Dancing, ikën Anjeza dhe Dren Abazi - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

  • 9 years ago
Një jave pas fillimit te Dancig With the Stars edicioni i trete, Anjeza Maja dhe Dren Abazi u bene mbrëmjen e te enjtes personazhet e pare VIP qe lanë garën e ethshme!
Kombinimi i pikëve te jurisë dhe publikut, penalizoi kështu çiftet qe ndodheshin ne fund te një renditjeje, e cila erdhi si rezultat pas garës se 14 personazheve VIP, ne gjini te ndryshme te kërcimit. Ne këtë puntate te dyte te Dancing Albania 3, prodhim i suksesshëm i Tring Dixhital e Vizion Plus, personazhet publike performuan te ndare ne femra dhe meshkuj. Mambo, Vals, Rumba, Paso Doble apo Tango ishin disa nga disiplinat qe sollën emocione, batuta por edhe zhgënjim për disa prej VIP-ave garues. Me herët mbrëmja u çel me një performance fantastike te aktorit te njohur kosovar, Enver Petrovci, si fitues i edicionit te dyte te Dancing With the Stars Albania dhe ish partneres se tij, balerinës profesioniste Lori. Tashme qe ethet e skualifikimeve kane nisur, yjeve iu duhet me shume pune e prova, përmbledhjen e te cilave e ndiqni çdo dite ne orën 19:30 minuta, ne forumin i cili nis këtë te diele, po ne te njëjtën ore si dhe ritransmetimin e puntates se te enjtes, te shtunën ne orën 13:30 minuta ne Vizion Plus.

A week after the start of Dancig With the Stars third edition, Yeast and Dren Anjeza Abbas became the Thursday evening of the first VIP's feverish race left!
The combination of points the jury and the public, so penalize couples who were at the end of a sort, which is due after the race that VIP 14 characters, in different genres of dance. In this second of Dancing puntatat Albania 3, successful production of Tring Digital Vision Plus, public characters performed separately in men and women. Mambo, Waltz, Rumba, Paso Doble and Tango were some of the disciplines that brought excitement, mot but also disappointment for some VIP runners. By early evening opened with a fantastic performance of the actor recognized Kosovo, Enver Petrovci, as winner of the second edition of Dancing With the Stars Albania and his former partner, Lori balerinës professionals. Now that the fever had begun disqualification, stars to be working more evidence, a summary of which follow each day at 19:30 minutes in the forum which starts this Sunday, but at the same hour as the retransmission puntates than Thursday, Saturday at 13:30 minutes in the Vision Plus.
