Hamas and Israel hold temporary 12-hour truce

  • 10 years ago
A 12-hour truce is underway in Gaza as efforts continue to secure a longer-term ceasefire.

Gazan officials said 18 members of a single family were killed by Israeli tank shelling shortly before the pause in fighting came into effect on Saturday morning.

Nearly 900 Palestinians, mostly civilians, and 38 Israelis have now died since the conflict began on July 8th.

International efforts to find a more permanent peace, spearheaded by US Secretary of State John Kerry, continue.

“At this moment we are working toward a brief seven days of peace. Seven days of a humanitarian ceasefire in honour of Eid. In order to be able to bring people together to try to work to create a more durable, sustainable ceasefire for the long run.” Kerry declared.

In addition to Washington’s shuttle diplomacy, foreign ministers from the US, UK, Turkey and Qatar are meeting in Paris to try to find a way out of the crisis.

Despite the temporary 12-hour pause, Israel has vowed to press on with its search for tunnels used by Hamas militants and insisted it will respond if attacked.