Can You Pass These 6 Fitness Tests?

  • 6 years ago
Can You Pass These
6 Fitness Tests? Men's Fitness published a list
of fitness tests that you
should be able to pass.
Where do you stand? 1. Hold a plank
for 2 minutes Planks are great for your core.
If you can't make it two minutes,
work on improving your core
strength with other exercises. 2. Squat your
body weight If you can't already, work
towards being able to do one
full rep of squatting your body
weight, and progress from there. 3. Do 500 meters
of rowing
in 90 seconds or less Rowing gives you a full-body workout and should definitely be a part of your regimen. 4. 15 pull-ups in a row This goal varies by your weight,
but if you're a 170 to 190 pound male,
15 is a good place to start. 5. Run a mile in
under 9 minutes Cardio is one of the most important
exercises you can do. Shoot for this goal
to enhance your overall fitness level. 6. Box jump 66%
of your height Adding this explosive element to your routine will help to keep you well-rounded.
