Clinton: I'll defend Israel, push for two states

  • 8 years ago
Former Secretary of State and current Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton believes both Republican candidates Donald Trump and Ted Cruz "missed the mark" with their approach to the Israel-Palestinian Arab conflict.
Speaking Sunday to CNN , Clinton vowed to support Israel but also said she would insist on the "two-state solution", that is the formation of a Palestinian state, in order to bring an end to the conflict.
Despite Clinton's pro-Israel comments in the interview, e-mails that have been released as part of the investigation into her use of a private address during her time as Secretary of State have revealed the opposite.
In one e-mail she referred to Israelis as "always cocky" ; in another e-mail, dated 2011, she mulled a plan by a senior aide to stir up Palestinian unrest in order to pressure Israel to restart peace talks with the PA.
