Haiti, Port-au-Prince: Bednet distribution

  • 12 years ago
As a result of the earthquake on 12 Jan 2010, there was a large population movement out of Port au Prince. Over 200,000 people have since relocated to the Central Plateau and Artibonite regions. In addition, Partners in Health (PIH) and Zanmi Lasante (ZL) operate four clinics at four spotaneous settlements within the city of Port au Prince.

Malaria is a serious risk in these locations and malaria case rates have increased markedly since the eartquake. 20,000 nets will protect approximately 40,000 people most at risk.

20,000 nets were shipped for distribution in 14 communities: four spontaneous settlements in Port au Prince, seven sites in the Central Plateau and three sites in the Artibonite region of Haiti.