Elderly Man Found Mummified in Michigan Home

  • 12 years ago
Elderly Man Found Mummified in Michigan Home - as part of the news series by GeoBeats.

Mummification may be a term associated with the ancient times in Egypt; however an elderly man was recently discovered mummified in a Jackson, Michigan home. Police discovered the body of Charles Zigler, after the family called law enforcement for assistance in checking on him, as he had not been seen for some time. Officers discovered the man’s body sitting in a living room chair, in the home he shared with his friend, Linda Chase.

The medical examiner determined Zigler had died in the late 2010, but Chase claims he died around Christmas 2011. Linda openly confessed to police that she kept Zigler’s body and repeatedly forged his name on social security checks and cashed them, but speaks fondly of her friend, citing, “I didn't want to be alone. He was the only guy who was ever nice to me.” Although she has not been arrested yet, prosecutors are now reviewing charges that may be brought against the elderly woman.

Tell us your thoughts - should any charges be brought against the woman?
