six. She persisted anyhow. Frida was talkative and fearless in school. Her dad supported her in soccer, swimming, and wrestling. Girls didn't play sports or wrestle back then. Diego Rivera was creating a mural in their school about this period. Frida, 20 years his junior, promised a pal she'd marry him. In 1922, Frida was critically injured when her bus collided with a streetcar. Her hip, spine, and pelvis were fractured by a railing. Can't image her anguish. The accident cast her for three months. Her parents gave her paints and a bed easel to pass the time. Diego Rivera is fascinated with Frida's drawings in 1928. A year later, they married. Their marriage wasn't typical, therefore they were called the elephant and the dove. Diego had an affair with Frida's sister, so it was tricky. Frida accompanied Diego on mural commissions across the US. Frida wore bright, gold attire that celebrated her culture in New York. Diego and his family return to Mexico after a mural disagreement with the Rockefellers. Frida goes to Paris in 1939 and meets Joan Miro and Pablo Picasso, who appreciate her work. The Louvre bought Frida Spain's tea, the first from a Mexican artist. The Broken Column depicts Frida's deteriorating condition. This 1944 painting shows her health challenges and artistic talent. Frida bravely used art to convey her physical limitations. There's more. In 1950, she became bedridden with gangrene in her right foot and had to have part of her leg amputated. She kept creating and being political. In 1953, she had a solo display and had to arrive by ambulance with her bed. Determined! On July 13, 1954, before her 47th birthday, Frida died. Frida's struggle and ability to keep working despite her health or her art? Since her death, Frida's renown has grown, especially during the feminist movement in the 1970s. She makes Wonder Woman laughable.

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