Man Hits Girlfriend With Wasabi Laced Jeans

  • 12 years ago
Man Hits Girlfriend With Wasabi Laced Jeans - as part of the news series by GeoBeats.

Wasabi - the real spicy ingredient that we all love to have with sushi. One man found another use for it.

A pair of pants was used by him as a weapon in an assault case involving wasabi covered jeans. The Massachusetts man was arrested for allegedly hitting his girlfriend in the face with the pants after an argument about a text message she had received from another man. The Japanese wasabi sauce that was on the pants splattered into the woman’s eyes and face, which caused severe irritation. When she tried to get in her car and flee, the man reportedly tried to pour more of the spicy horseradish sauce into her car.

In another outrageous assault case, a Greek politician who represents the right wing Golden Dawn party, slapped an opposing party leader in the face several times and threw a glass of water on another while participating in the live television broadcast of a debate.Golden Dawn noted as part of a statement, "Golden Dawn continues its fight for a strong nationalist movement..".
