Cyprus protesters burn EU flag

  • 11 years ago

A rally organised by left wing political groups in Nicosia on Wednesday (March 27) turned into an angry and emotional attack on the Cypriot government for agreeing to terms of a 10 billion euro bailout with the troika - the EU, the ECB and the IMF.

About 2,500 people, who began their protest outside EU offices, then moved onto the presidential palace to vent their anger at both President Nicos Anastasiades and the EU.

The bailout led to the closure of the second largest bank, a levy on deposits over 100,000 euros and capital restrictions that will include caps of 300 euros a day on cash withdrawals, a ban on cheques and a limit of 5,000 euros ($6,400) per month on money used or transferred abroad. ($1 = 0.7824 euros).

After chanting "I will pay nothing I owe nothing" one protester tore up an EU flag before another person set it on fire.

Banks, which have been closed for more than a week, were due to reopen on Thursd
