Gambia, Central River Division: Bednet distribution

  • 12 years ago
2,100 nets were distributed in this rural area of Sami district in the Central River Region of The Gambia. This is a high malaria endemic area of the country. The communities reside about one to two Kilometres alongside the river and lakes otherwise known as riverside or swampy areas. They are predominantly engaged in rice cultivation and animal husbandry. There is abundant stagnant water in the lakes and rice fields due to high rainfall and tidal water from the river. The environment is therefore conducive for a potential mosquito breeding almost throughout the year.

There has been a high incidence in the past with low support of good quality long lasting insecticide treated nets for some vulnerable groups such as children under five and pregnant women. As malaria is endemic in this area, everybody is at high risk. Therefore LLIN intervention will cover not only the vulnerable but the entire population.