Stanford sex assault survivor named a Woman of the Year

  • 8 years ago
"Emily Doe," the anonymous survivor of a sexual assault by former Stanford swimmer Brock Turner, is now speaking out. Doe, who was recently named one of Glamour Magazine's "Women of the Year," penned an essay to the magazine about the unfortunate event that changed her life. "So now to the one who said, I hope my daughter never ends up like her, I am learning to say, I hope you end up like me, meaning, I hope you end up like me strong. I hope you end up like me proud of who I’m becoming. I hope you don’t “end up,” I hope you keep going," "And I hope you grow up knowing that the world will no longer stand for this. Victims are not victims, not some fragile, sorrowful aftermath. Victims are survivors, and survivors are going to be doing a hell of a lot more than surviving." Turner was released from jail in September after serving three months and must register as a sex offender for life.
