William Branham's Prosperity Gospel

  • 2 years ago
Researchers have traced the origins of the prosperity gospel and the “name it claim it” doctrines through William Branham, with John Alexander Dowie as the prototype. Not only are the fundamentals of those doctrines very similar to Dowie’s and Branham’s “Gospel of Divine Healing”, many of the leaders in these movements were created as a result of the Latter Rain version of Branham’s “Message” cult following. Joel Osteen’s father John, for example, was deeply involved with the movement.

Cult leaders in the Branham movement deny these ties because versions of William Branham’s stage persona claimed not to have or want money. There claims, however, are simply untrue. Newspaper reporters describe hefty men carrying boxes of money from Branham’s meetings, though Branham’s stage persona claimed to have never – ever – taken an offering. And while Branham’s stage persona claimed to have refused to drive fancy cars such as Cadillacs while his competition had such luxuries, William Branham did have a Cadillac. In fact, the luxury car was given to him by the very men that Branham claimed to have refused. According to William Branham’s daughter Sarah, Branham’s new and different “gospel” was very prosperous – at least to William Branham.

You can learn this and more on william-branham.org


Sarah’s Letter:

Raymond Jackson’s Letter Confirming Sarah’s Letter:

