Yoga - Sun Salutation - Women's Fitness

  • 13 years ago
Yoga - Sun Salutation - part of the women's fitness video series by GeoBeats. Namaste , my name is Kim, from the Dharma Yoga center, in New York city. Here to teach you the Sun salutation today, Surya Namaskara. Originally done about 2500 years ago, as an offering of gratitude for another day of life. It has 12 postures connected together, and it is very good to do this in the morning. Maybe you want to do 12 rounds or so, I am going to show you 2 rounds of it today. And it also helps, some of the benefits are flexibility of the spine and the whole body, warms up the body, preparing it for many other poses, and preparing the body for the events of the day. So start at the beginning, at the front of your mat. Hands in a prayer position. Inhaling reach the arms up and back stretching the body and the spine, pushing the pelvis forward. Exhale, forward and down, hands next to the feet, head down towards the shin bone. If you need to, you may bend your knees. Inhale, step the right leg way back into a lunge, bringing the knee down, move the chest forward and up. It is ok to go on your fingertips here for some extra space. Step the left foot back to plank pose. Exhale knees, chest and chin down to the mat. Inhale, into the cobra pose, moving the chest and the heart forward and up, stretching the legs behind you. Tuck the toes under, lift the seat and press back to downward facing dog. Inhale, step the right foot forward between the hands, left knee down, chest moving forward and up. Exhale, move the left foot forward to meet the right. Inhale, reaching the arms forward, up and back, stretching the body. Exhale, return to the prayer position.
