IRGC Cruise Missiles

  • 18 years ago
The Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) started a military exercise in the desert near the holy city of Qom on Thursday by test-firing a variety of missiles manufactured by the Iranian Defense Industry, which is affiliated to the Ministry of Defense.
IRGC Commander Major General Rahim Safavi launched the 10-day military exercise entitled the Great Prophet (S) 2.

The maneuvers are being held to display Iran’s defense capabilities in the missile industry.

Some 15 missiles, including those equipped with cluster warheads and other types of missiles with ranges of between 300 km and 2,000 km, were test-fired on the first day of the maneuvers.

Different models of Shahab missiles equipped with smart warheads for striking targets and capable of evading anti-missile rounds meant to destroy them in mid-air were test-fired.

Dozens of Shahab-2, Shahab-3, Zolfaqar-73, Scud B, Fateh-110, and Zelzal missiles were launched as Safavi and other high-ranking commanders watched, according to a television report.

The cluster warhead of the Shahab-2 has the capability to disperse 1,400 bomblets with great destructive power.

The maneuvers will be conducted in 10 provinces.

Iran test-fires three missiles in Persian Gulf exercises

The IRGC test-fired three new improved missiles on Friday bringing the whole Persian Gulf region within the range of the Islamic Republic's weaponry, Reuters quoted state radio as saying.

“Different kinds of land-to-sea and sea-to-sea missiles were successfully test-fired, including the Kowsar, Nur, and Nasr missiles,” Safavi told state radio.

"The range of the missiles has been increased from 120 km (75 miles) to 170 km (106 miles). They definitely cover the whole area of the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman," he added.
Safavi stated that the new improved missiles brought the whole of the Persian Gulf region, the world's most important oil shipping route, within range of Iranian weaponry.
"The whole area is now under our control," he said. "If enemies want to be safe, they should avoid hostile moves in the Persian Gulf… Today we are overseeing the whole Persian Gulf area."
