Conditions are in place for another inter-Korean summit: Pres. Moon

  • 5 years ago
문대통령, "남북정상회담을 본격적으로 준비하고 추진할 시점"

President Moon says now is the time for South Korea to get ready for another summit with North Korea.
In today's cabinet meeting, he said North Korean leader Kim Jong-un has made clear his commitment to denuclearize... and to meet President Trump for a third time,... which sets in motion a fourth inter-Korean summit for President Moon.
Take a listen.
"Having confirmed that we see eye to eye, conditions are in place to hold an inter-Korean summit. I hope South and North Korea will be able to sit down, not bound to any location or format, to discuss ways to achieve a fruitful outcome beyond the two North Korea-U.S. summits."
President Moon also said President Trump, when he met with him in Washington last week, agreed to continue to work together to bring North Korea back to the nuclear talks.
They also reaffirmed the importance of so-called "top-down" diplomacy, based on the trust and determination of the leaders themselves,... for the peace process on the Korean Peninsula.
