Students clash with police in Turkey

  • 11 years ago

Thousands of students took to the streets in Turkey on Wednesday (November 6) to protest against the Higher Education Board on its 32nd anniversary.

In Istanbul, hundreds of students gathered outside Istanbul University to denounce the institution that was established during the military coup in 1980.

In Ankara, clashes broke out in Kizilay square where riot police fired smoke grenades, tear gas and rubber bullets to disperse the crowd.

More clashes were seen at Ankara University where a group of students occupied the dean's office. Riot police fired smoke grenades into the office as students dangled from the windows. Several protesters were detained during the demonstrations.

The clashes came as Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan suggested new regulations could be drawn up to stop male and female students living together, triggering accusations of religiously inspired interference in private life.

Erdogan said th
