15 Minute Beach Workout - Women's Fitness

  • 13 years ago
15 Minute Beach Workout - part of the women's fitness video series by GeoBeats. Hello, my name is Maria Mizzi from Beach Physique Fitness and today I am going to show you a 15 minute workout that you can do right on the beach that includes strength training and cardio. So let us get started. To begin, we are going to start with a squat-jack. So you want to start with your feet about hip width apart, come down into a seated position, bring your hands to the side, and jump up to the top. Pressing the feet down, lifting up to the top, keeping the core engaged, ready to go. You want to focus on doing about 10 to 20 of those repetitions and then we will move on to the next exercise. Next we are going to focus on reverse lunges, working strength training for the legs. Going to turn to the side here so you can see how it works. With the lunge, we are going for a reverse lunge. you are going to start by bringing your left leg back, stepping down into a lunge position, making sure that knee is behind the toe, bringing that left knee down toward the floor, stepping up, bringing those feet together, slowly coming down, keeping the abs engaged, standing up nice and tall. Focusing here on this side for about 20 repetitions. Turning around, going to the opposite side, doing the same exercise for that leg, lifting up slowly, back down, keeping that knee behind the toe, abs engaged, 20 repetitions on this side. Next we are going to move right into an upper body exercise, so we are going to come down onto the mat. And you want to come all the way down to the mat first so you can line up your hands. Going to come down slowly, lining up your hands with your chest and then lifting yourself up, engaging your abdominal muscles, pressing up into a nice straight line, then taking a deep breath in, leading with the chest, heading down toward the mat, pressing that up. You can also do this in a modified position, by bringing those knees to the floor, still maintaining that tight core and long spine. Coming down slowly, exhale and lift up, pressing that up all the way. Try to bend down, lift those elbows, bringing them to that 90 degree angle and then pressing back up. You want to perform about 10 to 20 of these repetitions before moving on to the next exercise. We are going to repeat those squat-jacks we started in the beginning to bring that cardio back up. So again you are going into that squat-jack position and jumping up. Coming down low and pressing up and doing another 10 to 20 of those, getting that heart rate up. And then we are ready to move into the next exercise for legs. This time we are going to focus on inner and outer thighs. So you are going to bring your feet about hip width apart, sitting down in that squat position and then lifting up that left leg, pointing that toe, back down into the squat position, leaning that leg up towards the thigh, working through that outer thigh as you lift up, pressing through, performing about 10 to 20 on the right hand side, then going towards the left hand side, doing that same movement for the same amount of reps. Next, going back to an arm exercise, an upper body exercise, we are going to incorporate the bands in this exercise. Working through the back, you are going to take a resistance band, holding the band straight out, you are going to stretch the band toward the chest keeping those arms straight, squeezing the back muscles as you reach towards the back, bringing it back up, then you can speed up the motion, tighten through the lats, bringing it back in, keeping that tension on the band. Same with this exercise you want to do about 10 to 20 repetitions before moving on to the next exercise. We are going to put the band down, moving on to the floor for an ab exercise. We are going to start in this position, you want to be seated here, knees bent at about a 90 degree angle, heels placed on the floor. You want a nice straight spine here, sitting up tall, engaging those abdominal muscles. You can bring your hands to the center just to give you some balance, and you want to look straight forward while doing this exercise. And then you want to start to lean slightly back, keeping that torso nice and straight and then lifting up almost as if there is a string coming from your spine leaning you nice and tall. So you lean back to a comfortable movement and then contract the abs on the way up. Slowly bring it down, exhaling on the way up, tightening those core muscles, working through those lower abdominal muscles as well as you lift up to the top. You want to do about 10 to 20 of these exercises. Then once you finish this first circuit, you want to continue on and do the circuit an additional one to two times to finish up your exercise, and finish up with a nice cool-down and stretch. And that will be your 15 minutes at the beach and you will have your full body cardio workout.
