SuperFood Street Session 'Right On Satellite'

  • 9 years ago
Let some nineties bliss inside with cheery Birmingham quartet Superfood

With tastes in music as cyclical as they are cynical, the contempt once reserved for the eighties has long since been replaced by a new wave of adoration and imitators.

So while the Britpop-dominance of the nineties may have found itself swathed in similar levels of revisionist sneering, it’s surely only a matter of time before we’ll all be once again revelling in the nostalgic bliss of Blur, Supergrass, Pulp et al.

Because leading the charge is Brummie foursome Superfood, whose joyous reimagination of their nineties inspirations can’t help but awaken forgotten memories of TFI Friday, Air Jordans and the Sony Walkman.

On ‘Mood Bomb’, front man Dom Ganderton asks everyone to “open up your eyes, let the sun inside”, presumably referring to a big shining dose of nostalgia as their teletext-inspired website and cover of Beastie Boys ‘Fight For Your Right’ enforces their 90s utopia. With a 2015 tour of Germany, Holland, France and the UK planned, it surely won’t be long before we’re all joining in.

Superfood’s debut album ‘Don’t Say That’ is out now