Plastic Cosmetic Surgery For Men | Best Male Grooming? Dr Debraj Shome Opines

  • 9 years ago
In this video, Dr. Debraj Shome talks about the common plastic and cosmetic surgery procedures performed nowadays as part of male grooming. Our society places a high value on looking young and fit. In fact, research has shown that younger, fresher looking men also get more promotions and are thought to be better equipped to b handling job pressures better. Today, men of all ages and all walks of life are requesting plastic surgery for cosmetic reasons. Men's goals include denser hair, a more balanced nose and face, a rejuvenated face, a trimmer waistline and a sharper chin. The procedures used to achieve these goals must take into consideration factors such as skin thickness, beard growth, or body type.

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Typically, social norms in India and in many countries globally have dictated that men are supposed to be tough and not caring about their looks in some way seems to add to their machismo. So, while new age men would like to look as good as they possibly can, they typically do not want society to know about their desire and hence plastic surgery remains a topic which is taboo and is still very much in the closet.

Dr. Debraj Shome highlights these contradictions and emphasises that more than 50% of the patients undergoing cosmetic procedures such as hair transplant, rhinoplasty, liposuction and blepharoplasty in his practice, are men! The requirements for cosmesis in facial plastic surgery in men are very different compared to women and a good plastic surgeon can highlight the masculine elements of the face very well, while accentuating symmetry and balance in the facial features.

Dr. Debraj Shome is a Celebrity Plastic Surgeon for many Bollywood & Hollywood celebrities. Dr. Shome is one of the top/ best facial plastic surgeons and is Co-Founder of The Esthetic Clinic which is currently at Nova Specialty Surgery, Mumbai, India and Fortis Hospitals, Mumbai, India.For consultations with Dr. Debraj Shome, please write in to or call +91-9004671379.

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