Trump to Label Antifa a Terrorist Organization

  • 4 years ago
Trump to Label Antifa
a Terrorist Organization President Donald Trump made
the announcement on Sunday via Twitter. Donald Trump, Twitter Antifa is short for anti-fascist.
The term is used broadly for far-left
leaning individuals, who have taken
radical and militant action. By all reports, Antifa does not
have any sort of central leadership.
CNN describes the group as "amorphous." Legal experts were quick to
point out that Trump does not have
legal authority to designate any domestic
groups as a terrorist organization. Hina Shamsi, ACLU,
via CNN Government officials have called
Trump's proposed action unconstitutional. Trump's tweet comes in the midst of
several nights of nation-wide protests,
sparked by the killing of George Floyd,
a black man, by a white Minneapolis police officer. Federal law enforcement officials
have stated that much of the destruction
caused during the protests has been incited
by several groups from both the far-left and far-right.
