Motivational 8/112 Day Body Transformation

  • 11 years ago
Niki is gettinng really sexy proportions now and it's only 1 week in and Con's muscles are really starting to show. It's so exciting to see the fat go and the muscle come. We're leaner, stronger, and dripping in motivation. At our age one would think that our goal is not achievable but we intend to shock you. We did Chest & Back today, upped the weights, and added a new exercise. Tomorrow we're going to change the world. We are the real deal so LIKE this video and SHARE it with all your friends and help us make this DREAM a reality so it can be an INSPIRATION to millions of people around the planet.

We are doing REAL TIME updates to Facebook so friend us to follow us step by step so
post your questions HERE relevant to MEALS, WORKOUT SETS, REPS, WEIGHT, etc and we'll do our best to answer.

In the meantime you can FOLLOW US here

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Get YOUR Ultimate Sandbag HERE

5am 20 minute INTERVAL Cardio Workout
5:30pm Biceps Triceps Shoulder Workout
6:20pm 20 minute INTERVAL Cardio Workout

B/B Bench Press s/s Seated row
15, 8, 6, 20 reps (no rest)

Incline S7 B/B Bench Press s/s Wide Grip Assisted Chin Ups x 15 reps & 4 sets
15,8,6,20 reps (no rest)Distributed by
