• 8 years ago
The RNC, not surprisingly, has reacted unfavorably to Hillary Clinton’s Wellesley speech.

Hillary Clinton delivered the Wellesley College commencement speech on Friday and touched upon matters including President Nixon’s resignation, the importance of facts, and inauguration attendance.
Hours later, Republican National Committee (RNC) Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel released a statement about Clinton’s comments. It began, “Today’s speech was a stark reminder why Hillary Clinton lost in 2016.” 
McDaniel went on to add, “Instead of lashing out with the same partisan talking points Hillary Clinton would be wise to look inward, talk about why she lost, and expand the dwindling base of Democrat Party supporters—we won’t hold our breath, though.” 
Highlights from Clinton’s speech included a subtle comparison between Richard Nixon and Donald Trump. 
She said that around the time of her 1969 graduation from Wellesley, she and many of her classmates were “…furious about the past presidential election of a man whose presidency would eventually end in disgrace with his impeachment for obstruction of justice after firing the person running the investigation into him at the Department of Justice.” 
Clinton also talked about truth in our times, noting, “Some are even denying things we see with our own eyes, like the size of crowds and then defending themselves by talking about quote unquote alternative facts.” 


