Male Pattern Baldness | QR678 Hair Growth Supplement Treatment in Mumbai, India - Dr. Rinky Kapoor

  • 9 years ago
Male Pattern Baldness is making men lose confidence and look older. Hair loss & hair fall is impacting job opportunities, relationships, mental well-being and self confidence. Male Pattern Baldness alopecia starts at the frontal regions and then progresses to the vertex of the scalp, finally leaving only a tiny rim of hair at the back of the head. Male Pattern Baldness is also called Androgenetic Alopecia - Which means that genetic causes and androgens (male hormones like testosterone and Dihydrotestosterone) play an important role in the etiology of Male Pattern Baldness. Now, male hormones like testosterone and DHT are important for the other male functions as well and therefore we cannot remove them from the body. But, these hormones cause the hair loss in the pattern known as Male Pattern Alopecia. So, then what to do?

Many treatments are there for male pattern baldness, ranging from over the counter available medications like minoxidil and finasteride tablets (which blocks DHT), to invasive hair transplant surgeries like Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) and Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE). Each of these treatments have their own problems. There are also some non invasive treatments like stem cell injections for hair growth and Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) injections to the scalp, to cause hair growth.

While invasive surgeries like hair restoration surgeries have the problem of being very expensive in cost and causing complications and having significant down time of recovery, injections like PRP injections and stem cell injections are not very effective as they are non-selective for hair growth. Despite media advocating stem cells for hair, the fact is that using stem cells and PRP for hair growth is like shooting missiles into the dessert hoping to hit a terrorist - You may never know whether you will hit a terrorist or just a camel!

The QR 678 Hair Treatment for hair regrowth, for prevention of hair loss & to stop hair fall, on the other hand is the result of the latest research in hair. The QR 678 Injections are the latest Treatment for Male Pattern Baldness, Alopecia, Baldness Cure and Female Hair Loss. The QR 678 injections are the result of the latest research & advances in hair growth & are better & More Advanced than hair transplant surgery, Stem Cell therapy and Platelet Rich Plasma Injections (PRP) for hair growth. The QR 678 hair growth factor injections are a combination of six potent hair growth factors, which are the result of a revolutionary clinical research trial. These growth factors are injected into the scalp skin in to the areas of hair loss and hair thinning,

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