Motivational 10/112 Day Body Transformation

  • 11 years ago
One of the best things about training correctly is that everything gets better each time you train, you're stronger, more flexible, and you can see results which is incredibly motivating.

Legs is always hard because they are such a large muscle group and just take it out of you however we were just too strong today. We workout each day for between 60-75 minutes on our most recent quest to show everyday people what it truly takes to transform your mind, body & life through a positive mindset, proper nutrition, and purposeful exercise. This will take 112 days so join us on our journey and help us achieve our goal whilst inspiring millions of people around the planet. We keep it REAL.

In the meantime you can FOLLOW US here

Get YOUR Gymboss Interval Timer HERE
5am 20 minute INTERVAL Cardio Workout
6:00pm Legs Abs1 Workout
7pm 20 minute INTERVAL Cardio Workout

Leg Extention s/s Leg Curls
15, 8, 6, 20 reps (no rest)

Horizontal Leg Press s/s Knee Tuck Abs x 15 15, 8, 6, 20 reps (no rest)Distributed by