Walt Sautter

I worked my chalk laden fingers to the bone for forty years teaching chemistry and physics. During the latter years of my toil I wrote two books, the first was really just a challenge I created for myself – “Could I do it?”
I did and after it was finished I checked it off of my “Things I should do before I die list” and then tucked it away in my files. Only a few people actually read the story and none gave it great accolades but then again none condemned it as poorly written either (not to my face anyway). It received its share of compliments and criticisms.
The second book I wrote was done as a satire about one of my favorite pass times – golf. It was meant to be a spoof about the advertising claims of high priced clubs and equipment. Once again when it was finished I did little to publicize or promote it in spite of my receiving numerous positive comments by those few who did read it.
Upon my retirement in 2004, I began to write even more and completed five more stories. This time I went as far as posting them on my website and creating video trailers for each.
My favorite is Fish Farm, the story of a man who refuses to accept ruination without reprisal. The ending of the story is shocking (it even surprised me when I wrote it) and contains lessons about the price of revenge.