Collar bomb suspect to return home

  • 13 years ago
Paul Douglas Peters, wanted in Australia for allegedly strapping a fake bomb to the neck of a teenage girl in a failed extortion plot, waived his right to an extradition hearing in the United States where he was arrested last month.
He's signed an affidavit asking the court to expedite his return to Australia to face charges.
He was arrested in the U.S. after a balaclava-clad intruder broke into the Sydney home of wealthy Australian businessman Bill Pulver.
Pulver's 18-year-old daughter was the only person inside.
The intruder strapped a device to the girl's neck which he said was a bomb that could be detonated by remote control, and left behind a ransom note.
Peters, an investment banker with links to Pulver's company, was traced through an email account, Australian security camera footage and the Range Rover car he drove, according to court documents.
