Beirut suicide bomber kills one person, target unclear

  • 10 years ago

A suicide bomber killed himself and one other person when he detonated explosives in a van in southern Beirut on Monday (February 2) a Lebanese security source said.

Lebanese television footage showed the chassis of a vehicle with no roof. Smoke rose in the air and debris lay on a street.

The target of the attack was not immediately clear. The minibus exploded on a highway in Choueifat, in the south of the capital, which links several parts of the city.

Last month two bombs hit residential areas of Beirut where the Shi'ite militant Hezbollah group has a strong presence.

A bystander said the minibus had been heading in the direction of those areas, which suggested the detonation may have been premature. It was not immediately clear if the bomber had been a passenger or the driver of the vehicle.

A man working at a petrol station near the site of the blast said: "There was glass everywhere. We saw a head. Then the legs
