I502 A Senseless Division and Senseless NEW Penalties

  • 12 years ago
I have been a supporter of full legalization for a very long time, including the controversial Proposition 19 in California.

During Proposition 19 there was a lot of negative emotions stirred up, and there was a lot of back and forth going on. Not just between NORML and Prop19 opponents, but I also had some serious online conflicts with Anti-Prop19 activists as well. Some of these exchanges included insults, threats and very unbecoming behavior. Of which, when things like this occur I use my screen shot software to document it.

But when NORML started receiving criticisms about I-502 and their recent endorsement of this initiative, Russ Belville and other NORML board members and employees have made such claims as opponents of I502 as being “enemies”, during his show on 2/24/2012 titled “Cry Havoc and Let Slip the Dogs of War” this was the theme.
