Are Black Beans Actually Healthy?

  • 5 years ago
Are Black Beans
Actually Healthy? Black beans are known
as one of the most nutritious
legumes you can eat. According to the Journal of
Agricultural Food Chemistry,
black beans have more
antioxidants than any other bean. There are 15 grams of protein
and fiber in one cup of black beans. This combination keeps
you fuller for longer
and fills you with energy. The soluble fiber in black
beans is known to help
lower bad cholesterol and
benefit your heart health. Black beans also control
blood sugar because they
contain resistant starch. This starch passes undigested
through the small intestine
and helps prevent high
blood sugar levels. While some people with intestinal
issues do experience adverse
symptoms such as bloating and
gas when eating black beans, a tolerance can be built
by slowly increasing
your intake over time.
