Protests continue over U.S. film insulting Islam

  • 12 years ago
Protests against a film defaming Islam have dwindled across much of the world.

But they are still going strong here in Sri Lanka, with protesters condemning the crude, short production that insults the Prophet Mohammad.

On Monday, thousands, including government officials, marched through the capital Colombo shouting anti-U.S. slogans.


"The whole world must know that Muslims have been patient for a long while. They have burned our Koran, they have brought cartoons, and now they start to spoil our beloved Prophet Mohammad's life. Therefore we are gathering to protest against the United States as well as the people involved in this film."

They also shared their anger over cartoons published in France last week that targeted Muslims.

Protests also took place in the Philippines, with about two dozen protesters gathering in Manila to vent their frustration at the film.

Earlier they had sought to block viewers from seeing the film on YouTube or searching for it on Google.

Several people died and scores more were wounded in the attacks on U.S. and Western embassies over the last few weeks prompted by the film .