Russia says Kyiv ultimatum amounts to making war on its own people

  • 10 years ago
Russia called for an emergency session of the UN’s Security Council following Ukraine’s plan to use its armed forces.

In a battle of words the Russian ambassador accused Kyiv of making war on its own people. In return Ukraine said Moscow was trying to destabilise the country.

Britain’s Ambassador to the U.N, Mark Lyall Grant called on Russia to explain its build up of troops in the region.

“Satellite images show that there are between 35,000 and 40,000 Russian troops in the vicinity of the border with Ukraine equipped with combat aircraft, tanks, artillery and logistical support units, this is in addition to the 25,000 Russia troops based illegally in Crimea”.

Russia’s Ambassador Vitaly Churkin denied his country had any intentions towards eastern Ukraine, criticised the West and urged Kyiv to start a genuine dialogue: “Unfortunately I have to say that many inaccurate accusations have been made against Russia, that Russia wants to destabilise Ukraine, bring down Ukraine, but why did you not respond to our call when the crisis began, to start a dialogue to help Ukraine find his way out of the political and economical crisis that was unfolding.”

It is the tenth time the Security Council has convened to discuss the Ukraine crisis. Talks between Russia, Ukraine, the US and the UK are still planned for Geneva on Thursday.
