Beach Workout Tips - Women's Fitness

  • 13 years ago
Tips for Working Out on the Beach - part of the women's fitness video series by GeoBeats. Hello, my name is Maria Mizzi from Beach Physique Fitness and here are some tips for working out on the beach. So, one of the things I usually do on the beach, you can do a lot of running on the beach. Sand running is actually more intense sometimes than running on the concrete. You have two options when you are running on the sand. You could run down here on the softer, wetter part of the sand where you are right next to the water here. It is a lot softer on the joints. Your feet are going to melt right into that sand. You can do this with sneakers or you can do this barefoot because you are on this soft sand. If you want to bring up the intensity a little bit, you can move off of the wet sand, onto the dry sand where it is a little bit more firm. It is going to work a little bit more through those ankles, a little bit more pressure through the knees but, there, you also have the option of running in sneakers or riding your feet. Riding the bare feet, enjoying the sand under your feet, great way to get some cardio in. You can even do walking lunges right across the beach. How about this? Does your beach have any piers? If you can see, right behind me, we have a pier to this end and then, on the other end, there is another pier. That is about a mile to two miles. What a great goal to make for yourself. Run from pier to pier whereas, you do not necessarily have to have a pier to make that goal. How about looking at your lifeguard station. Take one lifeguard station and see if you can run from lifeguard number one down towards lifeguard station number two or bring up that, pick up that pace in a walking pace and you can decide to move it from the wet sand or up to the dry sand. You can get a full body workout right here at the beach including with cardio. You can go for a run on the beach. You can do walking lunges on the beach. Have your towel right there and you can begin with some push-ups. You do not need any equipment to get that workout in right here at the beach and get a sun tan at the same time.
